founded in June 2013

IoT Forum Q1 2015

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founded  in  June  2013  

IoT ForumThe  Internet  of  Things  Interna6onal  Forum  aims  at    •  the  development  of  a  worldwide  interoperable  Internet  of  Things,  addressing  technology  barriers,  business  and  societal  challenges  to  create  the  condi6ons  for  a  truly  worldwide  Internet  of  Things  ecosystem  and  market.    

•  It  does  this  through  promo6ng  interna6onal  dialogue  and  coopera6on  on  the  Internet  of  Things  between  diverse  actors  from  industry,  research  and  government  and  across  sectors.  

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Worldwide CommunityNetwork of Experts|We  have  one  of  the  widest  global  networks  of  IoT  experts  in  technology,  business  and  societal  topics.

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Expert ServicesWorking Groups|We  offer  working  groups  that  tackle  global  problems  and  aim  at  crea6ng  a  global  interoperable  IoT.  

Active Working Groups:•  Market  Confidence,  Philippe  Cousin  •  Architecture  and  Interoperability,  François  Carrez  •  Business  Leadership,  Ivan  Häuser  

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Unique EventsIoT Week|Our  flagship  event  is  one  of  the  longest  running  IoT  Events  and  aWracts  a  broad  global  audience.

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IoT  Week  Lisbon  The  next  IoT  Week  will  be  hosted  in  Porto  16-­‐18  June  2015.  

Open Discussions Pre-Commercial Context|The  IoT  Forum  offers  a  pre-­‐commercial  context  for  organisa6ons  to  exchange  knowledge  and  informa6on.

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Member benefits

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•  Unique  Events  |  Our  flagship  event  is  one  of  the  longest  running  IoT  Events  and  aWracts  a  global  audience  from  industry,  academia  and  policy  makers.  Members  are  key  in  shaping  the  event  and  are  en6tled  to  a  free  6cket  for  the  event.  All  General  Assembly  mee6ngs  are  also  free  of  charge.  

•  Worldwide  Community  |  Our  network  reaches  into  every  corner  of  the  world.  We  have  the  widest  network  of  IoT  experts  in  technology,  business  and  societal  topics.  Members  are  welcomed  into  the  community  and  individual  introduc6ons  are  made  to  any  of  our  members.  

•  Expert  Services  |  We  offer  a  number  of  working  groups  that  tackle  global  problems  and  aim  at  crea6ng  a  global  interoperable  Internet  of  Things.  Members  are  welcome  to  par6cipate  to  the  exis6ng  working  groups  and  kick  start  new  ini6a6ves  if  a  need  is  iden6fied.  

•  Open  Discussions  |  The  IoT  Forum  offers  a  pre-­‐commercial  space  for  organisa6ons  to  exchange  knowledge  and  informa6on.  This  allows  partnerships  to  be  nurtured  on  neutral  ground,  providing  invaluable  advantages  at  later  stages.  

IoT Forum board

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Mirko  Presser    IoT  Forum  President  

François  Carrez    IoT  Forum  Secretary    

Richard  Foggie    IoT  Forum  Treasurer    

Sebas;en  Ziegler    IoT  Forum  Vice  President  

MembersSponsor Members: Alexandra Instituttet | Grundfos | Knowledge Transfer Network | Institute for Information Industry | University of Surrey | Insight

Ordinary Members: DunavNET | University of Melbourne | Hildebrand Technology | ICT Technology Network Institute | Mandat International | NEC Europe | Fraunhofer IML | Lulea University of Technology | Easy Global Market | iHomeLab Hochschule Luzern | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland | Fenie Energia | IK4-Tekniker | Telekom Srbija | CBS/Nordic IoT Cluster

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founded  in  June  2013  

join at iotforum.org