Making own AMP stack with Homebrew on a Mac Raimonds Kalniņš Wunderkraut Latvia

Making own AMP stack with Homebrew on a Mac

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Page 1: Making own AMP stack with Homebrew on a Mac

Making own AMP stack with Homebrew on a


Raimonds Kalniņš Wunderkraut Latvia

Page 2: Making own AMP stack with Homebrew on a Mac


- Historically a bundle of Apache, Mysql and PHP

- Today refers to various combos of web server components

- LAMP: Linux + AMP

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- There are number of options to set up AMP on a Mac

- But there is also lack of - choice / customisation - performance

What is the problem?

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Options to set up AMP

- Built-in Apache and PHP - AMP software bundles (MAMP, XAMPP) - Virtualisation software - Package manager (Homebrew)

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Built-in Apache and PHP

- Good - It’s there already on the system - Only DB server needs to be added

- Bad - Hardly customisable - Can’t do without sudoing - Can’t start fresh if things go wrong

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Built-in Apache and PHP

You don’t want to sing this song at the end of the day if built-in binaries/config files become corrupted.

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AMP software bundles

- Good - Easy to set up - Easy to reinstall / remove

- Bad - Partly customisable - Lots of (usually) unwanted stuff

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Virtualisation software

- Good - Fully customisable - Easy to reinstall / remove

- Bad - Performance overhead

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Package manager

- Good - Fully customisable - Easy to reinstall / remove - Full speed

- Bad - Outdated packages - Package manager prone to major

internal changes

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Homebrew lingo

Formula A package definition file

Tap A repository of Formulae

More information can be found on Homebrew project website.

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Homebrew requirements

- OS X 10.6 (10.7 is recommended) - Intel CPU is recommended - Command line tools for Xcode*

* Install with xcode-select --install

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The Plan - HAMP

- Install Homebrew - Install Apache 2.4 - Install MariaDB 10 - Install PHP 5.6 - Install Drush 7

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HAMP requirements

Before setting up HAMP, these taps need to be added: - brew tap homebrew/apache - brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php

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Installing the software

Run - brew install http24 - brew install mariadb - brew install php56 - brew install drush

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Configure the software

Make changes to httpd.conf: - ServerName localhost:8080 - AllowOverride All - LoadModule php5_module [..]/libphp5.so - LoadModule rewrite_module [..]/

mod_rewrite.so - DirectoryIndex index.php - AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Secure MariaDB: - mysql_secure_installation

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