KOSIMap Use of Description Logic Reasoning to Align Heterogeneous Ontologies

KOSIMap @ DL2010

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Use of Description Logic Reasoning to Align

Heterogeneous Ontologies

Page 2: KOSIMap @ DL2010

DL 2010 Workshop Waterloo, Canada 2


• KOSIMap stands for Knowledge Organisation System Implicit Mapping

• KOSIMap uses DL reasoning:– To extract background knowledge about

ontological entities;– To reduce the impact of syntax

heterogeneity;– To remove inappropriate mappings from an


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DL 2010 Workshop Waterloo, Canada 3

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DL 2010 Workshop Waterloo, Canada 4

DL Processing (I)

• Classify the ontology using DL-reasoner

• Transformation rules for getting properties associated with a concept

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DL 2010 Workshop Waterloo, Canada 5

DL Processing (II)

• Extend DL reasoning to extract implicit domain and range

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DL 2010 Workshop Waterloo, Canada 6

Mapping Extraction & Refinement

• Extract a pre-alignment Apre by adding a correspondence <es, et, =, rst> if– If max(rst) for es in the source ontology, and

– rst > ζ

• Remove inappropriate correspondences from the pre-alignment, such as– Redundant mappings– Inconsistent mappings