Java 1.5 Features Mohan Bang

Java 1.5 features

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Introduction to JDK 1.5 and its features Formatted I/O Enhanced for loop Static Imports Enumeration Types Autoboxing / Unboxing StringBuilder

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Page 1: Java 1.5 features

Java 1.5 Features

Mohan Bang

Page 2: Java 1.5 features

Presentation Agenda

Enhanced for loop3

Enumeration Types5

Formatted I/O32

Static Imports34

Introduction to JDK 1.5 and its features1

Page 3: Java 1.5 features

Presentation Agenda

Autoboxing / Unboxing6

Complementary Features8


Improvement / Performance37

Final Comments39

Page 4: Java 1.5 features

§1. Introduction to JDK 1.5 and its features

Page 5: Java 1.5 features

Version Code Name Release Date

JDK 1.0JDK 1.1JDK 1.1.4JDK 1.1.5JDK 1.1.6JDK 1.1.7JDK 1.1.8J2SE 1.2J2SE 1.2.1J2SE 1.2.2J2SE 1.3J2SE 1.3.1J2SE 1.4.0J2SE 1.4.1J2SE 1.4.2J2SE 5.0 (1.5.0)J2SE 6.0 (1.6.0)J2SE 7.0 (1.7.0)


Jan 23, 1996Feb 19, 1997Sept 12, 1997Dec 3, 1997April 24, 1998Sept 28, 1998April 8, 1999Dec 8, 1998March 30, 1999July 8, 1999May 8, 2000May 17, 2001Feb 6, 2002Sept 16, 2002June 26, 2003Sept 30, 2004Dec 11, 2006Not Yet Released

Java History

The main difference between Java 5 and Java 6 is performance. In Java 6 performance is good as compare to Java 5.

The Java 7 Dolphin Project began in August 2006 and is tentatively scheduled for release in late 2010. The development period is organized into ten milestones; as of April 2010, milestone 7 is in progress.

Page 6: Java 1.5 features

The Windows JRE download has not grown significantly in recent memory

Java 1.4.2 Java 5 (1.5) Java 6 (1.6)JRE 15.10 MB 16.13 MB 15.42 MB SDK 49.33 MB 51.82 MB 72.90 MB

Page 7: Java 1.5 features

Java Release

Page 8: Java 1.5 features

Initial Release

Java Evolution

JDK 1.0

JDK 1.1

J2SE 1.2

J2SE 1.3

J2SE 1.4

J2SE 5.0

Java SE 6

Java SE 7

Oak Designed for embedded devices

Page 9: Java 1.5 features

Java Evolution

Major additions included:• an extensive retooling of the AWT event model

• inner classes added to the language

• JavaBeans



JDK 1.0

JDK 1.1

J2SE 1.2

J2SE 1.3

J2SE 1.4

J2SE 5.0

Java SE 6

Java SE 7

Page 10: Java 1.5 features

Java Evolution

JDK 1.0

JDK 1.1

J2SE 1.2

J2SE 1.3

J2SE 1.4

J2SE 5.0

Java SE 6

Java SE 7

Major additions included:• strictfp keyword

• reflection which supports Introspection only, no modification at runtime possible.

• the Swing graphical API was integrated into the core classes

• Sun's JVM was equipped with a JIT compiler for the first time

• Java Plug-in

• Java IDL, an IDL implementation for CORBA interoperability

• Collections framework

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Java Evolution

Major additions included:• HotSpot JVM included

• RMI was modified to support optional compatibility with CORBA

• JavaSound

• Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) included in core libraries (previously available as an extension)

• Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA)

JDK 1.0

JDK 1.1

J2SE 1.2

J2SE 1.3

J2SE 1.4

J2SE 5.0

Java SE 6

Java SE 7

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Java Evolution

Major additions included:• assert keyword

• regular expressions modeled after Perl regular expressions

• exception chaining allows an exception to encapsulate original lower-level exception

• Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) support

• non-blocking NIO (New Input/Output)

• logging API

• image I/O API for reading and writing images in formats like JPEG and PNG

• integrated XML parser and XSLT processor (JAXP)

• integrated security and cryptography extensions (JCE, JSSE, JAAS)

• Java Web Start included

JDK 1.0

JDK 1.1

J2SE 1.2

J2SE 1.3

J2SE 1.4

J2SE 5.0

Java SE 6

Java SE 7

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Java Evolution

Major additions included:• Generics

• Metadata:

• Autoboxing/unboxing

• Enumerations

• Swing: New skinnable look and feel, called synth.

• Varargs

• Enhanced 'for loop'

• Fix the previously broken semantics of the Java Memory Model, which defines how threads interact through memory.

• Automatic stub generation for RMI objects.

• static imports

JDK 1.0

JDK 1.1

J2SE 1.2

J2SE 1.3

J2SE 1.4

J2SE 5.0

Java SE 6

Java SE 7

Page 14: Java 1.5 features

Java Evolution

Major additions included:•Support for older Win9x versions dropped.

•Scripting Language Support (JSR 223)

•Dramatic performance improvements for the core platform[15][16], and Swing.

•Improved Web Service support through JAX-WS (JSR 224)

•JDBC 4.0 support (JSR 221).

•Java Compiler API (JSR 199)

•Upgrade of JAXB to version 2.0

•Support for pluggable annotations (JSR 269).

•Many GUI improvements

JDK 1.0

JDK 1.1

J2SE 1.2

J2SE 1.3

J2SE 1.4

J2SE 5.0

Java SE 6

Java SE 7

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Java Evolution

Major additions included:• JVM support for dynamic languages, following the prototyping work currently done on the Multi Language Virtual Machine,

• A new library for parallel computing on Multi-core processors[26],

• Superpackages (JSR 294), which are a way to define explicitly in a library or module which classes will be visible from outside of the library[27],

• Swing Application Framework, an infrastructure common to most desktop applications, making Swing applications easier to create.

• Replacing the existing concurrent low-pause garbage collector

JDK 1.0

JDK 1.1

J2SE 1.2

J2SE 1.3

J2SE 1.4

J2SE 5.0

Java SE 6

Java SE 7

Page 16: Java 1.5 features

java.applet, java.awt, java.io, java.lang, java.net, java.util

java.math, java.rmi, java.security, java.sql, java.text, java.beans

javax.accessibility, javax.swing, org.omg

javax.naming, javax.sound, javax.transaction

java.nio, javax.imageio,javax.net, javax.print,javax.security, org.w3c


Java 1.08 packages212 classes

Java 1.123 packages504 classes

Java 1.259 packages1520 classes

Java 1.377 packages1595 classes

Java 1.4103 packages2175 classes

Java 1.5131 packages2656 classes

New Events

Inner class

Object Serialization

Jar Files






Drag and Drop




Java Sound


Regular ExpLoggingAssertionsNIO

Page 17: Java 1.5 features

Java 1.5.0 (called as “Tiger”)

J2SDK 1.5 / J2SDK 5.0 version Focused on below key areas

Ease of Development Scalability, Performance and quality Monitoring and Manageability Desktop Client Miscellaneous Features

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What’s New

J2SE 5.0 is full of dramatic changes to the java programming language, including new syntax support and JVM enhancements.

It is considered to be the most revolutionary java release since JDK1.2

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New Features in J2SE 5.0 Language Features (Enhanced for Loop, Static Import, Type-safe enumerations,

Boxing / Unboxing, Annotations (aka metadata), Variable Arguments, Generics)

Virtual Machine Features (Class Data Sharing, Server-Class Machine Detection, Garbage

Collector Ergonomics, Thread Priority Changes, High-Precision Timing Support)

Performance Enhancements (Garbage collection Ergonomics, StringBuilder Class, Java 2D

Technology, Image I/O)

Base Libraries (Lang and Util Packages, Networking, JAXP, Bit Manipulation

Operations) Integration Libraries (Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Java Database

Connectivity (JDBC), Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI))

Page 20: Java 1.5 features

Scanner and Formatter - printf() method Finally, simplified input and formatted output

Enhanced for loop Automates use of Iterators to avoid errors

Static import - import static java.Math.*; Lets you avoid qualifying static members with class names

Enumerated Types Provides all the well-known benefits of the Typesafe Enum


Autoboxing / Unboxing Automatic wrapping and unwrapping of primitives

Generic Types Compile-time type safety for collections without casting

Java 1.5 New Features

Page 21: Java 1.5 features

Metadata Variable length argument lists. Semaphores Many more features and

enhancements Improved performance

Java 1.5 New Features

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New features enhance existing API

Static import improves utility functions Enum improves readability and organization

of constants Auto-boxing improves readability Generics enhance compile time type

checking Generics improve reflection Generics allow return type overriding

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§2. Formatted I/O

Page 24: Java 1.5 features

Scanner class Provides basic input functionality for reading data

from system console or any data stream Following example reads a String from standard input

and expects a following int value:Scanner s= new Scanner(System.in); String param= s.next(); int value=s.nextInt(); s.close();

Scanner methods next and nextInt block if no data is available

Supports regular expression based search To process more complex input, pattern matching

algorithms are available from class java.util.Formatter

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Java finally has a fairly simple way to read input Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); boolean b = sc.nextBoolean(); byte by = sc.nextByte(); short sh = sc.nextShort(); int i = sc.nextInt(); long l = sc.nextLong(); float f = sc.nextFloat(); double d = sc.nextDouble(); String s = sc.nextLine();

By default, whitespace acts as a delimiter, but you can define other delimiters with regular expressions

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ScannerScanner API provide a more robust mechanism for reading in data

types rather than simply parsing strings from buffered System.in calls. Prior to Scanner feature was introduced, to read from standard input it would be necessary to write exception handling code and wrap an InputStreamReader and a BufferedReader around System.in. Scanner class throws an unchecked exception InputMismatchException, which you could optionally catch.

Scanner API simplifies your code as follows:

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); //no more wrapping with InputStreamReader and //BufferedReader around System.inSystem.out.println("Enter your first number?");int i1 = keyboard.nextInt(); //no more parsing strings e.g. new Integer("5").intValue();System.out.println("Enter your second number?");int i2 = keyboard.nextInt(); //no more parsing strings e.g. new Integer(str).intValue();

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Improved input

The new Scanner class can parse primitive types and strings using regular expressions The Scanner class can also read in input from

a String (not just an I/O stream)

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Formatted output

Similar to C/C++ printf and scanf:System.out.printf("name count%n"); //newlineSystem.out.printf("%s %5d%n", user,total);

Supports formats for dates, etc:System.out.format("Local time: %tT",Calendar.getInstance()); // -> "Local time: 13:34:18"

Like C's sprintf(3), Strings may be formatted using String.format: import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import static java.util.Calendar.*; Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(1995, MAY, 23); String s = String.format("Duke's Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY", c); // -> s == "Duke's Birthday: May 23, 1995"

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Java now has a way to produce formatted output, based on the C printf statement

String line;int i = 1;while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { System.out.printf("Line %d: %s%n", i++, line);}

There are about 45 different format specifiers (such as %d and %s), most of them for dates and times

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C-style printf()method

C-style printf() Uses a variable number of arguments

(“varargs”). Formatting options for each argument.

Common formats for numeric, string, and date/time.

Layout justification and alignment. Locale-specific output

Normally used with System PrintStream System.out System.err

Page 31: Java 1.5 features

printf()method example

System.out method call to printf():

System.out.printf(“%d %.2f %.2e\n", 78, 1.23456, 1.23456);

will print:

78 1.23 1.23e+00

Page 32: Java 1.5 features

printf()method -numeric examples

Format Value Output

“%.2f” 1.23456 1.23

“%.2e” 1.23456 1.23e+00

“%,15.2f” -234567.8 -234,567.80

“%(,15.2f” -34567. (34,567.00)

“%x” 252 fc

“%4d” 5 5

“%04d” 78 0078

Page 33: Java 1.5 features

printf()method -alignment examplesFormat Value(s) Output

“%10s” “ABC” ABC

“%-10s” “ABC” ABC

“%10d” 123 123

“%-10d” 123 123

“%-10s %-2s %05d-%04d”

“Hartford”, “CT”, 6115, 11

Hartford CT06115-0011

Page 34: Java 1.5 features

printf()method -Date (02/23/2004) examplesFormat Output

“%tD” 02/23/04

“%tF” 2004-02-23

“%1$tb %1$te %1$ty” Feb 23 04

“%1$tA %1$tB %1$te, %1$tY”

Monday February 23, 2004

“%1$tF %1$tr” 2004-02-23 10:45:00 AM

Page 35: Java 1.5 features

Formatter class

Same C-style printf()capability Variable number of arguments (“varargs”) Same formatting options as printf().

Used with: String File

Code similar to output streams. Not everyone sends output to:

System.out and System.err e.g., servlet output to web pages.

Page 36: Java 1.5 features

Formatter class example

Formatter formatter = new Formatter();formatter.format( "%-10s %-2s ","Hartford","CT");

formatter.format( "%05d-%04d",6115,11);

String s = formatter.toString();


s now contains:

Hartford CT 06115-0011

Page 37: Java 1.5 features

Improved output

The new Formatter class, modeled after C’s printf statement, gives you much simpler formatted output This class provides support for:

Layout justification and alignment Common formats for numeric, string, and date/time

data Locale-specific output Common Java types such as byte, BigDecimal, and

Calendar Limited formatting customization for arbitrary user

types is provided through the Formattable interface

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§3. Enhanced for Loop

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Iterators An iterator gives you every element of a

collection, one at a time The collection has a type iterator(); factory method to

return a new iterator to return objects of the given type The method boolean hasNext() tells you if there are

more objects The method type next() returns the next object The method void remove() deletes the last object

gotten Example:

Iterator iter = integerStack.iterator();while (iter.hasNext()) { System.out.println(iter.next());}

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New for statement

The syntax of the new statement is for(type var : array) {...}or for(type var : collection) {...}

Example: for(float x : myRealArray) { myRealSum += x; }

For a collection class that has an Iterator, instead of for (Iterator iter = c.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) ((TimerTask) iter.next()).cancel();you can now say for (TimerTask task : c) task.cancel();

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Iterations, Part I

List policies = new ArrayList(); . . .Iterator iter = policies.iterator();while ( iter.hasNext() ) { renew( (Policy)iter.next() );}

A common Java “idiom” for iteration. Is this the best way to iterate through a


Page 42: Java 1.5 features

Iterations, Part II

List policies = new ArrayList();

. . .

for (Iterator iter = policies.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {

renew( (Policy)iter.next() );


Another common Java “idiom” for iteration. Is this any better?

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Iterations, Part III

How about iterating through arrays?

Policy policies[] = { … };

. . .

for ( int i = 0; i < policies.length; ++i ) {

renew( policies[i] );


Is looping through an array any better?

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Enhanced for loop

Iterations over collections are painful. Iterator is only used to get elements. Iterators can be error-prone.

Iterator variable used in for loop three times – two opportunities to get it wrong.

Common cut and paste errors. A “foreach” style loop construct would be

better. Wouldn’t it be nice if the compiler

would iterate for you?

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Enhanced for loopfor Collections For collections:

List policies = new ArrayList();

. . .

for ( Object policy : policies ) {

renew( (Policy)policy );


Using the enhanced for loop is much clearer.

But, note the cast to Policy.

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Enhanced for loopfor Arrays For arrays:

Policy[] policies = { … };

. . .

for ( Policy policy : policies ) {

renew( policy );


Again, using the enhanced for loop is clearer.

And, no cast is needed to Policy.

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Enhanced for loop Restrictions

Restrictions Cannot be used to filter a collection.

i.e., remove elements Cannot modify the current slot in an array or list.

e.g., replace the entire element Provides for most common for loop “idiom”.

Provides simple iteration over a collection or an array.

More complicated processing addressed by the traditional for or while loops.

Page 48: Java 1.5 features

J2SE 1.4.0for(Iterator iter = myArray.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {    

MyClass myObj = (MyClass)iter.next();    

myObj.someOperation(); }

J2SE 5.0

for(MyClass myObj : myArray) {    


Page 49: Java 1.5 features

// Returns the sum of the elements of aint sum(int[] a) {

int result = 0;for (int i : a)

result += i;return result;


For Arrays

● Eliminates array index rather than iterator● Similar advantages

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For Each Statement A great way to ditch annoying Iterators.

Makes code more elegant and less error prone.



Page 51: Java 1.5 features

Spot the Bug

Fixed Version

Using the For Each Statement

Page 52: Java 1.5 features

For each loop (arrays)

double[] array = {2.5, 5.2, 7.9, 4.3, 2.0};

for(double d: array) {

System.out.println(d); }

Iterate (forward) through the array without paying attention to indices.

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For each loop (Collections)ArrayList<Integer> list = new

ArrayList<Integer>(); list.add(7); list.add(15); list.add(-67); for(Integer number: list)

{ System.out.println(number); }

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For each loop enums

for( Suit s: Suit.values()){System.out.println(s.getColor());


values() returns an Iterator for enum types

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§4. Static Imports

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The “Constant Interface” antipattern

public interface Physics { public static final double AVOGADROS_NUMBER = 6.02214199e23; public static final double BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT = 1.3806503e-23; public static final double ELECTRON_MASS = 9.10938188e-31;}

public class Guacamole implements Physics { public static void main(String[] args) { double moles = ...; double molecules = AVOGADROS_NUMBER * moles; ... }}

This is considered to be very poor style by smart programmers who have thought about it a lot more than I have

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Static Import You can now import just the static members of a class or interface public interface Physics { // as before

public static final double AVOGADROS_NUMBER = 6.02214199e23; public static final double BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT = 1.3806503e-23; public static final double ELECTRON_MASS = 9.10938188e-31;}

import static org.iso.Physics.*;

class Guacamole { public static void main(String[] args) {

double moles = ...; double molecules = AVOGADROS_NUMBER * moles; ... }}

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Static Import

Enables one to refer to static constants from a class without needing to inherit from it

If only used on occasion this technique is not very useful, but in complex cases this technique help simplify coding

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import static java.awt.BorderLayout.*;

import static java.lang.System.*;

getContentPane().add(new JPanel(), CENTER);

Out.println(“hello world”);

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Static Import

import static java.lang.Math.*;…int themax = max( 123123, 23475 );

Reduces typing Alleviates need for implementing a

Constant Interface Compiler error if names clash

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Static Import

Static imports let you avoid qualifying static members with class names. Once the static member is imported then you can use it in your code without the class name prefix.

//static importimport static sample.SampleStaticValues.NUM_ZERO;…//need not do SampleConstants.NUM_ZERO due to static import

featureif(num % 2 == NUM_ZERO){System.out.println("The num " + num + " is: " + OddEven.even);}package sample;public class SampleStaticValues {public static int NUM_ZERO = 0;public static int NUM_ONE = 0;}

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Static Import

In order to access static members, it is necessary to qualify references with the class they came from.

double r = Math.cos(Math.PI * theta);

As a workaround people often put static members as part of an interface and inherit from that interface.

This is known as the “Constant Interface Antipattern”

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Static Import

Using constants of another class is merely an implementation detail. Declaring that a class implements an interface is an API issue. Implementation details should not leak into APIs.

The static import construct allows you to access static members of another class without inheriting from the type containing them.

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Static Import

members of another class are importedimport static java.lang.Math.PI;

Once imported they can be used without qualification

double r = cos(PI * theta);

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Afterimport static java.lang.System.*;





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Static Vs. Normal import

Static imports are analogous to regular imports. In normal imports you import classes from packages, and in static imports you import static class members out of classes.

Use with care: only when frequent access is required. It is suppose to improve readability, and overuse may have an opposite effect.

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Static import

Ability to access static members from a class without need to qualify them with a class name.

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interface ShapeNumbers {    public static int CIRCLE = 0;    public static int SQUARE = 1;    public static int TRIANGLE = 2;


Implementing this interface creates an unnecessary dependence on the ShapeNumbers interface.

It becomes awkward to maintain as the class evolves, especially if other classes need access to these constants also and implement this interface

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To make this cleaner, the static members are placed into a class and then imported via a modified syntax of the import directive.

package MyConstants;    class ShapeNumbers {    

public static int CIRCLE = 0;    public static int SQUARE = 1;    public static int TRIANGLE = 2;


To import the static members in your class, specify the following in the import section of your Java source file.

import static MyConstants.ShapeNumbers.*; // imports all static data

You can also import constants individually by using the following syntax:

import static MyConstants.ShapeNumbers.CIRCLE;import static MyConstants.ShapeNumbers.SQUARE;

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An example of importinga Java class For example, to use java.lang.Math.

double radians = Math.toRadians(30.0);

double unity = Math.pow(Math.sin(radians),2.0) + Math.pow(Math.cos(radians),2.0);

double areaCircle = Math.PI * Math.pow(10.0,2.0);

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Importing Static Members

Currently Importing a class or interface

Why require a class name prefix?

Static Import A variant of the import statement. Import static methods and fields. Similar to the import of classes and

interfaces from a package. Import individual members, or


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With Static Import

No need to reference Math, except in import.

import static java.lang.Math.*;

double radians = toRadians(30.0);

double unity = pow(sin(radians),2.0) + pow(cos(radians),2.0);

double areaCircle = PI * pow(10.0,2.0);

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Importing Static Members

Code is more readable. No need to reference the class or

interface names. Code can be less understandable.

No reference to class or interfaces names.

Implementation detail added. Commitment to the implementation.

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Static import facility import static org.iso.Physics.*;

class Guacamole { public static void main(String[] args) { double molecules = AVOGADROS_NUMBER * moles; ... }}

You no longer have to say Physics.AVOGADROS_NUMBER

Are you tired of typing System.out.println(something); ?

Do this instead: import static java.lang.System.out; out.println(something);

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§5. Enumeration Types

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An enumeration, or “enum,” is simply a set of constants to represent various values

Here’s the old way of doing it:public final int SPRING = 0;public final int SUMMER = 1;public final int FALL = 2;public final int WINTER = 3;

This is a nuisance, and is error prone as well

Here’s the new way of doing it:enum Season { winter, spring, summer, fall }

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enums are classes An enum is actually a new type of class

You can declare them as inner classes or outer classes You can declare variables of an enum type and get type safety

and compile time checking Each declared value is an instance of the enum class Enums are implicitly public, static, and final You can compare enums with either equals or ==

enums extend java.lang.Enum and implement java.lang.Comparable Hence, enums can be sorted

Enums override toString() and provide valueOf() Example:

Season season = Season.WINTER; System.out.println(season ); // prints WINTER season = Season.valueOf("SPRING"); // sets season to Season.SPRING

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Enums really are classes

public enum Coin { // enums can have instance variables

private final int value; // An enum can have a constructor, but it isn’t

public Coin(int value) { this.value = value; }

// Each enum value you list really calls a constructor PENNY(1), NICKEL(5), DIME(10), QUARTER(25);

// And, of course, classes can have methods public int value() { return value; }}

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Other features of enums

values() returns an array of enum values Season[] seasonValues = Season.values();

switch statements can now work with enums switch (thisSeason) { case SUMMER: ...; default: ...} You must say case SUMMER:, not case

Season.SUMMER: It’s still a very good idea to include a default case

It is possible to define value-specific class bodies, so that each value has its own methods The syntax for this is weird, and I don’t yet understand

it well enough myself to lecture on it

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Standard Approach to Constant Enumerations – Definition int enums

public class PolicyOperation { public static final int QUOTE = 1; public static final int ISSUE = 2; public static final int RENEW = 4; public static final int CANCEL = 12; public static final int ENDORSE = 16; public static final int CHANGE = 64; public static final int REINSTATE = 192; . . .

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Simple example of Typesafe enum Construct For a deck of cards…



List<Card> deck = new ArrayList<Card>();

for ( Suit s: Suit.values() )

for ( Rank r: Rank.values() )

deck.add(new Card(s,r));

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A more complex Typesafe enum Construct

public enum OperationEnum { QUOTE(1), ISSUE(2), RENEW(4), CANCEL(12),

ENDORSE(16), CHANGE(64), REINSTATE(192); private int operation = 0; private OperationEnum(int op) { this.operation = op; } public boolean isNewOperation() { return (this.operation==2) || (this.operation==4) || (this.operation==192); }}

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Using the Typesafe enum Construct

void process(OperationEnum oper) {

. . .

switch (oper) {

case ISSUE: . . .

case CANCEL: . . .


// Prints “ISSUE”, not “1”



Page 84: Java 1.5 features

Type Safety: All statuses above may carry some business meaning, but in Java language context, these are just int values. This means any int value is a status for this Java program. So the program using these statuses can break with any int value not defined in this group.

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Type-safe enumerations

Compiler support for Typesafe Enum pattern.

Looks like traditional enum (C, C++, Pascal).

Far more powerful. Can be used in switch/case

statements. Can be used in for loops.

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An enumeration is an ordered list of items wrapped into a single entity.

enum Season {winter, spring, summer, fall}

Usage Examplefor (Season s : Season.VALUES){


An enumeration (abbreviated enum in Java) is a special type of class.

All enumerations implicitly subclass a new class in Java, java.lang.Enum.

This class cannot be subclassed manually.

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Previously, the standard way to represent an enumerated type was to use the int Enum pattern:

public static final int WINTER = 0;

public static final int SPRING = 1;

public static final int SUMMER = 2;

public static final int FALL = 3;

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Switch with EnumColor getColor( Suit suit ) {

switch( suit ) {

case clubs:

case spades: return Color.Black;

case diamonds:

case hearts: return Color.Red;

default: throw new AssertionError( suit + “ not valid value” );



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Enumerated Types

Similar to enum types in C, Pascal etc. and HashTable, keyset

Enums are classes, extends java.lang.Enum Class declaration:

Class Enum<E extends Enum<E>> Enums are final, can’t be subclassed. Only one Constructor and is are protected. Implement java.lang.Comparable:

compareTo() Implement Serializable

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Fun with Enums public enum DAYConstants {


}; Class DAYConstants { Final staic sting MONDAY = 1; TUESDAY = 2;

doStuff(52); }

Pubilc int doStuff(DAYConstants day) {


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Enumerated types Enumerated types are a way of representing nonstandard

data, such as days of the week, with integers: static final int SUNDAY = 1;

static final int MONDAY = 2;…

Or months of the year: static final int JANUARY = 0;

static final int FEBRUARY = 1;…

The problem with this approach is that there are so many ways to make errors: static final int DECEMBER = 12; int date = year + month + dayOfWeek;

Over the past few years there have been many attempts to define an idiom for making type-safe enumerations

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Enumerated types in Java 1.5

public enum Suit {clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades} Notice new keyword “enum” Values of enum constants are assigned automatically public enum Coin{

penny(1), nickel(5), dime(10), quarter(25); // values Coin(int value) { this.value = value; } // constructor private final int value; // instance

variable public int value() { return value; } // method

} This is very like a class declaration

Printing results in the named constant: dime, not 10

Named constants can be read in

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Using an enumerated type public class CoinTest {

public static void main(String[] args) { for (Coin c : Coin.VALUES) System.out.println(c + ": \t" + c.value() +"¢ \t" + color(c)); }

private enum CoinColor { copper, nickel, silver }

private static CoinColor color(Coin c) { switch(c) { case Coin.penny: return CoinColor.copper; case Coin.nickel: return CoinColor.nickel; case Coin.dime: // deliberate fall through to next case case Coin.quarter: return CoinColor.silver; default: throw new AssertionError("Unknown coin: " + c); } }}

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Advantages of enumerated types

enum types simplify code and make it more readable Types are checked at compile time (hence, very type safe) Performance is comparable to int constants Each enum type has its own name space (you don't have to say

Coin.dime) You can add, reorder or even remove constants without the need to

recompile other classes that use these constants I’ve seen one source that says you do need to recompile

Printed values are informative enum constants can be used in collections (for example, as HashMap

keys) You can add arbitrary fields and methods to an enum class An enum type can be made to implement arbitrary interfaces enum types can be used in switch statements enum types are serializable

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Disadvantages of enumerated types

Still more complexity in the language Harder for beginners, nicer for experts!

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Type-safe enum



//usedDay today = Day.WEDNESDAY;

switch(today){case SUNDAY:



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More Complex Enum

enum Suit { CLUBS(Color.BLACK), DIAMONDS(Color.RED), HEARTS(Color.RED), SPADES(Color.BLACK);

private Color color;

Suit(Color color) { this.color = color; }

public Color getColor() { return color; } }

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§6. Autoboxing / Unboxing

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Autoboxing Java distinguishes between primitive types and

Objects Primitive types, i.e., int, double, are compact, support

arithmetic operators Object classes (Integer, Double) have more methods:

Integer.toString() You need a “wrapper” to use Object methods:

Integer ii = new Integer( i ); ii.hashCode() Similarly, you need to “unwrap” an Object to use primitive

operationint j = ii.intValue() * 7;

Java 1.5 makes this automatic: Before:

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); list.add(0, new Integer(42)); int total = (list.get(0)).intValue();

After:ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); list.add(0, 42); int total = list.get(0);

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Auto boxing and unboxing

Java won’t let you use a primitive value where an object is required--you need a “wrapper” myVector.add(new Integer(5));

Similarly, you can’t use an object where a primitive is required--you need to “unwrap” it int n = ((Integer)myVector.lastElement()).intValue();

Java 1.5 makes this automatic: Vector<Integer> myVector = new Vector<Integer>();

myVector.add(5);int n = myVector.lastElement();

Other extensions make this as transparent as possible For example, control statements that previously required a

boolean (if, while, do-while) can now take a Boolean There are some subtle issues with equality tests, though

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Autoboxing / Unboxing Example Traditional “boxing” example:

List ssnList = new ArrayList();

. . .

int ssn = getSocSecNum();

. . .

Integer ssnInteger = new Integer(ssn);


Why do I have to convert from int to Integer?

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Autoboxing / Unboxing Example #1 “Autoboxing” example:

List ssnList = new ArrayList();

. . .

int ssn = getSocSecNum();

. . .


No need for an explicit conversion to Integer.

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Autoboxing / Unboxing

The need to explicitly convert between primitive types and wrapper objects. Such as primitive type int, and wrapper object Integer.

Can’t put primitives into Collections. Autoboxing and Unboxing

Automatic conversion by the compiler Eliminates casts Automatically part of method invocation,

assignment conversion, numeric promotion. Wouldn’t it be nice if the compiler would

perform these conversions for you?

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Autoboxing / Unboxing Example #2 Autoboxing/Unboxing used in other


double area(double height, double width) { return height * width;

} . . .

Double h = new Double(…); double w = …; double a = area(h,w); Double A = area(h,w);

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Autoboxing / Unboxing Example #3 And others:

Double premium = new Double(123.45);

Double tax = premium * 0.05;double fee = 5.95;Double totalPremium = premium + tax + fee;

This is an example. Mixing primitives and objects. (Note: Don’t multiply two floating point values and

expect to get an accurate result!)

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Boxing / Unboxing

Collections hold only objects, so to put primitive data types it needs to be wrapped into a class, like int to Integer.

It is a pain to wrap and unwrap. Wouldn’t it be nice if the compiler

took care of it for you?

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J2SE 1.4.0

ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();    Integer intObject = new Integer(10);arrayList.add(intObject); // cannot add 10 directly

J2SE 5.0

ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();    arrayList.add(10); // int 10 is automatically wrapped into Integer

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Autoboxing and Unboxing

Autoboxing: Automatic converting of primitives into wrapper


Integer x = 10;

Unboxing Automatic converting of wrapper classes into


double PI = new Double(3.14);

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§7. Improvement / Performance

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Analyze Memory Heap Dump

Any problem in pure Java code throws a Java exception or error. Java exceptions or errors will not cause a core dump (on LINUX systems) or a Dr.Watson error (on WIN32systems). Any serious Java problem will result in an OutOfMemoryError thrown by the JVM with the stack trace and consequently JVM will exit. These Java stack traces are very useful for identifying the cause for an abnormal exit of the JVM. So is there a way to know that OutOfMemoryError is about to occur? The Java JDK 1.5 has a package called java.lang.management which has useful JMX beans that we can use to manage the JVM. One of these beans is the MemoryMXBean.

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StringBuilder Class Introduced a new class java.lang.StringBuilder. It is like unsunchronized StringBuffer. Faster than StringBuffer. An improvement upon StringBuffer Allows quicker concatenation of strings. Why use it?

Creating new Strings in a loop can be inefficient because of the number new objects that are created and discarded.

StringBuilder.append(<type> <value>) StringBuilder.insert(<type> <value>)

No synchronization! Not safe for use by multiple threads

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Faster startup time

Better garbage collection; low pause option

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§8. Complementary Features

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Complementary Features

Generics improve enhanced for loop Generics and auto-boxing/unboxing

allow Enumerated types Variable args improve API usability Variable args allow formatted I/O

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§9. Final Comments

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"The new language features all have one thing in common: they take some common idiom and provide linguistic support for it. In other words, they shift the responsibility for writing the boilerplate code from the programmer to the compiler."

Final Comments

Better expressiveness Current Java “idioms”

Java “boilerplate” code New language features

Shift boilerplate code from programmer to compiler. Easier to write. Reduces the chances for bugs. Easier to read. Less code to accomplish the same


Increased type safety Catch bugs at compile time, not run time.

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If you have any queries, Please feel free to contact meEmail – [email protected]