Copyright 2013 - John Schaef Presentation Objectives Defining Data Driven Pages and Map Books Creating Layout pages with Data Driven Pages Using Dynamic Text with Data Driven Pages Using ArcPy to create Map Books This presentation available at www.junipergis.com>GIS- Links>Presentations 1/21 Creating Map Books in ArcGIS

Map Books with ArcGIS

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Creating Map Books using Data Driven Pages in ArcGIS

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Page 1: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Presentation Objectives

Defining Data Driven Pages and Map Books

Creating Layout pages with Data Driven Pages

Using Dynamic Text with Data Driven Pages

Using ArcPy to create Map Books

This presentation available at www.junipergis.com>GIS-Links>Presentations


Creating Map Books in ArcGIS

Page 2: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – A method to create a series of layout pages from a single map.


Creating Map Books

Page 3: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Map Book– A collection of layout pages, title page, overview/location map, and other documents such as reports.

Organized and compiled using ArcPy.Mapping


Creating Map Books

Page 4: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Mapping and ArcPY

ArcGIS 10 includes a new implementation of Python, using the ArcPy module.

arcpy.mapping – has many functions to automate map creation and editing layouts.

mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\GIS\TownCenter_2009.mxd")for textElement in arcpy.mapping.ListElements(mxd, "Text"):

if textElement.text == "GIS Services Division 2009": textElement.text = "GIS Services Division 2010"

arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd, r"C:\GIS\TownCenterUpdate_2010.pdf")del mxd


Creating Map Books

Page 5: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Key Elements

Detail Data Frame - the Data Frame with the data


Creating Map Books

Page 6: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Key Elements

Index Layer - a feature layer that determines the extent of each page.

Can be any existing feature layer, including polygon, line, or point layer.

New Map grid can be created using the Grid Index Features or Strip Map Index Features tool in the Data Driven Pages toolset.


Creating Map Books

Page 7: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Key Elements

Name Field - Used to name each page.

Sort Field - sets the order of pages for printing.

Page Number - can start with any number, does not need to be sequential.

Page Index - Not necessarily same as page number.


Creating Map Books

Page 8: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – ArcToolbox Toolset

Calculate Adjacent Fields – calculates the North, Northeast, South, etc. pages.

- 10.0 must be regular grid with adjacent polygons.


Creating Map Books

Page 9: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – ArcToolbox Toolset

Calculate Central Meridian and Parallels

- Calculates Coordinate System, Central Meridian, and Parallels

Calculate UTM Zone

- Calculates UTM zone and Coordinate System

Calculate Grid Convergence Angle

- Calculates angle from true north


Creating Map Books

Page 10: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – ArcToolbox Toolset

Grid Index Features – creates a regular polygon grid.


Creating Map Books

Page 11: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – ArcToolbox Toolset

Strip Map Index Features – creates a strip grid following a linear feature


Creating Map Books

Page 12: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Data Driven Tools Toolbar

Page Setup

Page Navigation

Page Text

Can also use other dynamic text


Creating Map Books

Page 13: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Page Setup Definition

Enable DD Pages

Data Frame

Index Layer

Name Field

Sort Field


Spatial Reference

Page Number

Starting Page


Creating Map Books

Page 14: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Page Setup Extent

How much space to set around each page



Creating Map Books

Page 15: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Process

Create or set an index feature layer and add the appropriate fields

Calculate fields for page numbers, names, central meridian, rotation, scale etc.

Enable Data Driven Pages from the Data Driven Pages Toolbar or from Page and Print setup.

Set Data Driven Pages properties and extent.

Best to have separate MXD for creating a map series.


Creating Map Books

Page 16: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Process

Design the layout; might be different than for a single layout.

Dynamic Elements - Extent, Scale Bar, Map Scale, North Arrow, Page Name, Page Number, dynamic text, etc.

Static Elements – Size and orientation of layout page and data frame(s), static text, Neatlines


Creating Map Books

Page 17: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Process

Adding Dynamic Text

Editing to add other text elements – preStr = “Page “, emptyStr = “”, postStr


Creating Map Books

Page 18: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Exporting Map Books

Can export as single pages or a multi-page document.


Creating Map Books

Page 19: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer

Data Driven Pages – Creating Map Books with ArcPy

ArcPy can create an Adobe document and then append documents as needed. Can also be used for map books with different right and left pages.


Creating Map Books

Page 20: Map Books with ArcGIS

Copyright 2013 - John Schaeffer


Creating Map Books

Demonstrations – Creating Map Books

Page 21: Map Books with ArcGIS


Linear Referencing

Editing Tips

Spatial Analyst and Raster Analysis

Geodatabase Topology

Suitability Modeling


Using the Query Builder

Projections on U Tube

Other Presentations

Creating Map Books

21/21 – end show