Copyright Linux International 2017 1 of 29 The History of Free And Open Source Culture: A Personal Story by Jon "maddog" Hall Executive Director Linux International and Board Chair, LPI and President, Project Cauã and Senior Advisor, Caninos Loucos

Jon maddog Hall - The History of Free and Open Source Culture

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The History of Free And Open

Source Culture: A Personal Story


Jon "maddog" Hall

Executive Director

Linux International


Board Chair, LPI


President, Project Cauã


Senior Advisor, Caninos Loucos

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Strong opinions in this talk....many are personal and

apply only to me...your opinions may vary....I

respect yours, please respect mine.

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Who Am I?Half Electrical Engineer, Half Business, Half Computer Software

In the computer industry since 1969

Mainframes 5 years

Unix since 1980

Linux since 1994

Companies (mostly large): Aetna Life and Casualty, Bell Labs, Digital Equipment

Corporation, SGI, IBM, Linaro, LeMaker

Programmer, Systems Administrator, Systems Engineer, Product Manager, Technical

Marketing Manager, University Educator, Author, Businessperson, Consultant

Taught OS design and compiler design

Extremely large systems to extremely small ones

Vendor and a customer


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In 1830s.....

Age of steam and power

Charles BabbageTrained at Cambridge

Analytical Engine

Difference Engine

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We Do Not Care About

Charles...Lady Lovelace:

Daughter of Lord Byron

Mathmatical Genious

Wrote first “programs”

for Analytical Engine

Considered “first


“Ada” named for her

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1935 - CambridgeBrilliant young mathematician

Interested in how humans think

Wrote book on artificial computing

“Turing Machine” and “AI”

1940 – Broke Enigma Code with BOMBASaved ~14,000,000 lives

1952 – Indicted for “homosexual acts”

1954 – Committed suicide

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Harvard – Mark I

Commander Howard Aiken –

Project Leader

Built on Babbage's theories

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We Do Not Care About


Grace Murray Hopper:

Lt. who rose to Rear Admiral

First Modern Day Programmer

“Amazing Grace”

Programmed for ballistics

Project Leader for COBOL

“nano-seconds and more....”

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Unix was invented at Bell LaboratoriesKen Thompson and Dennis Ritchie

Arpanet was funded

Linus Torvalds was born in Helsinki


Stonewall riots in New York City

maddog attended Drexel UniversityThe last time maddog shaved....

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The Last Time maddog Shaved

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Computers in 1969

Physically large

Logically small

REALLY Expensive!

Slow by today's standardsOne program at a time

No Operating SystemLink device drivers into program

Boot program

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….But Also Mini-Computers!

DEC PDP-84 Kilobytes RAM

One General Purpose


Lights and Buttons!

DECUSLibraries of Code!

(Almost) Free!

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Few “Professional Programmers”Too few computers of one type or one OS

People wrote programs to solve own problemsPeople gave away their programs to DECUS

Others cooperated in making programs better

“Let me buy you a beer...let me give you a job.”

Communities of people making their own (and

other's) lives better

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University of California:


Ken Thompson (co-inventor of Unix OS) went on

sabbaticalUsed Unix to teach Operating System Courses

BSD Unix derived from AT&T (Bell Laboratories)


Unix “flavored” by Berkeley environmentspell(1) - “dyke” vs “dike”, “fag”


Eventually BSD Unix became “Open Source”

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Software Tools

Organization for design of modern operating

systemsMany based on Unix

Shared programs and data openly

Special Interest Groups included “Birds of Feather”

sessions on LGBT participantsMany leaders of DECUS were LGBT

Copyright, Patents and Proprietary versions

eliminated open sharing

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The Beginning of the FSF

Richard M. Stallman (rms) loved looking at source

code in 1984Distressed because he could no longer solve his own


Decided to write his own “Unix-like” operating

system called “GNU” (for GNU is Not UNIX)

In 1995 formed the Free Software Foundation


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DECUS – May 1994

The Adult DisneylandHeld in New Orleans

Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux

kernel) invited to speak

Demonstration of (GNU) LinuxGNU “OS, Linux kernel, and many

more pieces of code

Arranged to donate Alpha processor

to Linux port

Enjoyed the rest of New Orleans

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Became (more) Involved With

Free and Open Source


“show me the code”

“On the Internet, no one

knows you are a dog”

“diversity is good”

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The Computer Industry

Tended to be “tolerant”

They cared more about results than sexualityIBM

Digital Equipment Corporation

Sun Microsystems



Hewlett Packard



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Started To Travel Internationally

International travel more than 50% of my time

Over 100 countries, most more than one time

For the people on the street, mostly the same:A good life for themselves

A better life for their children

To be left alone by the government

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At The Age of 60, Still In Closet

Sex is a continuum:Very homosexual


Very heterosexual

Sex drive is a continuumVery high sex drive

“Normal” sex drive

Low sex drive

I am very homosexual, low sex drive

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Marriage Equality Struggle

Erupted in USAFriends of mine, living together for forty or fifty

years, were dying protection and recognition of


Exposed strong bigots

Joined Marriage Equality fightDonated money

Manned phone banks

Protested for Marriage Equality

Attended Legislature Meetings

New Hampshire Legislature voted for Marriage


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“I Do Not Understand”

My Catholic friend of many years did not

understand why “Civil Unions” were not enough.

Twenty minutes of quiet conversation convinced


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Quiet One on One Talk Was Not


“Gay Geeks” had double whammy:Being Geeks

Being Homosexual

Young LGBTQ people were committing suicide at

heavy rate

State controls on marriage equality needed to

become nation-wide

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I Came Out:

June 12th

, 2012

Wrote long blog articleOn July 4


, 2012 I answered commenters





Over 100,000 readers in 100 countries, five


It remains the “most read blog” of any article or

blog written for Linux Magazine

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Fall Out

Overwhelming support from readers

Many people have come up and thanked me

Many others have made the decision to “come out”

Freedom of “no more secrets”

I found a boyfriend in 2014On February 28


, 2017 we were married

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In Summary

I am still a GeekThat is a choice

I still believe in Free and Open Source SoftwareThat is a given

My sexuality is a small, but important part of my

lifeThat is not a choice

I love my husbandThat is also a given

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Be yourself

Be true to yourself

Live by example

Learn the arguments, learn the answers

Speak quietly and clearly

Find your love before you are sixty-one

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