The Mass EduData Challenge Organized & Sponsored BY: Industry Sponsors:

Massachusetts EduData Challenge May 28 - July 8, 2014

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The Mass EduData Challenge, a six week data challenge aimed at acquiring unique insights from a comprehensive cache of Massachusetts education data, will launch at hack/reduce in Cambridge on May 28th. The goal of this inaugural data challenge is to drive better insight and understanding from historical data sets provided by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Analysis of these data sets and potential relationships to external data will help to better inform the Commonwealth’s decisions around education policy. Insights may include the illustration of the relationships between educational funding and student success, insight into statewide tests scores, or the distribution and predictability of certain educational outcomes. Participants can register for the Mass EduData Challenge as a team or as an individual by visiting http://bit.ly/1trkE80 and anyone can view the submissions as they come in and cast their vote for the data challenge winners.

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Page 1: Massachusetts EduData Challenge May 28 - July 8, 2014

The Mass EduData Challenge

Organized & Sponsored BY:

Industry Sponsors:

Presentation Notes
We’re spending our time at hack/reduce closely looking at every aspect of managing and leveraging Big Data. �We believe that the means of Big Data.. The technologies and the data itself, are limited. We’re here to change that. �We see that at our events, our participants are learning, creating, tackling issues, solving hard problems, and collaborating amongst peers whom they may have not ever had a chance to work with elsewhere.
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Get the buzz out!

#MassEduData #MassBigData

@hackreduce @mass_tech

@MassInnov8 @MassBigData

Page 3: Massachusetts EduData Challenge May 28 - July 8, 2014


7:15pm -- Welcome! • Pat Larkin, MassTech • Tony Parham , OGIO • Sharon Wright, EOE • Jeff Wulfson, Mass DESE • Elizabeth Graham, HubSpot • Tej Chigateri, Socrata • Christopher Scranton, MassTech • Data Deep Dive – Rob Curtin, DESE 8:00pm – Data Q&A, Rob Curtin & Reid Serozi, Socrata

8:15pm – Team Building & 1-on-1 Mentoring

10:00pm – Good Night!

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Competition Timeline

May 28th – Kick-off and Data Deep Dive June 30th – 5:00pm Deadline for Submissions July 8th – Winners Announced & Award

Tweet about it! #MassEduData @MassDESE @mass_tech @hackreduce

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Rules, Submissions, Voting, etc. https://www.hackerleague.org/hackathons/mass-edudata-challenge

Presentation Notes
All must create an account…. �You can start submitting at (insert time) You can keep editing and adding to that until (insert time) Submissions end at exactly (insert time) and not a minute after! Once we determine how many teams there are, we’ll let you know exactly how much time you’ll have to present your work.
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Prizes Best Use of Data $1,500 & a Google Nexus Tablet Most Visually Compelling $1,500 & a Google Nexus Tablet Crowd Favorite $1,000 & a Google Nexus Tablet Collaborative Data Contribution $500

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Prizes - Startups HubSpot Automatic placement into HUBSPOT JUMPSTART:A Scholarship Program For Seed-Stage Startups Qualification requirements waived and reduced fee for participation

Learn Launch A startup strategy session with Jean Hammond and Eileen Rudden - angel investors

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Data Access and Overview

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Data Access and Overview

• Access to the data available for the challenge

• Overview of data available

• What does the ESE already have?

• How you can help the ESE and your community?

• Contact information

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Dataset Access -- on Socrata


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Dataset Format

• Data are in CSV (comma separated value) format

• Years available are listed in the file title and are identified within each file

• Easy to use in • Excel, LibreOffice, etc • Most programming languages

• Data dictionary provided

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Available Datasets

• Data have been exported from the ESE school and district profiles – deep dive • Years available vary by file type. For example…

•Student enrollment 1995-2014 •Graduation rates 2006-2013 •MCAS 2007-2013 •Educator 2008-2014 •Finance 2005-2012

• ESE research files available

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What does the ESE already have?

• District and school profiles • District and school report cards • District Analysis, Review and Assistance Tools (DART) http://www.doe.mass.edu/apa/dart/ • Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) http://www.doe.mass.edu/edwin/analytics/ewis.html • Charter School Analysis and Review Tool (CHART) http://www.doe.mass.edu/charter/chart/

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How You Can Help the ESE?

• Help us display our data in a manner that is more user-friendly and informative to the public

• Possible use of maps for data points

• Quick reference tools

• Identifying new & novel relationships with other, external data sets, explaining patterns, comparative analysis – bring your own insights!

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Contact & Support •Questions on “what the data is” can be directed to: [email protected] and responses will be provided within a business day.

•Questions on Data Analysis & Requests for Guidance can be directed to: Office Hours with HubSpot's CIO (see data challenge website for contact info)

•Questions on Mass Edu Data Challenge rules and details can be directed to: Christopher Scranton – [email protected]