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Master MCSA Administración de SQL Server 2012

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c/Basílica, 19 - 28020 Madrid - Telf.: 91 553 61 62 - [email protected] - www.cas-training.com


MASTER Administración de Bases de datos SQL SERVER 2012 MCSA Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate SQL Server 2012

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El programa de certificación de Microsoft, ofrece tres niveles de certificación distintos – Serie Tecnológico, Profesional y Arquitecto - cada uno diseñado para validar grados de competencia en conceptos y usos de la Tecnología Microsoft. Cada nivel ofrece un marco de referencia reconocido por la industria y que se aplica a roles de trabajo específicos.

CAS TRAINING ofrece los niveles de certificación: La certificación Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), corresponde a un

nivel básico, que da las bases para dar soporte en el SS.OO. Windows. La certificación Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Server Administrator

representa el experto como Administrador del Servidor Windows 2008, y que en la nueva estructura de certificación pasa a ser MCSA (Solutions Associate)

La obtención de la Certificación MCSA acredita las aptitudes de una persona aumentando su credibilidad profesional con reconocimiento a nivel mundial, garantizando un alto nivel de conocimientos técnicos y experiencia en la Administración de los Servidores de Windows 2008. Es el mejor aliado para desarrollar una prometedora carrera profesional en el sector de las tecnologías de la información. Los profesionales certificados como MCSA tienen una alta demanda en el mundo actual y se espera que dicha demanda crezca por el aumento de instalaciones con tecnología Microsoft alrededor del mundo.



MASTER Administración de bases de datos SQL SERVER 2012 MCSA

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MASTER Administración de bases de datos SQL SERVER 2012 (MCSA)

Horario Tarde: De Lunes a Jueves de 19 a 22 horas

Fin de semana: sábados de 9 a 14 horas

Prácticas Libres:

Viernes de 16:00 a 21:00 horas (según disponibilidad)

Duración Duración: 2 meses (aproximado)

Fecha de inicio Consultar

Lugar C/ Basílica, 19 – 5ª Planta.

Horas Lectivas 105 horas lectivas y guiadas por el Instructor.

Objetivos de Certificación 70-461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 70-462: Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases 70-463: Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL

Server 2012

Dirigido a FP II / III Diplomados en carreras técnicas. Titulados universitarios. Profesionales que deseen actualizar o ampliar sus

conocimientos. Antes de asistir a este curso, los estudiantes deben tener:

o Conocimiento práctico de las bases de datos relacionales.

o Conocimientos básicos del sistema operativo Microsoft Windows y funcionalidad de su núcleo.

Profesorado Profesionales avalados por el fabricante – MCT (Microsoft

Certified Trainers).

Material Carpeta personalizada con el Block de notas, bolígrafo, y

CURRÍCULUM según la estructura de nuestra Base de Datos.

Documentación de Microsoft o MOC 10774A: Querying Microsoft SQL Server

2012 o MOC 10775A: Administering Microsoft SQL

Server 2012 Databases o MOC 10777A: Implementing a Data Warehouse

with Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Certificado de asistencia y aprovechamiento de CAS TRAINING

Metodología Nuestros Masters están basados en métodos docentes que facultan al profesor y orientan al alumno con el fin de conseguir un proceso evolutivo favorable de aprendizaje que permita mantener a los alumnos motivados y estimulados positivamente.

Detección de las necesidades: Se realiza un análisis del mercado laboral actual, y con las carencias observadas, se desarrollan los planes de formación.

Plan de acción: su diseño radica en que los contenidos estén siempre acorde con su temporalización y permitan el tiempo necesario para la asimilación de los conceptos. También se desarrolla el material didáctico y la documentación oficial de acuerdo con las materias, incorporando a las aulas la última tecnología necesaria.

Proceso formativo: Se ejecutan distintas metodologías según el momento. Ninguna es excluyente de la otra, sino que se combinan y desarrollan según la necesidad. En todo momento se alternan las explicaciones teóricas con la elaboración de ejercicios prácticos, siempre relacionados con casos reales. Se incrementan paulatinamente los niveles de complejidad, asegurándonos de eliminar cualquier laguna que pueda perjudicar la asimilación de conceptos de mayor dificultad.

Análisis de resultados: A lo largo del Master, el plan de formación será evaluado de forma continua pudiendo cerrar cada módulo con la certeza que los conocimientos han sido comprendidos y aprendidos. En la etapa final se analizará el proyecto en su conjunto, valorando la calidad obtenida y si los efectos conseguidos son los esperados.

Otras Prestaciones. Un ordenador por persona. Posibilidad de hacer prácticas en aula Seminarios gratuitos relacionados con el lanzamiento de

Nuevas Tecnologías. Importantes descuentos en la compra de documentación

técnica adicional y en material informático (hardware y software).

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MASTER Administración de bases de datos SQL SERVER 2012 (MCSA)

Instalaciones y Equipamiento CAS TRAINING, dispone de un centro de formación situado en la C/ Basílica nº 19 con un total de 753 m2 destinados a salas de formación, zonas de descanso y oficinas. Las instalaciones cuentan con la infraestructura y medios técnicos más avanzados, con el objetivo de ofrecer a nuestros clientes un servicio de alta calidad. Nuestras instalaciones están en un edificio exclusivo de oficinas con fácil acceso desde cualquier parada de transporte público (metro, tren, autobús). Igualmente cuenta con aparcamientos públicos en las inmediaciones. Además de las Salas de Formación, todas ellas con luz natural, el cliente tiene a su disposición una Sala de Examinación certificada por Prometric Testing Center y Pearson VUE como Partners, donde todos aquellos alumnos que lo deseen podrán realizar los exámenes oficiales de los principales Fabricantes de Software y Hardware. Para poder desarrollar una formación de calidad en cursos de Sistemas y de Desarrollo, es imprescindible contar con el equipamiento adecuado. Por ello, los PC´s de las aulas cuentan con procesadores de última generación, entre 1028 y 2048 MB de memoria RAM y disco duro de 80 - 160 GB, además de disponer todas ellas de monitores TFT de 15”, 17” y 19”.

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MASTER Administración de bases de datos SQL SERVER 2012 (MCSA)

MCSA SQL Server 2012

MOC 10774A: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2012

This module introduces the SQL Server platform and major tools. It discusses editions, versions, tools used to query, documentation sources, and the logical structure of databases.

Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Getting Started with SQL Server Management Studio

Module 2: Getting Started with SQL Azure

This module introduces you to the concepts of SQL Azure. If the virtual machines in your classroom are able to connect to the internet and you have a Windows Azure account you may be able to connect to your Azure server and database. Many of the labs in the rest of this course are enabled for you to perform the lab while connected to your own Azure database in the cloud.

Overview of SQL Azure Working with SQL Azure

Module 3: Introduction to T-SQL Querying

This module introduces Transact SQL as the primary querying language of SQL Server. It discusses the basic structure of T-SQL queries, the logical flow of a SELECT statement, and introduces concepts such as predicates and set-based operations.

Introducing T-SQL Understanding Sets Understanding Predicate Logic Understanding the Logical Order of Operations in SELECT

statements Describe the use of sets in SQL Server Describe the use of predicate logic in SQL Server Describe the logical order of operations in SELECT statements

Module 4: Writing SELECT Queries

This module introduces the fundamentals of the SELECT statement, focusing on queries against a single table.

Writing Simple SELECT Statements Eliminating Duplicates with DISTINCT Using Column and Table Aliases Writing Simple CASE Expressions

Module 5: Querying Multiple Tables

This module explains how to write queries which combine data from multiple sources in SQL Server. The module introduces the use of JOINs in T-SQL queries as a mechanism for retrieving data from multiple tables.

Understanding Joins Querying with Inner Joins Querying with Outer Joins Querying with Cross Joins and Self Joins

Module 6: Sorting and Filtering Data

This module explains how to enhance queries to limit the rows they return, and to control the order in which the rows are displayed. The module also discusses how to resolve missing and unknown results.

Sorting Data Filtering Data with a WHERE Clause Filtering with the TOP and OFFSET-FETCH Options Working with Unknown and Missing Values

Module 7: Working with SQL Server 2012 Data Types

This module explains the data types SQL Server uses to store data. It introduces the many types of numeric and special-use data types. It also explains conversions between data types, and the importance of type precedence.

Introducing SQL Server 2012 Data Types Working with Character Data Working with Date and Time Data

Module 8: Using Built-In Functions

This module introduces the use of functions that are built in to SQL Server Denali, and will discuss some common usages including data type conversion, testing for logical results and nullability.

Writing Queries with Built-In Functions Using Conversion Functions Using Logical Functions Using Functions to Work with NULL

Module 9: Grouping and Aggregating Data

This module introduces methods for grouping data within a query, aggregating the grouped data and filtering groups with HAVING. The module is designed to help the student grasp why a SELECT clause has restrictions placed upon column naming in the GROUP BY clause as well as which columns may be listed in the SELECT clause.

Using Aggregate Functions Using the GROUP BY Clause Filtering Groups with HAVING

Module 10: Using Subqueries

This module will introduce the use of subqueries in various parts of a SELECT statement. It will include the use of scalar and multi-result subqueries, and the use of the IN and EXISTS operators.

Writing Self-Contained Subqueries Writing Correlated Subqueries Using the EXISTS Predicate with Subqueries

Module 11: Using Table Expressions

This module introduces T-SQL expressions which return a valid relational table, typically for further use in the query. The module discusses views, derived tables, common table expressions and inline table-valued functions.

Using Derived Tables Using Common Table Expressions Using Views Using Inline Table-Valued Functions

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MASTER Administración de bases de datos SQL SERVER 2012 (MCSA)

Module 12: Using Set Operators

This module introduces operations involving multiple sets of data. It will cover the use of the UNION, UNION ALL, APPLY, CROSS APPLY, OUTER APPLY operators as well as the EXCEPT and INTERSECTS operators.

Writing Queries with the UNION Operator Using EXCEPT and INTERSECT Using APPLY

Module 13: Using Window Ranking, Offset and Aggregate Functions

This module introduces window functions including ranking, aggregate and offset functions. Much of this functionality is new to SQL Server 2012. It will cover the use of T-SQL functions such as ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK, NTILE, LAG, LEAD, FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE to perform calculations against a set, or window, of rows.

Creating Windows with OVER Exploring Window Functions

Module 14: Pivoting and Grouping Sets

This module discusses techniques for pivoting data in T-SQL as well to introduce the fundamentals of the GROUPING SETS clause. It will also cover the use of GROUP BY ROLLUP and GROUP BY CUBE syntax in SQL Server 2012.

Writing Queries with PIVOT and UNPIVOT Working with Grouping Sets

Module 15: Querying SQL Server Metadata

This module introduces the use of SQL Server system objects in T-SQL queries. It will cover the use of system catalog views, system stored procedures, system functions, and dynamic management objects.

Querying System Catalog Views and Functions Executing System Stored Procedures Querying Dynamic Management Objects

Module 16: Executing Stored Procedures

This module introduces the use of existing stored procedures in a T-SQL querying environment. It discusses the use of EXECUTE, how to pass input and output parameters to a procedure, and how to invoke system stored procedures.

Querying Data with Stored Procedures Passing Parameters to Stored Procedures Creating Simple Stored Procedures Working with Dynamic SQL

Module 17: Programming with T-SQL

This module provides a basic introduction to T-SQL programming concepts and objects. It discusses batches, variables, control of flow elements such as loops and conditionals, how to create and execute dynamic SQL statements, and how to use synonyms.

T-SQL Programming Elements Controlling Program Flow

Module 18: Implementing Error Handling

This module introduces the use of error handlers in T-SQL code. It will introduce the difference between compile errors and run-time errors, and will cover how errors affect batches. The module will also cover how to control error handling using TRY/CATCH blocks, the use of the ERROR class of functions, and the use of the new THROW statement.

Using TRY / CATCH Blocks Working with Error Information

Module 19: Implementing Transactions

This module introduces the concepts of transaction management in SQL Server. It will provide a high-level overview of transaction properties, cover the basics of marking transactions with BEGIN, COMMIT and ROLLBACK.

Transactions and the Database Engine Controlling Transactions

Module 20: Improving Query Performance

This module introduces the concepts of system resource usage and the performance impact of querying SQL Server 2012. It will cover, at a high level, the use of indexes in SQL Server, the use of execution plans in SQL Server Management Studio, and the use of SET options to view system resource usage when executing queries. It will also compare set-based operations with cursor-based operations.

Factors in Query Performance Displaying Query Performance Data

MOC 10775A: Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases

Module 1: Introduction to SQL Server 2012 and its Toolset

This module introduces the entire SQL Server platform and its major tools. It covers editions, versions, basics of network listeners, and concepts of services and service accounts.

Introduction to the SQL Server Platform Working with SQL Server Tools Configuring SQL Server Services

Module 2: Preparing Systems for SQL Server 2012

This module covers planning for an installation related to SQL Server I/O requirements, 32 bit vs 64 bit, memory configuration options and I/O subsystem pre-installation checks using SQLIOSim and SQLIO.

Overview of SQL Server Architecture Planning Server Resource Requirements Pre-installation Testing for SQL Server

Module 3: Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2012

This module details installing and configuring SQL Server.

Preparing to Install SQL Server Installing SQL Server Upgrading and Automating Installation

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MASTER Administración de bases de datos SQL SERVER 2012 (MCSA)

Module 4: Working with Databases

This module describes how data is stored in databases, how to create databases, and how to move databases either within a server or between servers.

Overview of SQL Server Databases Working with Files and Filegroups Moving Database Files

Module 5: Understanding SQL Server 2012 Recovery Models

This module describes the concept of the transaction log and SQL Server recovery models. It introduces the different backup strategies available with SQL Server.

Backup Strategies Understanding SQL Server Transaction Logging Planning a SQL Server Backup Strategy

Module 6: Backup of SQL Server 2012 Databases

This module describes SQL Server Backup and the backup types.

Backing up Databases and Transaction Logs Managing Database Backups Working with Backup Options

Module 7: Restoring SQL Server 2012 Databases

This module describes the restoration of databases.

Understanding the Restore Process Restoring Databases Working with Point-in-time recovery Restoring System Databases and Individual Files

Module 8: Importing and Exporting Data

This module covers the use of the import/export wizards and explains how they relate to SSIS. Also introduces BCP.

Transferring Data To/From SQL Server Importing and Exporting Table Data Inserting Data in Bulk

Module 9: Authenticating and Authorizing Users

This module covers SQL Server security models, logins and users.

Authenticating Connections to SQL Server Authorizing Logins to Access Databases Authorization Across Servers

Module 10: Assigning Server and Database Roles

This module covers fixed server roles, user-defined server roles, fixed database roles and user-defined database roles.

Working with Server Roles Working with Fixed Database Roles Creating User-defined Database Roles

Module 11: Authorizing Users to Access Resources

This module covers permissions and the assignment of permissions.

Authorizing User Access to Objects Authorizing Users to Execute Code Configuring Permissions at the Schema Level

Module 12: Auditing SQL Server Environments

This module covers SQL Server Audit.

Options for Auditing Data Access in SQL Implementing SQL Server Audit Managing SQL Server Audit

Module 13: Automating SQL Server 2012 Management

This module covers SQL Server Agent, jobs and job history.

Automating SQL Server Management Working with SQL Server Agent Managing SQL Server Agent Jobs

Module 14: Configuring Security for SQL Server Agent

This module covers SQL Server agent security, proxy accounts and credentials.

Understanding SQL Server Agent Security Configuring Credentials Configuring Proxy Accounts

Module 15: Monitoring SQL Server 2012 with Alerts and Notifications

This module covers the configuration of database mail, alerts and notifications.

Configuration of Database Mail Monitoring SQL Server Errors Configuring Operators, Alerts and Notifications

Module 16: Performing Ongoing Database Maintenance

This module covers database maintenance plans.

Ensuring Database Integrity Maintaining Indexes Automating Routine Database Maintenance

Module 17: Tracing Access to SQL Server 2012

This module covers SQL Profiler and SQL Trace stored procedures.

Capturing Activity using SQL Server Profiler Improving Performance with the Database Engine Tuning

Advisor Working with Tracing Options

Module 18: Monitoring SQL Server 2012

This module introduces DMVs and the configuration of data collection.

Monitoring Activity Capturing and Managing Performance Data Analyzing Collected Performance Data

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MASTER Administración de bases de datos SQL SERVER 2012 (MCSA)

Module 19: Managing Multiple Servers

This module covers Central Management Servers and Multi-Server queries, Virtualization of SQL Server and Data-Tier Applications.

Working with Multiple Servers Virtualizing SQL Server Deploying and Upgrading Data-Tier Applications

Module 20: Troubleshooting Common SQL Server 2012 Administrative Issues

This module covers common issues that require troubleshooting and gives guidance on where to start looking for solutions.

SQL Server Troubleshooting Methodology Resolving Service-related Issues Resolving Concurrency Issues Resolving Login and Connectivity Issues

MOC 10777A: Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Module 1: Introduction to Data Warehousing

This module provides an introduction to the key components of a data warehousing solution and the high-level considerations you must take into account when starting a data warehousing project.

Overview of Data Warehousing Considerations for a Data Warehouse Solution

Module 2: Data Warehouse Hardware

This module describes the characteristics of typical data warehouse workloads, and explains how you can use reference architectures and data warehouse appliances to ensure you build the system that is right for your organization.

Considerations for Building a Data Warehouse Data Warehouse Reference Architectures and Appliances

Module 3: Designing and Implementing a Data Warehouse

In this module, you will learn how to implement the logical and physical architecture of a data warehouse based on industry-proven design principles.

Logical Design for a Data Warehouse Physical Design for a Data Warehouse

Module 4: Creating an ETL Solution with SSIS

This module discusses considerations for implementing an ETL process, and then focuses on SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) as a platform for building ETL solutions.

Introduction to ETL with SSIS Exploring Source Data Implementing Data Flow

Module 5: Implementing Control Flow in an SSIS Package

Control flow in SQL Server Integration Services packages enables you to implement complex ETL solutions that combine multiple tasks

and workflow logic. This module covers how to implement control flow, and design robust ETL processes for a data warehousing solution that coordinate data flow operations with other automated tasks.

Introduction to Control Flow Creating Dynamic Packages Using Containers Managing Consistency

Module 6: Debugging and Troubleshooting SSIS Packages

This module describes how you can debug SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages to find the cause of errors that occur during execution. Then module then covers the logging functionality built into SSIS you can use to log events for troubleshooting purposes. Finally, the module describes common approaches for handling errors in control flow and data flow.

Debugging an SSIS Package Logging SSIS Package Events Handling Errors in an SSIS Package

Module 7: Implementing an Incremental ETL Process

This module describes the techniques you can use to implement an incremental data warehouse refresh process.

Introduction to Incremental ETL Extracting Modified Data Loading Modified Data

Module 8: Incorporating Data from the Cloud into a Data Warehouse

In this module, you will learn about how you can use cloud computing in your data warehouse infrastructure and learn about the tools and services available from the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.

Overview of Cloud Data Sources SQL Server Database The Windows Azure Marketplace

Module 9: Enforcing Data Quality

Ensuring the high quality of data is essential if the results of data analysis are to be trusted. This module explains how to use the SQL Server 2012 Data Quality Services (DQS) to provide a computer assisted process for cleansing data values and identifying and removing duplicate data entities.

Introduction to Data Quality Using Data Quality Services to Cleanse Data Using Data Quality Services to Match Data

Module 10: Using Master Data Services

This module introduces Master Data Services and explains the benefits of using it in a data warehousing context. The module also describes the key configuration options for Master Data Services, and explains how to import and export data. Finally, the module explains how to apply rules that help to preserve data integrity, and introduces the new Master Data Services Add-in for Excel.

Introduction to Master Data Services

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MASTER Administración de bases de datos SQL SERVER 2012 (MCSA)

Implementing a Master Data Services Model Using the Master Data Services Add-in for Excel

Module 11: Extending SQL Server Integration Services

This module describes the techniques you can use to extend SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). The module is not designed to be a comprehensive guide to developing custom SSIS solutions, but to provide an awareness of the fundamental steps required to use custom components and scripts in an ETL process that is based on SSIS.

Using Custom Components in SSIS Using Scripts in SSIS

Module 12: Deploying and Configuring SSIS Packages

SQL Server Integration Services provides tools that make it easy to deploy packages to another computer. The deployment tools also manage any dependencies, such as configurations and files that the package needs. In this module, you will learn how to use these tools to install packages and their dependencies on a target computer.

Overview of SSIS Deployment Deploying SSIS Projects Planning SSIS Package Execution

Module 13: Consuming Data in a Data Warehouse

This module introduces Business Intelligence (BI), describes the components of SQL Server that you can use to create a BI solution, and the client tools that users can use to create reports and analyze data.

Introduction to Business Intelligence Introduction to Reporting Introduction to Data Analysis