How do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?

Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?

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Social media usage has grown considerably in the past few years and at the same time companies have seen benefits from the access of new channels to convey a message towards their customers. There are 2.4 million Finns on Facebook only. More than 3 million if we take all social medias. Together with the students of HAAGA-HELIA University we examined corporate usage patterns of social media in Finland. We make sure our customers are represented in all the valuable channels, but what about the companies we do not serve (yet)?

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Page 1: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?

How do companies use social media for marketing in


Page 2: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?

The purpose

Social media has been growing exponentially in recent years. There are 2.4 million Finns on Facebook only. More than 3 million if we take all social medias. Dingle serves companies bene!t from social media and we know what our customer are doing in social media very well. How about the other brands in Finland? How are they using social media for marketing? The students of HAAGA-HELIA University have researched corporate usage patterns of social media for companies not served by Dingle (yet).

Page 3: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?

Social media usage in Finland

May 2013

Page 4: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
Page 5: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
Page 6: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
Page 7: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
Page 8: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
Page 9: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
Page 10: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
Page 11: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
Page 12: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
Page 13: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
Page 14: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?

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Page 15: Infographic: how do companies use social media for marketing in Finland?
