Assistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions for All José Angel Martínez Usero Project Coordinator Madrid, Spain 14 th and 15 th March, 2011

Introduction to ATIS4all- European Thematic Network on ATs and inclusive solutions

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ATIS4all is a European Thematic Network which main objective seeks to facilitate everyone's access to the most suitable AT or accessibility device and service according to their needs, preferences and contextual characteristics (e.g. ICT solution, environment constraints, user device, language, etc.). For this purpose, ATIS4all will start and maintain an open, collaborative portal offering reliable information on AT and inclusive products and services, and cutting-edge technological trends. ATIS4all will contain Web 2.0 participation tools in order to encourage online discussion exchange of knowledge and expertise, and sharing of information among key actors and end users

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Page 1: Introduction to ATIS4all- European Thematic Network on ATs and inclusive solutions

Assistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions for


José Angel Martínez Usero

Project Coordinator

Madrid, Spain

14th and 15th March, 2011

Page 2: Introduction to ATIS4all- European Thematic Network on ATs and inclusive solutions

15% of the total EU population having disabilities (i.e. about 74 million


Inclusive ICT and ATs are essential for enabling full participation in


These technologies mitigate barriers many people face in their daily

life environments.

The potential beneficiaries of eAccessibility are not only people with

strictly defined disabilities.

Relevance of ATs

ATIS4allAssistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions for All

The Socio-economic problem

Page 3: Introduction to ATIS4all- European Thematic Network on ATs and inclusive solutions

Barriers from the market perspective:

• The fragmentation caused by different national systems and


• Different service delivery and gaps in the AT value chain

Barriers from the users perspective:

• High purchasing costs of ATs for end-users

• Lack of availability of product information

The barriers of the ATs (1/2)

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The Socio-economic problem

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Barriers from the technological perspective:

• Lack of coordination mechanisms and sharing of knowledge

among AT developers lead to :

• Development redundancy with similar technologies produced


• Lack of interoperability of mainstream ICTs and ATs

• R&D projects face barriers to bringing their outcomes to the AT


The barriers of the ATs (2/2)

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The Socio-economic problem

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Web 2.0 technologies and user participation

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Philosophical base in three cornerstones

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Redefinition of the target market

ATIS4allAssistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions for All

Philosophical base in three cornerstones

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Focus on Open software and cutting-edge technological trends

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Philosophical base in three cornerstones

Page 8: Introduction to ATIS4all- European Thematic Network on ATs and inclusive solutions

O1. Creating a sustainable and reference European network

O2. Development of the “Market place”, an online meeting point for

key actors.

O3. Setting up of the “R&D community”.

O4. Development of a key actors search application to find

organisations relevant in the field of ICT ATs.

O5. Setting up the “EASTIN 2.0” portal, a reference online portal

providing a seamless access to these sets of services developed by both


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Specific objectives of ATIS4all

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The Consortium partners



















Best PracticesCRC


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ETNA (yellow) and ATIS4all (blue)

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Main result of the cluster of both TNs

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ATIS4allAssistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions for All

Main results of ATIS4all

Online meeting point focused on ICT ATs (whether commercial, freely

downloadable or open source), inclusive solutions (accessible products

and services such as accessible maps, accessible games, etc.) and related

services (delivery, training, post-sale, etc.). It contains two sections:

Web 2.0 applications such as a forum for products and services,

blogs, users’ ratings and comments, and other participation tools.

Useful information (e.g. best practices, market fragmentation,

etc), links to external sources of information , news, RSS, mailing

lists and other tools for communication and dissemination.

The “Market place”

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ATIS4allAssistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions for All

Main results of ATIS4all

Online meeting point focused on R&D and cutting edge technologies

applied to the ICT ATs and inclusive solutions. It contains two sections:

Web 2.0 applications such as a forum for R&D and cutting edge

technologies, blogs, and other participation tools .

Useful information on R&D and cutting edge technologies, links to

external sources of information, news, RSS, mailing lists and other

tools for communication and dissemination.

The “R&D community”

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ATIS4allAssistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions for All

Main results of ATIS4all

The “key actors search application” aims to facilitate the search of

organisations relevant in the field of ICT ATs, inclusive solutions, and

related services, and R&D and cutting edge technologies applied to them.

Outcome: an online interactive directory of relevant organisations

The “key actors search application”

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Timescale and main objectives of each WP

WP1. “State of the art of the AT market and R&D” (Jan 2011 – Jun


Identification and consensus on the topics to be covered in the

Market place and the R&D Community

Identification of the main sources of information

Identification of the key actors to be involved in ATIS4all and in the


Technical analysis of existing EASTIN portal to develop the demo

for user rating and commenting

Website, epractice community, project handbook, dissemination

material, etc.

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Timescale and main objectives of each WP

WP2. “Compilation of information and categorisation” (Jul 2011 – Dec 2011)

Gathering and analysis of the information for the “Market place” and “R&D community”

Development and integration of the demo for user rating and commenting

WP3. “Planning of tools and applications to the self-management of the portal” (Jan 2012 – Jun 2012)

Gathering and analysis of the information for the “Market place” and “R&D community”

Consensus, planning and design of the Web 2.0 applications

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Timescale and main objectives of each WP

WP4.“Development of the portal tools, applications and content” (Jul 2012–Dec 2012)

Development and integration of the Web 2.0 applications

Development and integration of the whole EASTIN 2.0 portal

Integration of the information gathered and analysed in WP2 and WP3

WP5.“Dynamic participation in the “EASTIN 2.0” portal and involvement of key actors” (Jan 2013 – Jun 2013)

Active participation in the “EASTIN 2.0” portal, including: offering information, fostering online discussion, supervising members’ behaviour, etc.

Involvement of the key actors identified in WP1 as active members of the portal

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Timescale and main objectives of each WP

WP6.“Dynamic participation and sustainability ensuring of the

network and portal” (Jul 2013–Dec 2013)

Active participation in the “EASTIN 2.0” portal, including: offering information, fostering online discussion, supervising members’ behaviour, etc.

Involvement of more key actors

Development of a sustainability plan for EASTIN 2.0 portal and ATIS4all network beyond the funded period

Dissemination and exploitation actions are transversal to all WPs

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The Consortium management structure in Technosite

Project coordinator: Jose Ángel Martinez ([email protected])

Technical coordinator: Mª Elena Gomez ([email protected])

Administrative and financial coordinator: Mercedes Ontiveros ([email protected] )

General management structure:

• Consortium Executive Board (CEB)

• Market Place Committee (MPC)

• R&D Committe (R&DC)

• Dissemination and Exploitation Committee (DEC)

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Project website and epractice community

ATIS4all website


ePractice community “eAccessibility practice, policy, monitoring and impact”


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ATIS4allAssistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions for All

ATIS4ALL: Be part of it! , Be part of us!

This initiative will succeed if all partners, supporters and (in the future) members of the portal are active.

Only the interesting topics for the key actors in the field will attract them and make them active contributors

Today, you will decide on the topics that interest you (as key actors)


Please, be active in the debates of the Workshop