JOOMLA! PERFORMANCE ON STEROIDS Tenko Nikolov SiteGround CEO Marian Marinov 1H CEO

Joomla! Performance on Steroids

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A Prresentation on Joomla! Performance. How to make your Joomla! site load faster, smoother and with little impact on the server.

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  • 1. JOOMLA! PERFORMANCEON STEROIDSTenko NikolovSiteGround CEOMarian Marinov1H CEO

2. DOUBLE SESSION 3. HOW TO MAKE YOUR JOOMLA LOADFASTERLevel: Beginner to intermediatePresented by: TenkoPART 1 4. SETUP JOOMLA FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE(OR JOOMLA AND SERVER SIDE CACHING)Level: AdvancedPresented by: Tenko & MarianPART 2 5. Ask usquestionsatanytime!INTERACTIVE SESSIONS 6. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT US 7. Tenkos Bio 17+ years of IT life 8 years with SiteGround 7 years CEO at SiteGround Takes care of 80,000+ Joomla!s Husband, dad Passionate about photography &geeky toys Addicted to cars and everythingfast 8. Marians Bio Sysadmin since 1996 CEO and Co-Founder of 1H Ltd. andmastermind behind 1H Hive Computer science teacher at SofiaUniversity since 2007 Coordinator of OpenFest (Bulgariasbiggest FOSS conference) since 2005 Regular speaker at FOSS conferencesin the Balkan region 9. Devs/Sysadmins who love to ssh and do everything ontheir own cloud/vps/dedicated server owners Large/high traffic Joomla websites owners Multiple Joomla websites owners Performance GeeksWHO CARES ABOUTPERFORMANCE? 10. EVERYONE!WHO SHOULD CARE? 11. Site speed affects your Google Rankings! Keep readers/customers happy & paying Be able to handle more visitors Go green and save $$$ from serversWHY CARE ABOUTPERFORMANCE 12. Faster Joomla = OptimizationsKEEPCALMITS NOTROCKETSCIENCE 13. PART 1Lets get the basicsdone 14. Keep your Joomla! updated Choose extensions wisely Deactivate unused extensions, upgrade used Simplify your templates as much as possibleGENERAL GUIDELINES 15. Simple Front Page Is Better Fancy stuff only if you really need it Remove unnecessary large images Use fewer internal/external links addsitemap Avoid loading content from remote servers 16. APPLICATION LEVELOPTIMIZATIONS 17. Enable Compression Natively supported by Joomla! no extensions needed Requires mod_gzip/deflate to be enabled on the serverSiteGlobalConfigurationServer 18. Enable Joomla! Cache Enable the System Cache plugin 19. Enable Joomla! CacheSiteGlobalConfigurationSystemCacheSettings 20. Some .htaccess Magic Get the code:http://goo.gl/ze09B How it works:- Etag Tells browsers that an image/unit does not need to bereloaded- Expires Headers Set different expiration dates for various filetypes- AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE minifies the compiled HTMLsource code 21. Some .htaccess Magic The code:FileETag MTime SizeAddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/css application/javascriptExpiresActive OnExpiresDefault "now plus 1 hour"ExpiresByType text/css "now plus 1 weekExpiresByType application/javascript "now plus 1 week"ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "now plus 1 week 22. More Optimizations: Images, CSS & JS Resize images never upload 2560x1600 pictures Smush your images Minify and combine CSS and JS files Use image sprites 23. Sounds Nice, How Do I Begin? Use smush.it Photoshop/Fireworks Joomla! Extensions 24. Some Highly Rated Extensions JCH Optimize Combines JS and CSS,Combines images in sprites, Minify and Compress Jbetolo same as above but + CDN support JotCache improves the Joomla! built in CoreCache Cache Cleaner easily clean the cache from theJoomla! admin panel 25. JCH Optimize Enable the System JCH Optimize plugin 26. JCH Optimize Settings 27. Google mod_pagespeed An open-source Apache module - compress,combine and cache Needs to be installed/configured by a SystemAdministrator Available on SiteGround servers 28. Check Hows Your Website Doing Google Page Speed Insights -http://goo.gl/zPkxx YSlow - http://goo.gl/qIios GTmetrix - http://gtmetrix.com/ 29. Some tests Default Joomla!No Optimizations Cache/Compression.htaccess rulesJCHPage LoadTime1.61s 1.49s 1.32s 1.02sTotal PageSize563KB 162KB 162KB 151KBNumber ofRequests35 35 35 19PageSpeedGradeF (41%) B (65%)B(87%)A(91%)YSlowGradeC (70%) B (66%)B(86%)A(92%) 30. SERVER LEVELOPTIMIZATIONS 31. YOUR VISITORSLOCATIONMATTERS!USE CDN 32. CDN Features CDN will make your website faster CDN will help avoid unneeded I/O on your harddrives CDN will appeal to both Google and your visitors 33. Opcode/Object Caching FastCGI + APC PHP extension Memcached and PHP/MySQL eAccelerator 34. Joomla Interaction with YourDatabase First request goes tothe database server 35. Object Caching First request goes tothe database server Objects are alsostored in Memcached 36. Object Caching All consecutiverequests areforwarded to theMemcached server 37. How PHP works Scanning Lexing Parsing Compilation Opcode Execution 38. Opcode ExecutionPHP Opcode Caching 39. Reverse Proxy Servers 40. Reverse Proxy Servers 41. Reverse Proxy Servers 42. Reverse Proxy Servers 43. Custom PHP/MySQLconfiguration Memcached/PHP APC Joomla! friendly reverse proxysetupOur Own Solution: The SUPERCACHER 44. More tests: Joomla + VirtueMartNo OptimizationsApplication LevelOptimizationsServer LevelOptimizationsPage Load Time 5.22s 3.49s 1.09sTotal Page Size 1.89MB 0.67MB 0.67MBNumber ofRequests76 28 28Page SpeedGradeF (41%) B (85%) A (92%)YSlow Grade C (70%) B (84%) A (94%) 45. Some Key Takes from part 1Speed optimization is a process do itregularly and you will be rewarded.Always test! Dont test on a live site, usestaging copy instead! Backup!Choose a well optimized host 46. TAKE A BREAKback in 5! 47. PART 2Lets get our handsdirty 48. Cloud, VPS or Dedicated?Cloud can be both awfully slow and cheap or superfast and really expensive, highly scalableVPS Usually fast and inexpensive, but youredependent on others on the same box, limitedscalabilityDedicated usually expensive and fast, not easilyscalableCHOOSING THE METAL 49. Hardware matters! SSD drives for MySQL & Cache SSD Capable File System, if dedicated RAID for files RAM for Caching CPUs that support virtualization BACKUP! BACKUP! BACKUP! 50. We need to install some software on it:1. Web Server2. MySQL3. PHP with Cache4. Memcached5. Static and Reverse Proxy serverNOW THAT YOU HAVE YOURBOX 51. Web server choiceWEB SERVER CHOICE 52. Apache Pros Easy to setup and support, hundreds of modules,free Supports Joomla! out of the box Can be found on 99% of the webhosts preinstalledApache Cons Apache does not scale well and is resource heavy Apache has limited number of concurrent users Apache is generally much slower than NginX in everyaspectApache is the obvious choice.. Or is it? 53. Timeout 30KeepAliveTimeout 10MaxKeepAliveRequests 30StartServers 20MinSpareServers 10MaxSpareServers 20 Remove all unused apache modules, this reducesthe request processing time.Apache recommended settings 54. NginX Pros Shorter response times compared to apache Very high number of concurrent users Faster than Apache in serving static content Supports FastCGINginX Cons Not supported by major control panels (cPanel, Plesk) Does not support mod_rewrite out of the box additional configuration for Joomla!NginX for performance PHP 55. Joomla SEF URLs on NginXAdd this code to nginx.conf file:MORE INFO AT: http://is.gd/qCeuqU# Support Clean (aka Search Engine Friendly)URLslocation / {try_files $uri $uri//index.php?q=$request_uri;} 56. BIND=/tmp/nginx.fcgi.sockUSER=apachePHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=20PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=5000PHP_CGI=/usr/bin/php-cgiPHP_CGI_NAME=`basename $PHP_CGI`PHP_CGI_ARGS="- USER=$USER PATH=/usr/binPHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=$PHP_FCGI_CHILDRENPHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=$PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS $PHP_CGI -b $BIND"su - $USER -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/env --$PHP_CGI_ARGS &"Setup NginX with FastCGI & PHP 57. 1. Most buffers in MySQL are per connection. Theystore pointers, NOT data.2. Optimize your InnoDB- separate the data files- increase innodb_thread_concurrency (not morethen the amount of cores you have)3. Optimize your query cache.MYSQL SETUP TIPS 58. Expected MySQL Qcache resultsQcache_hits | 61168 |Qcache_inserts | 10068 |Qcache_lowmem_prunes | 0 |Qcache_not_cached | 3 |Qcache_queries_in_cache | 922 | 59. LETS MAKE PHP FLY 60. FastCGI SetupEnable FastCGI Apache Module FastCGI Wrapper ScriptLoadModule fcgid_modulemodules/mod_fcgid.so# Activate the PHP handlingSetHandler fcgid-scriptFCGIWrapper/var/www/users/wrapper/php-fcgi .phpOptions +ExecCGIFcgidMaxRequestLen 20000000Wrapper script/var/www/users/wrapper/php-fcgi#!/bin/shexport PHPRC=/etc/exportPHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=5000export PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=20exec /usr/bin/php-cgi 61. 1. Install APC:pecl install apc2. Load APC extension in PHP:/usr/local/lib/php.ini - extension=apc.soRecommendation: Keep the default settings!Enable APC 62. Enable Memcached1. Install Memcached (service)yum install memcached2. Install PHP Memcached modulepecl install memcache3. Recommendation: configure Memcached to use Unixdomain socket instead of TCP improves speed!/usr/bin/memcached -d -m 64 -c 2049 -P/var/run/memcached/memcached-11211.pid -s/tmp/memcache.sock 63. Enable APC/Memcached in Joomla 64. Joomla Patch for Unix Socket ConnectionsEdit the following file:libraries/joomla/cache/storage/memcache.phpChange the code on lines 86-88 fromself::$_db->addServer($server[host], $server[port], $this->_persistent);$memcachetest = @self::$_db->connect($server[host],$server[port]);To:self::$_db->addServer(unix:///tmp/memcache.sock, 0);$memcachetest = @self::$_db->connect(unix:///tmp/memcache.sock, 0); 65. Move PHP binaries to RAM Move TMP to RAM Move MySQL to an SSD drive or SSD RAID array Enable MySQL query cache Use TMPFS for MySQLs tmpdir Install Google PageSpeed for apache Enable Gzip compression (mod_deflate on apache2)More Apache/MySQL/PHP Tweaks 66. EVEN BETTERPERFORMANCE? 67. Also known as Reverse HTTP Proxy Install it in front of any server that speaks HTTP Blazing fast usually speeds up 300-1000x Performance is usually bound by the speed ofLAN Free, Open Source softwareVarnish - The ultimate web app accelerator 68. Can be harder to setup and configure than NginX You still need Apache (or NginX, varnish does notknow PHP) Dramatic performance increase only whencaching dynamic content Caching dynamic content might lead tounexpected troubles!!! Cache should be properlyinvalidated!!!Varnish Cons 69. Varnish VCL? Exclude non-cacheable pages: registration form administrator installation folder Set objects expiration time 70. Sample Varnish Joomla VCLjoomla.vcl:# Bypass Varnish if the request is to the registration formif (req.url ~ "task=registration.register" || req.url ~ "view=registration") {return(pipe);}# Never cache administrator/installationif (req.url ~ "/administrator" || req.url ~ "/installation") {return (pass);}return (lookup);----sub vcl_recv {set req.backend = default;include "joomla.vcl";if (req.url ~ ".(png|gif|jpg|swf|css|js)([?].*)?$") {return (lookup);} 71. How we tested? We use Siege - http://www.joedog.org/siege-home/ Siege command: siege -b -t 60S -f urls.txt -c 20 We use 20 number of simultaneous connections We use a predefined list of URLs all URLs fromthe default Joomla main page + sample data We measure the number of hits taken for 60secondsTEST THE OPTIMIZATIONS 72. Test Environment Setup Virtual Machine (VPS) CPU: 4 cores 2GHz MEM: 4GB HDD: 8x500GB SATA II 7,200rpm in RAID 10(on the host) 73. Joomla! Optimizations Test ResultsApache +fcgiApache +fcgi +MemcachedApache+ fcgi +APCApache +fcgi +NginXApache +fcgi +VarnishTransactions3,285 hits 4,316 hits 4,629hits185,462hits178,906 hitsAvailability 99.85% 99.83% 99.86 % 100.00% 100.00%Datatransferred9.20 MB 12.09 MB 12.97 MB 519.08 MB 500.29 MBResponsetime0.29 sec 0.18 sec 0.20 sec 0.01 sec 0.01 sec 74. QUESTIONS TIME 75. THANK YOU!Tenko [email protected]@tnikolovMarian [email protected]