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Managing Innovation Using Content Management and Workflow

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Managing innovation results in improved products and services, and organisational profitability and longevity. This presentation shows a process for collecting and acting on innovation

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Page 1: Managing Innovation Using Content Management and Workflow

An Integrated Content Management and Workflow Solution

Simon Rawson

Copyright© 2003, 2014 PowerMark Solutions

Page 2: Managing Innovation Using Content Management and Workflow

Managed Innovation turns ideas into reality

Managed Innovation is both a system and a business process. It takes suggestions, comments, ideas and criticisms of your company and its products and services and puts them through an impartial, managed review process resulting in action

Managed Innovation draws on ideas from management, staff, clients, suppliers and business partners

Managed Innovation is backed by a set of resources including an information management system. It can however can be implemented in any existing content management and workflow system already in place

Managed Innovation works best and most simply the larger and more diverse the organisation

The bottom line is the bottom line – Managed Innovation improves the bottom line and organisational longevity

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Ideas, suggestions, problems, comments are received (preferably online)

An initial review screens out frivolous entries. Patently valuable entries (or notice of a critical problem) can be escalated

A panel reviews entries monthly. The review process uses de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats principles

The review outcome can be approved, parked or referred for research / opinion

Budget appropriation, timelines and action agendas are determined for approved entries

Approved entries are sanctioned as projects

Scorecard reports are kept against projects – monitoring progress, outcomes and benefits and providing management reporting

Rewards are assigned. Feedback about progress is provided to the initiator

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Business Partners

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Suggestions are collected at every point of contact of service delivery – Face-to-face, IVR, payment, online. It’s at this point process participants think to themselves, “If only xyz – that would have worked much better.”

The evaluation process is impartial and anonymous. Source is not known until the evaluation is complete. A suggestion can have come from the MD or the mailboy

It automatically provides feedback – nothing kills new initiatives like lack of communication

All suggestions must have a decision – even if it’s, “Thanks, but no thanks.”

“If not now, then maybe later.” No suggestions deemed potentially valuable are deleted – they are merely parked

Recognition is important to drive ongoing commitment and enthusiasm

Automation is used to ensure the process is rigorous without requiring significant administration – it’s easy to implement

“We listen.” Improve your public image as a dynamic, service driven organisation

Big Bang versus Little Bang. It can be implemented as a big or small (ie low cost) initiative. It can be keyed to customer satisfaction surveys. You can attach, “How Can We Improve?” buttons to online forms

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Senior management support and an innovation policy

It implements a new management process – good change management is needed. It must be advertised and marketed constantly until behavioural change has occurred

Budgets and staff are required to turn ideas into action

Review panel members must have authority and disciplines for evaluation and critical thinking – they must be capable of seeing the essence of value and the many ways it can effect the organisation. Coaching and mentoring in these roles is provided

A communications and cultural development strategy must be put into place to promote uptake, cultural change, publicise wins and make the program an ongoing success

Recognition and feedback completes the loop – and powers an upward spiral

The technology is the lesser part of the programme, however systems support is vital in making the programme responsive and efficient – leave people to generate ideas and make decisions. Let systems take care of the grind

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Ford – A production line worker devised the concept for a rotating dolly which moved down the production line – several $100 mill value in accumulated efficiency savings

Channel 7 – “Listening posts” – Many small innovations have took them from perennial bridesmaid to then leader in ratings

Honeywell – Devised an innovation strategy for their Australian operations which was then rolled out to their 50,000 employees worldwide. A requirement for innovation is now built into every job description

United Energy – A staff-run recognition / reward system – staff were encouraged to take ownership of problems and resolve them as early as possible – customer satisfaction went up and costs of rectification plummeted (based on FedEx model)

Edward de Bono – Short stay parking problems are usually solved by parking meters and parking inspectors – expensive and complicated – suggested instead making it compulsory to leave headlights on while away – suggestion adopted by a Council

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New products and services

Improved delivery of products and services

Increased revenue

Reduced costs

Improved staff morale

Increased customer satisfaction

Increased organisational responsiveness