1 1 www.understandquran.co m Short Course Short Course Begin to Understand Begin to Understand Qur’an & Salah – The Easy Way Qur’an & Salah – The Easy Way Lesson No. 6 Lesson No. 6 www.understandQuran.com www.understandQuran.com Make sure you download the fonts sent with the email or visit the website and download them.

Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr

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This is the most easiest way to develop LIVE relationship with Quran. PLEASE DONT MISS IT.!!!!

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Short Course Short Course

Begin to Understand Begin to Understand Qur’an & Salah – The Easy WayQur’an & Salah – The Easy Way

Lesson No. 6 Lesson No. 6

www.understandQuran.comwww.understandQuran.comMake sure you download the fonts sent with the email or visit the website and download them.

Page 2: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


In this lessonIn this lesson……

Qur’an:Qur’an: Al-AsrAl-Asr

Grammar:Grammar: PrepositionsPrepositions ، �ل� ، ل

�، م�ع ، ع�ن ، م�ع�م#ن ، ع�ن م#ن

Educational tip:Educational tip: Use your right brainUse your right brain

Page 3: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


Surah Al-AsrSurah Al-Asr

Memorize the meanings of each word thoroughly.Memorize the meanings of each word thoroughly.

Page 4: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


ص�ر ع� ص� ۃ ا ع� ص�رۃ و ع� ص� ۃ ا ع� ۃ و

ان� {{11}}و�ال ع�ص ر# و�ال ع�ص ر# �#نس #ن7 اإل ان� إ �#نس #ن7 اإل � إ �ل ر;ف#ي ف#ي ل ر;خ>س خ>س


�7ذ#ين #ال7 ال 7ذ#ين� إ #ال7 ال >واإ >واآم�ن >وا و� و�آم�ن >واع�م#ل #ح�ات# ع�م#ل #ح�ات#الص7ال الص7ال

��و�اص�و او�و �و�اص�و ات #ت # ب �و�اص�و او�و�ال ح�قL ال ح�قL ب �و�اص�و ات #ت # ب {{33}} الص7ب ر#الص7ب ر# ب




Page 5: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


– – قواعدقواعدGrammarGrammar

Page 6: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


heheعو عوۃ� ۃ�theytheyص� ص�ۃ� ۃ�youyouع� ص� ع�أا ص� أاyou you allallص� ۃ� ص� ص�أا ۃ� ص� أاIIا� �اأن أن

wewe<ح ن� �ح ن>ن ن

TPI (Total Physical Interaction): See it; say it; show it; listen to it;

think it;…

These 6 words have These 6 words have occurredoccurred 1295 1295

times times in the Qur’anin the Qur’an


Page 7: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


ۃ��ه ۃ��هع� his Rabbhis Rabb،،ع�

ص� ۃ� ۃ�� ص�ع� ۃ� ۃ�� their Rabbtheir Rabbع�

�ع ۃ�� ع�ع� ۃ�� your Rabbyour Rabbع�

ص� �ۃ ۃ�� ص�ع� �ۃ ۃ�� your Rabbyour Rabbع�

ب��ي ب��يع� my Rabbmy Rabbع�

ع!ا ۃ�� ع!اع� ۃ�� our Rabbour Rabbع�When practicing in

Arabic, say it as if you are talking to Arabs

Cherisher and sustainer

fب �ر


Page 8: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr





ع% ع$ه�ا---

ۃ&ۃ& --ص� -- ص�ۃ� ۃ�ع'ع' --ص� -- ص�ۃ) ۃ)يي --ع�اع�ا --

These prepositions These prepositions

have occurred have occurred 49604960 times in the Quran times in the Quran

with the 7 pronouns.with the 7 pronouns.

Page 9: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


for for

ع*ع" ص� �ۃ ۃ! ب,ي ص� ب,ينب" ۃ) #عي


ل� ل�ل� ل�م مل� ل�ل*يل-ن-اا ل-ه-

Page 10: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


م�ہ 'مم م�� مل� م� ل�م م� مم م� مم م� م��ي م م��ا ل من0 ل�ام*


به ب�ا�ل ۃ. ۃعو عنعأا ع0انب$ ص1 ع�2 ا�

Page 11: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


م�ہ 'ل�م م�� ل�ل� م� ل�ل� م� ل�م م� مل� م� ل���ي م ل���ا ل ل�ل�ا م� ل�


ض#ي� الله � >ر

>ع�ن ه

Page 12: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


ل�ہ 'لم ل�� لل� ل� ل�ل ل� لم ل� مل ل� ل

م-ع*يع-ن لام-ل�ا ل� ل


ع�ن ا�له ع%ع إا برينع$ ب� ع��ا ا�

Page 13: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


قواعد قواعد

ب,ين : ل#ع" عي ب� ع* ص� �ۃ ۃ! ب,ي ص� �ۃ ع�

ع0ان ب$ن: ص1 ع�2 عن ا� ب$ به ب�ا�ل ۃ. ۃعو عأا

ر�ضي الله عنه، ععن:ب��1 !� ع بن ا� عع

ع%: برين ع$ ب� ع��ا ع% ا� ع$ ع ع�ن ا�له إا

ه'--م�ه-- ل�ل�----م---- م� �ي--ن-ا--ا-- ه-

These prepositions have These prepositions have

occurred occurred 49604960 times in the times in the Quran with the 7 pronouns.Quran with the 7 pronouns.

Page 14: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr



ع�ه ص!ه،ع$ ص!ه>عع ،ع�ه>ب$

ص� ۃ� ع� ص�ع$ ۃ� ص! ص�عع ۃ� ص! ص�ب$ ۃ� ع��ع ع� ع�ع$ ص! ع�عع ص! ع�ب$ ع�ص� �ۃ ع� ص�ع$ �ۃ ص! ص�عع �ۃ ص! ص�ب$ �ۃ ع�بب�ي ب�!يع$ ب�!يعع ب�يب$ع!ا ع� �!اع$ ع �!اعع ع ع!اب$ ع�ع�ا ع� ع�اع$ ص! ع�اعع ص! ع�اب$ ع�

Page 15: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


Learning TipLearning Tip

Use your right brain!!!Use your right brain!!!

Page 16: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


نمونه A QuadrantايكLogical


MathematicalProblem Solver

D QuadrantArtisticHolistic





B Quadrant



TalkerC Quadrant

© Herrmann International Group™ 2000-2003

Page 17: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


Use your right brain – Use your right brain – meaning…meaning…

Think big and colorfulThink big and colorful

Ponder over the meanings and Ponder over the meanings and

involve your feelings and involve your feelings and


Page 18: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


What have we learntWhat have we learnt??

Quran:Quran: fق�7، ح #ال 7، ح�قfإنسان، إ #ال إنسان، إetc.etc.

Grammar:Grammar: PrepositionsPrepositions ، ، ل� ، م#ن ل� ، م#ن

�، م�ع ، م�ع�ع�ن ع�ن

Educational tip:Educational tip: Use your right brain!Use your right brain!Study the material Study the material thoroughly, and then fill up thoroughly, and then fill up

the work sheet in the .pdf file the work sheet in the .pdf file sent with the email.sent with the email.

Page 19: Lesson No. 6 Surah Asr


Be ready for the next Be ready for the next lessonlesson!!

Let us not be soooo busy as not to spare even 15 min. for the book of Allah.

Don’t give up!

��ك ان �ب ح #ح�م د#ه# س> ب ح�ان� الله# و�ب س> �#ح�م د#ك الله>م7 و�ب

�ك �غ ف#ر> ت �س �ن ت� ن 7 أ #ال �ه� إ #ل 7 إ �ن ال ه�د> أ �ش ن��ي ك #ل >وب> إ �ت و�ن