Managing SAP ® Sybase ASE with Toad A Guide for Oracle ® DBAs

Managing SAP Sybase ASE with Toad - A guide for Oracle DBAs

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Today, many Oracle® DBAs are being asked to begin managing Sybase® ASE in addition to their other databases. This can be a daunting new responsibility, since there’s so much to learn and so little time to learn it. Toad™ for Sybase® can help. If you already use Toad™ for Oracle®, you’ll find that Toad for Sybase is very similar, making your new job much easier. And if you have never used Toad, you’ll discover why Toad is the most popular database management tool on the market and quickly become an effective Sybase administrator.

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Page 1: Managing SAP Sybase ASE with Toad - A guide for Oracle DBAs

Managing SAP® Sybase ASE with Toad™

A Guide for Oracle® DBAs

Page 2: Managing SAP Sybase ASE with Toad - A guide for Oracle DBAs

2 Software

Today many Oracle DBAs are being asked to begin managing

other databases such as SAP Sybase ASE. This can be a

daunting new responsibility, since there’s so much to learn and

so little time to learn it.

Toad for Sybase can help. If you already use Toad for Oracle,

you’ll find that Toad for Sybase is very similar, making your new

job much easier.

If you’ve never used Toad, you’ll quickly discover why Toad is

the most popular database management tool on the market.

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Reduce your learning curve with Toad

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For Those who already use Toad for Oracle

1 Feature Set







5 Connected Intelligence

• The features are similar between Toad for Oracle and Toad for Sybase.

• The navigation is the same for example, the keyboard shortcuts and menus.

• The workflow is object-action oriented

• Help is available with a simple right click or press of the F1 key.

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For anyone with an Oracle background

1 Toad makes it easy to set up Sybase database connections

2 Toad generates scripts (a great learning tool if you are a new to Sybase)

3 Toad knows the Sybase command syntax, so you don’t have to

4 Utilities can be run or scheduled by the most junior Sybase DBA

5 Explain tables are transparent, so you can tune Sybase SQL with confidence

6 Sybase configuration parameters are easily managed

7 All current Sybase database connections and their key metrics can be accessed quickly

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Toad for Sybase helps Oracle professionals quickly become productive Sybase DBAs

• How to connect to Sybase databases from a workstation

• How to write scripts to run tasks against a Sybase database

• Sybase commands and SQL syntax for scripting

• Sybase utility nuances, and how to use various options that are available

• Methods of studying explain plans for Sybase SQL statements

• How and when to change Sybase configuration parameters

• Ways to see current connections to a Sybase database and take action if problems is found

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Commonly used Toad features for Sybase and Oracle

Administration of the database

Device Table Index View Trigger

The following create/alter/drop objects are basically the same

Stored Procs

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Commonly used Toad features for Sybase and Oracle Cont’d

• Each Sybase database (a server can have many) its own segments and log files.

• In both Toad solutions, you can view and kill applications and sessions (provided you have the proper permissions).

• In both Toad solutions, you can grant and revoke database privileges.

• You will see Sybase devices in Toad Administration, Toad Space Management and Spotlight

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Commonly used Toad features for Sybase and Oracle

SQL Tuning

Dell SQL Optimizer for Sybase functions like SQL Optimizer for Oracle

Interface is a bit different, but the same functions are performed

It is launched from Toad for Sybase with or without a SQL statement in context to tune

SQL statements can be rewritten automatically

Scenarios can be executed side-by-side to find the fastest alternative

Index recommendations can be provided by Toad’s artificial intelligence engine

Index impact on SQL workloads is provided in statement cost-comparison graphs

Valid DDL is generated, displayed and saved and it can be executed to create a new index

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A comparison of SAP Sybase and Oracle terms Oracle Sybase

Database Database Server

Schema Database object owned be the same user

Tablespace Aspects of an ASE database, database device or a segment (a tablespace in Oracle is more like a device in Sybase ASE)

Segment Any database object that has space allocated (such as a table, index or materialized view)

Undo/rollback tablespace Transaction log

Online Redo Logs Transaction log

User User. However, note that in Oracle, a user is a thing. In Sybase, a user is an OS thing that becomes a Sybase user once grants are executed for it; a Sybase user must first exist as an OS user

Role Role

Table Table

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To see more key terms and a visual tour of Toad for Sybase and much more, download the entire tech brief at https://software.dell.com/techbrief/managing-sap-sybase-ase-with-toad-a-guide-for-oracle-dbas827739/ and get on your way to easier workdays with Toad!

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