Le's talk about animals

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Page 1: Le's talk about animals


Page 2: Le's talk about animals

Living things

Animals are living things because they are born, they grow, they reproduce and they die.

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Animals with feathersAnimals with feathers

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Animals covered with furAnimals covered with fur

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Animals with scalesAnimals with scales

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These animals eat grass and other plants. They are herbivores

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These animals eat other animals

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Viviparous animalsViviparous animals

These animals are born From their mother’s womb.

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Oviparous animalsOviparous animals

They are born from eggs.

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Vertebrate animalsVertebrate animals

They have bones

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Invertebrate animasInvertebrate animas

They don’t have bones.

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Vertebrate animalsVertebrate animals

Page 14: Le's talk about animals

They are born from eggs.

They have fins to swim.

They breathe through gills.

Their body is covered by scales.


Page 15: Le's talk about animals

El galloThey are born from eggs.

Their body is covered by feathers.

They live on land but have wings to fly.

They breathe through lungs


Page 16: Le's talk about animals

They are born from eggs.

They live in water and on land.

They breathe through gills or lungs.

They are covered by scales.


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They are born from their mother’s womb.

They are covered by fur.

They breathe through lungs.

They eat milk from their mother’s body.


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They are born from eggs.

They are covered by scales or shells

They breathe through lungs.

They crawl or they walk.

They live on land. Reptiles