Why you’re doing big data wrong Ma#hew Painter CTO at import.io

Matthew Painter, CTO at import.io: 'Why You're Doing Big Data Wrong

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Why  you’re  doing  big  data  wrong

Ma#hew  PainterCTO  at  import.io

The  wrong  way

This  is  Jackie

She  is  a  data  scien5st  working  for

She  needs  data  for  pricing  books

She  could  do  this  manually

She  could  do  this  with  web  scrapers

Both  of  these  are  bad

Time  wasted  collec;ng  data

Scrapers  are hard  to  write

The  quick  way

Ge>ng  data  off  the  web  can  be  fast

This  is  Import  Tools

ExtractorFor  single  web  pages

CrawlerFor  en5re  websites

ConnectorRecord  ac5ons

and  Magic…Extract  data  in  API  format  in  three  clicks!

Who’s  using  it?

Perfect  for  data  journalists…

Great  for  developers

Fantas;c  for  small  companies

The  quickest  way

The  struggle  with  scale

This  is  Import  Data

The  data  is  ready  to  use

The  data  is  live

The  data  is  scalable

The  data  will  save  you  ;me

Don’t  let  data  collec;on  issues  

stop  you

Don’t  waste  your  ;me