Linus Torvalds

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Linus Torvalds: Father of Linux

Who is this Linus?

Linus Torvalds is best known for initiating the development of the Linux kernel, now acting as the project's coordinator.

The Linux kernel is the most prominent example of free and open-source software to this day.

Education and Origins

Linus was born in Finland to Anna and Nils Torvalds, both of whom were radical journalists who graduated from the University of Helinski in the early sixties.Linus attended the University of Helinski, graduating with a masters in Computer Science.

His Creation

Linus was first exposed to the idea of Open Source software through his creation of CoolMan, a simple recreation PacMan. He began to write his own seperate kernel as a form of self tutoring.

Linus's kernel took off slowly among the computer world's backwaters, and he began to gather other programmers' contributions to his coding, asking them to improve on it.

Linux as a Business

The Linux Mark Institute is owned entirely by Torvalds, and provides services for the implementation and documentation of Linux based products.

Mistakes in Business

None really. He runs a non-profit organization subsiding off of charitable donations. He's never really lost a court case or engaged in anything that would require him to fight one.

Linus, Linus, Wherefor art thou Linus?

Linus currently resides in Portland, Oregon with his wife Tove and three daughters. He heads the Linux Mark Institute and will probably reside in that position unto his death.

Some Interesting Facts

The smallest computer in the world(The picotux) runs on a Linux Operating System.

Last year 75% of Linux code was written by programmers working for corporations

The Sequoia (what is to be the worlds most powerful supercomputer) will be released in 2011 with a Linux OS

Linux powers 446 of the worlds 500 fastest supercomputers

The first major film produced using Linux servers was 1997's Titanic

Google runs its web servers on Linux

It would cost 7.37 billion dollars to recreate a Linux Operating System, which was originally made for free.

Every single Linux OS is completely free, and is supported and updated more frequently than any other OS.

Linux only has 1.02% of marketshare on desktops.

Some Open-Source Projects

Some random memes

Recognitions Awarded

2010 Listed in the book The 100 Most Influencial Inventors of All Time

2008 Inducted into the Hall of Fellows of The Computer History Museum

2006 Time Magazine lists Torvalds as one of the Revolutionary Heroes of the last 60 years.

2005 Awarded the Vollum Award from Reed College

2001 Awarded the Taketa award for Social/Economic Well-Being

2000 Placed #17 at Time Magazine's Person of the Century Poll over MLK Jr. and Nelson Mandela

1998 Linus received an EFF Pioneer Award.