Intro to TypeScript Matt Harrington http:// aka.ms/mattharrington @mh415

Intro to TypeScript, HTML5DevConf Oct 2013

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Matt Harrington's slides from "Introduction to TypeScript" at HTML5DevConf, Oct 2013, San Francisco.

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Intro to TypeScriptMatt Harrington


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• What is TypeScript and why should you care?• How to install and use• Demos• Feature overview• Benefits for:

• jQuery users• Angular devs• Library writers

• Larger apps

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What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development.

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.

Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open Source.

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TypeScript• Classes, modules, arrow

functions (coming in ES6)• Interfaces, optional static


JavaScript ES5

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File.ts compiler File.js

tsc --out File.js File.ts

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JavaScript types

String Number Boolean Object

Array Null Undefined

Prefer the terms static and dynamic to strong and weak

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How does TypeScript compare to …?

• Check out Bryan Klimt’s session:• “Stop Writing JavaScript by Hand: 7 Ways Transpiling Makes JavaScript Better”• Wednesday @ 1:30pm• Room N-125

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How does TypeScript compare to …?

TypeScript CoffeeScript Dart

Main aim? Enable large-scale app dev with JavaScript

Cleaner syntax, but compiles to JavaScript

“A new language, with tools and libraries, for structured web app engineering”

JS or something else? Yes, TS is a superset New language New language

Static typing? Yes No Yes

Classes, OOP? Yes Yes Yes

Use 3rd party JS? Yes Yes Sorta (js-interop)

Mac, Linux, Windows? Yes Yes Yes

Which VM? Any JS VM Any JS VM Dart VM or JS VM

Adapted from TypeScript Revealed by Dan Maharry

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• Typescriptlang.org & CodePlex• TypeScript adds:

1. Classes2. Modules3. Interfaces4. Arrow functions5. Optional static typing

• Compiles to plain old JavaScript. Use anywhere.• Any JavaScript is TypeScript• Use tons of 3rd party libraries• Use it today on projects large and small

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