BDD for Javascript Luis Alfredo Porras Páez

Jasmine BDD for Javascript

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Page 1: Jasmine BDD for Javascript

BDD for Javascript

Luis Alfredo Porras Páez

Page 2: Jasmine BDD for Javascript

Everyone meet to Jasmine :)

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A BDD Framework for testing JavaScript.

- Does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks.

- Does not require a DOM.

- It has a clean, obvious syntax

- Heavily influenced by, and borrows the best parts of, ScrewUnit, JSSpec, JSpec, and of course RSpec.

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"What your code should do"

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"To express what you expect about the behavior of your code"


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Suites"To Describe a component of your code"

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Before and After

beforeEach( ) => Takes a function that is run before each spec

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Before and After II

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Before and After III

afterEach( ) => Takes a function that is run after each spec

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Before and After IV

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Before and After V

Single-spec After functions

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Nested Describes

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Disabling Tests

describe => xdescribe

it => xit

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expect(x).toEqual(y);expect(x).toBe(y);expect(x).toMatch(pattern); expect(x).toBeDefined(); expect(x).toBeNull(); expect(x).toBeTruthy();expect(x).toBeFalsy();expect(x).toContain(y);expect(x).toBeLessThan(y);expect(x).toBeGreaterThan(y);expect(fn).toThrow(e);expect(x).not.toEqual(y);

Every matcher's criteria can be inverted by prepending .not


"How you can evaluate your code behavior"

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Your own matcher

"We are not slave, we wanna make our own matchers"

describe('Hello world', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.addMatchers({ toBeDivisibleByTwo: function() { return (this.actual % 2) === 0; } }); });

it('is divisible by 2', function() { expect(gimmeANumber()).toBeDivisibleByTwo(); });


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Jasmine becomes SPY GIRL

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"Jasmine Spies are test doubles that can act as stubs, spies, fakes or when used in an expecation, mocks."

Spies should be created in test setup, before expectations.

Spies are torn down at the end of every spec.

Spies can be checked if they were called or not and what the calling params were.

A Spy has the following fields: wasCalled, callCount, mostRecentCall, and argsForCall

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SPIES IIspying on an existing function that you don't touch, with spyOn()var Person = function() { };Person.prototype.helloSomeone = function(toGreet) { return this.sayHello() + " " + toGreet; };Person.prototype.sayHello = function() { return "Hello"; };

we want to make sure it calls the sayHello() function when we call the helloSomeone() functiondescribe("Person", function() { it("calls the sayHello() function", function() { var fakePerson = new Person(); spyOn(fakePerson, "sayHello"); fakePerson.helloSomeone("world"); expect(fakePerson.sayHello).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });

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SPIES IIIspying on an existing function that you don't touch, with spyOn()var Person = function() { };Person.prototype.helloSomeone = function(toGreet) { return this.sayHello() + " " + toGreet; };Person.prototype.sayHello = function() { return "Hello"; };

Now we want to make sure that helloSomeone is called with "world" as its argumentdescribe("Person", function() { it("greets the world", function() { var fakePerson = new Person(); spyOn(fakePerson, "helloSomeone"); fakePerson.helloSomeone("world"); expect(fakePerson.helloSomeone).toHaveBeenCalledWith("world"); }); });

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SPIES IVSpying on an existing function that you modify: use of jasmine.createSpy()var Person = function() { };Person.prototype.helloSomeone = function(toGreet) { return this.sayHello() + " " + toGreet; };Person.prototype.sayHello = function() { return "Hello"; };

With Jasmine, you can "empty" the contents of the function while you're testing�describe("Person", function() { it("says hello", function() { var fakePerson = new Person(); fakePerson.sayHello = jasmine.createSpy("Say-hello spy"); fakePerson.helloSomeone("world"); expect(fakePerson.sayHello).toHaveBeenCalled(); });});

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SPIES VSpying on an existing function that you modify: use of jasmine.createSpy()var Person = function() { };Person.prototype.helloSomeone = function(toGreet) { return this.sayHello() + " " + toGreet; };Person.prototype.sayHello = function() { return "Hello"; };

You can specify that a spy function return something�fakePerson.sayHello = jasmine.createSpy('"Say hello" spy').andReturn("ello ello");

You can even give your spy functions something to dofakePerson.sayHello = jasmine.createSpy('"Say hello" spy').andCallFake(function() { document.write("Time to say hello!"); return "bonjour"; });

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Spying AJAXSpies can be very useful for testing AJAX or other asynchronous behaviors that take callbacks by faking the method firing an async call

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Spy-Specific Matchers

expect(x).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(arguments) expect(x).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(x).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(arguments)

When working with spies, these matchers are quite handy:

Spies can be trained to respond in a variety of ways when invoked:spyOn(x, 'method').andCallThrough() spyOn(x, 'method').andReturn(arguments)spyOn(x, 'method').andThrow(exception)spyOn(x, 'method').andCallFake(function)

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Asynchronous specs

There are three Jasmine functions that hep you with asynchronicity: run(), waitsFor(), and wait().

runsrun() blocks execute procedurally, so you don't have to worry about asynchronous code screwing everything up.

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Asynchronous specs II

runsrun() blocks share functional scope -- this properties will be common to all blocks, but declared var's will not!

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Asynchronous specs III

waits(timeout)The function waits( ) works with runs( ) to provide a naive timeout before the next block is run

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Asynchronous specs IV

waits(timeout)waits( ) allows you to pause the spec for a fixed period of time.

But what if you don't know exactly how long you need to wait?

waitsFor to the Rescue¡

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Asynchronous specs V

waitsFor(function, optional message, optional timeout)waitsFor() . Provides a better interface for pausing your spec until some other work has completed.Jasmine will wait until the provided function returns true before continuing with the next block. This may mean waiting an arbitrary period of time, or you may specify a maxiumum period in milliseconds before timing out.describe("Calculator", function() { it("should factor two huge numbers asynchronously", function() { var calc = new Calculator(); var answer = calc.factor(18973547201226, 28460320801839); waitsFor(function() { return calc.answerHasBeenCalculated(); }, "It took too long to find those factors.", 10000);runs(function() { expect(answer).toEqual(9486773600613); }); });});

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You could look at these

Jasmine-JQuery: jQuery matchers and fixture loader for Jasmine framework Jasmine Species: Extended BDD grammar and reporting for Jasmine jasmine-headless-webkit: Uses the QtWebKit widget to run your specs without needing to render a pixel.

JasmineRice: Utilizing (jasmine) and taking full advantage of the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline jasmine rice removes any excuse YOU have for not testing your out of control sprawl of coffeescript files.

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You could look at these

Try Jasmine Online: start with jasmine from your browser :)