Intro to Ionic for Building Hybrid Mobile Applications Presented By: Sasha dos Santos Tampa Code Camp http://goo.gl/kZgLcm Ionic is a free framework that allows users to easily build hybrid mobile applications for iOS and Android using Angular and Cordova. Ionic provides a command line interface, CSS classes, reusable components (directives) and various tools for testing and development. In this session, you'll get a birds- eye view of what Ionic has to offer, as well as guidelines for building your first Ionic app. July 18, 2015

Intro to Ionic for Building Hybrid Mobile Applications

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Intro to Ionic for Building Hybrid Mobile Applications

Presented By: Sasha dos Santos

Tampa Code Camp


Ionic is a free framework that allows users to easily build hybrid mobile applications for iOS and Android using Angular and Cordova. Ionic provides a command line interface, CSS classes, reusable components (directives) and various tools for testing and development. In this session, you'll get a birds-eye view of what Ionic has to offer, as well as guidelines for building your first Ionic app.

July 18, 2015

About The Presenter

• Tampa-area developer with interest in JavaScript, Mobile, GIS & .NET

• Graduate of the University of South Florida

• Twitter: @SashaGeekette

• Blog: SashaGeekette.wordpress.com

• LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/hiresasha

• Email: [email protected]


• http://ionicframework.com

• Uses the Cordova project

• Uses Angular framework

• Open-Source – Development Framework:


– CLI: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-cli

– Version 1.0 Released May 2015

• Currently supports Android 4.1+ & iOS 7+– Windows Phone currently in development

Ionic Showcase


Hybrid Mobile Applications

• Build native apps using HTML /JavaScript/ CSS

– Pro: One set of code & resources for all platforms

– Con: Performance compared to native applications

• The application is actually running in a frameless browser window called a web view

Cordova Plugins

• Plugins provide a bridge between native device code and JavaScript to access native capabilities

• Accelerometer, Camera, Capture, Compass, Connection, Contacts, Device, Events, File, Geolocation, Media, Notification, Storage…

• http://plugins.cordova.io/#/

Application Building Blocks

Ionic Setup

• Get Node.js (http://nodejs.org/)– TIP: Windows users, use Chocolatey package manager

(https://chocolatey.org)• Use following command: cinst nodejs• Close window & open new one to continue with new Path variable

• Get git (http://git-scm.com/)– Used by Cordova to fetch plugins from github repos– The git protocol is used (port 9418), so if behind a firewall

may need to issue command to use https instead (slower)• git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

– TIP: Chocolatey users, use: cinst git

• Use Node Package Manager (npm) to install Cordova globally: npm install –g cordova

• Use npm to install Ionic globally: npm install -g ionic

Ionic Starter Templates

For list of available starter templates use:ionic starter -l

Sidemenu Example (pt. 1)

• Create new project using:

ionic start <name> sidemenu

• Navigate inside the newly created folder

• Serve the project as a website using:

ionic serve

– Live Reload: once a file is changed and saved, the browser will automatically refresh

Sidemenu Example (pt. 2)

• In Google Chrome, use Developer Tools (F12) with Emulation to simulate different device sizes, screen orientations and network speeds

– Keep in mind that most Cordova plugins do not have a fallback for when testing in the browser

Sidemenu Example (pt. 3)

Sidemenu Example (pt. 4)

• Use any IDE to open project– Visual Studio: Open as a Web Site


• hooks folder is list of Cordova hooks– scripts that run during the build


• plugins folder is list of Cordova plugins

• scss folder is for Sass files (not required)– Sass is a CSS pre-processor

Sidemenu Example (pt. 5)

• index.html – all style sheet and script references

– All content ‘slides’ into ion-nav-view

• www – what will be copied over to your app

• Use ionic lib update to update ionic version

Sidemenu Example (pt. 6)

• app.js contains routing configuration

– determines which view ‘slides’ into index.html

– Ionic does not use Angular’s default routing, but instead uses ui-router (https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router)

– ui-router uses the concept of a state machine

Sidemenu Example (pt. 7)

• Navigation elements (menu, header) located in parent state

• Content is located in child states – Inherit $scope

from parent (prototypal inheritance)

Sidemenu Example (pt. 8)

• .bowerrc and bower.json are for users of bower (optional)

– package manager for installing & updating 3rd party JS libraries (more on this later)

• .gitignore is a file for users of git to specify which files should be excluded from source control

– 3rd party libraries

TIP: Recommended App Structure

• Template structure is very simplistic

– Ex. All controllers defined in 1 file

• For larger apps, use Angular best practices

– https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide

• Arrange in folders per feature w/ consistent naming convention based on type of file

Reusable components

Unit Test

Module Definition

Working with Platforms

• To build the app will require setting up the environment as required for native development– iOS: requires a Mac, developer account, setup Xcode, provision

devices– Android: JDK, Ant, Android SDK, enable developer options on phone

• Official Ionic Video for Android on Windows:– http://learn.ionicframework.com/videos/windows-android/

• My blog post on setting up environment on Windows:– https://sashageekette.wordpress.com/2015/03/24/how-to-get-


• Add platform to project– ionic platform add <android Or iOS>

• ionic build• ionic run or ionic emulate

– Add –l option to have livereload on the device• Modify source and automatically have it refresh on device

Debugging on Devices - Android

• Use chrome://inspect to debug WebView

– Assumes Android tools installed on computer and phone enabled for USB Debugging

– Screencast also available for devices on 4.4.4+

Debugging on Devices - iOS

• Safari Web Inspector

– Under Develop menu

User Interface


• Many of the UI elements rely solely on CSS

Platform Continuity

• Ability to design app according to the style guidelines of target platforms

– Ex. Centered header on iOS, left-aligned on Android

– Ex. Bottom tabs on iOS, top tabs on Android

• Ionic will automatically apply styles on some of the UI elements based on the OS

– This can be overridden

• Required for being featured by Apple/Google as well as Ionic Showcase

Complex Lists


• Both css-only and ion-tab directive available

• If using ion-tab directive, tabs appear on the bottom for iOS devices and on the top for Android, though this is configurable

• Each tab has its own navigation stack


• Swipe left of right to navigate through different screens

• Great for images, but can hold any type of content


• Can contain any type of content

• Good for context menus

• List of hyperlinks

• Slightly different appearance on iOS vs Android to conform to default styles

Gestures / Events

• Based on Hammer.JS• Add event handler to any element• tap• double-tap• touch• hold (>500 ms touch)• release• drag• drag-up• drag-right• drag-down• drag-left• swipe• swipe-up• swipe-right• swipe-down• swipe-left

Pull to Refresh

• Swipe down to trigger action upon release


• Ionic uses Sass, a CSS precompiler, to provide default color themes

• Ex. <ion-bar class=‘bar-positive’> to generate a blue header

• You can override Sass variables and tweak Ionic’s css to create a custom theme

• http://learn.ionicframework.com/videos/sass/

Ionic Lab

• Side-by-side comparison of default app styling for different platforms

• ionic serve --lab



Ionicons• Over 700 MIT-licensed font icons• Based on vector graphics (.svg) and scale well for both

low & high resolution displays• Many icons based on native imagery

– Ex. Download for iOS and Android, respectively:

• Multiple uses:– In an icon tag: <i class="icon ion-settings"/>– As the content of a :before or :after pseudo class.warning:before{

font-family:'ionicons';content: '\f100'

}– <button class="button icon-left ion -settings">Settings</button>

– In lists, headers, tabs etc.

Ionic Marketplace

• http://market.ionic.io/

• Place to sell & buy addons, themes and plugins

• Coming Soon (as of July 2015)



Ionic Deploy (pt. 1)

• Update app without having to submit to Apple & Google for approval

• Apple allows hybrid apps to update themselves as long as app binary is not updated (aka – no added plugins)

• Ability to roll-back to previous version

• Channels allow different users to get different versions of app (ex. Production vs Beta)

Ionic Deploy (pt. 2)

• Upload app to Ionic.io w/ updated HTML, JavaScript and CSS

• App checks for update from Ionic server and then downloads it

• Continuous or On-demand


Ionic Push

• Sign up for Google Cloud Messaging Service

• Sign up for Apple Push Notification Service

• One REST API to manage all notifications


Ionic Analytics (pt. 1)

• Captures event (single, isolated action) as key-value pair (name, object as event description)

• Track users anonymously or via unique identifier / data of your choosing

• Automatically collects the following:

Ionic Analytics (pt. 2)

• Custom events for app-specific tracking

• Via ion-track-* directives

– tap, hold, release, doubletap

• Via the track method

Ionic Creator


Ionic Creator

• Good for prototyping

• Create screens using drag & drop interface

• Templates for common screen types and navigation methods

• Link between screens

• Various Export Methods– Project: ionic start <appName> creator:<creator ID>

– Zip File

– View raw HTML

Ionic View App

• http://view.ionic.io

• Download ionic view app

• Upload build to ionic

– ionic upload

• View your app on devices without installation

• Warning: Not all Cordova plugins supported at the moment


Codepen (pt. 1)

• View output of HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Codepen (pt. 2)

• Official Ionic examples:

– http://codepen.io/ionic/public-list/

• When reporting a bug or requesting assistance, start with a fork and embed a link to the forum post

– Blank Template: http://codepen.io/ionic/pen/Qwpxer

• To target a particular version of Ionic, use the CDN’s ionic.bundle.js and appropriate css

– http://code.ionicframework.com

Codepen (pt. 3)

• Can start a project based on a Codepen demo

– great for testing on a real device

– ionic start <name for your new app> <url of pen>

ionic start myapp http://codepen.io/ionic/pen/hqcju

ngCordova (pt. 1)

• http://ngcordova.com/

• Stand-alone project created by Drifty

• Angular wrappers for over 63 Cordova Plugins

– Plugins exposed via service with support for promises

– Rely on Angular’s dependency injection => good for unit testing

– Future Plans: ability to mock services, simulate data

• bower install ngCordova --save

ngCordova (pt. 2)

Using plugin directly

Using ngCordova wrapper

Icon & Splashscreen Generation (pt. 1)

• Generate icons and splashscreens of different sizes and pixel densities via Ionic CLI

• Create ‘resource’ directory at root of project• Uses .png, .psd (Photoshop) or .ai (Illustrator)

– icon file should be 192 x 192• iOS will automatically round corners

– splash file should be 2208 x 2208 (artwork centered 1200 x 1200)

• Use command: ionic resources• Generates images and adds lines to config.xml to

be used by Cordova during build process

Icon & Splashscreen Generation (pt. 2)

• http://ionicframework.com/blog/automating-icons-and-splash-screens/

Crosswalk for Android

• Crosswalk allows your app to provide the WebView– https://crosswalk-project.org/– http://ionicframework.com/blog/crosswalk-comes-to-ionic/

• Based on latest Chromium browser• No need to worry about supporting old, outdated versions

of Android (device fragmentation)– Latest HTML 5 support & improved performance– Works on Android 4.0+ devices

• Adds 10 – 15 MB to .apk file– Two separate builds, one for x86 and one for ARM– Play store automatically installs the correct version for device

• ionic browser add crosswalk

The Yeoman Ionic Generator


• http://yeoman.io/

• npm install -g yo

• Scaffolding tool for generating new projects based on best practices and tools

– Opinionated workflow

Bower (pt. 1)

• http://bower.io/• npm install -g bower

• Install 3rd-party JavaScript libraries• Recursively installs dependencies

• ex. bower install momentjs --save– Installs momentjs and all of its dependencies and saves reference

in bower.json

• bower.json file tracks libraries in use by project• Removes need to store 3rd party libraries in source control

• New developer runs bower install to get all dependencies

Bower (pt. 2)

• Use bower update or bower update <library name> to update library based on bower.json

– Matches minor version: ~1.2.3

– Up to but not including next major version: ^1.2.3

– For alpha & beta, ^ and ~ ignored => must manually modify bower.json to latest version


• http://gruntjs.com/

• Use npm install grunt -g to install globally

• JavaScript task runner

– Automate repetitive tasks

• Ex. Minification, Linting, Unit Testing, Compilation

Ionic Generator - Intro

• https://github.com/diegonetto/generator-ionic

• npm install -g generator-ionic

• To create new app use yo ionic

• Series of questions to determine best structure for app

– Ex. Starter template, required Cordova plugins, Sass requirement

Ionic Generator – Project Structure

• Develop in the app folder

• During build process, files moved from app folder, combined, minified and placed in www folder

• Gruntfile.js contains list of grunt tasks– Replace ionic commands with grunt

equivalent (ex. grunt serve, grunt build, grunt run, grunt emulate)

Ionic Generator - Grunt Tasks

• Minify html, css, js– Use ng-annotate to protect

dependency injection

• Inspect JS for errors

• Inject new bower js dependencies into index.html

• Run unit tests with Karma– TIP: Easy to switch from Mocha/Chai

to Jasmine by installing karma-jasmine

– Calculate code coverage with Istanbul

Additional Resources

• Job Postings: jobs.ionic.io/• Documentation: ionicframework.com/docs• Community Forum: forum.ionicframework.com• GitHub / Issue Tracker: github.com/driftyco/ionic• Learn Ionic: learn.ionicframework.com/• Feature Requests

https://trello.com/b/nNk2Yq1k/ionic-framework• YouTube Channel / Ionic Show

