CAPAS: A Service for Improving the Assignments of Common Agriculture Policy Funds to Farmers and Land Owners

Industry@RuleML2015 - CAPAS A Service for Improving the Assignments of Common Agriculture Policy Funds to Farmers and Land Owners

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CAPAS: A Service for Improving the Assignments of Common Agriculture Policy Funds to Farmers and Land Owners

CAPAS Business Case• For the last 50 years the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been the

European Union's (EU) most important common policy. This explains why traditionally it has taken a large part of the EU's budget, although the percentage has steadily declined over recent years. […]

• Current problems:• To public administration• To farmers and land owners

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CAPAS Business Case

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• An example and Value Proposition:

Technological Challenges• Regarding existing Datasets:

• Volume• Variety• Heterogeneity• Different sectors and sources

• Technical process:• Dinamic process• Integration

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Free Maps Layers

WMS, WFS - Inspire


Integration of

data from different

sources and scales

Dynamic process

Agricultural parcels


Cadastre / Land



Land Cover – Land UseINSPIRE – EU 2020

Technological Challenges• LIDAR Dataset:

• Points cloud• Relief• Elevation profile• Vegetation and crops type

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Rule-based ApproachFunds assignment is based on several parameters:• Soil characterization• Vegetation cover parameters• Crop diversification• Type, density and surface of Ecological Focused Areas• Proximity or overlapping to Sites of Community Interest (SICs)• Proximity or overlapping to natural parks and protected sites• Proximity of overlapping to Special Bird Protection Area

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ResultsCurrent information: • Permanent pasture• Landscape elements• Crop protection products… and pollution

produced by them

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Importance and Impact• Exploitation and Valorisation of cross-sectorial data sources;• Publication and use of currently collected but unused datasets in the

distribution of funds algorithm;• New data processing algorithms over LIDAR Big Data;• Cadastre and Ownership information enriched with biodiversity

information• Implementation of European 2020 CAP funds assignment rules.

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Questions?• Mariano Navarro1, Ramón Baiget1, Jesús Estrada1

and Dumitru Roman2

• 1 TRAGSA Group, Conde de Peñalver 84, 28006, Madrid, Spain• {mnc, rbl, jmev}@tragsa.es• 2SINTEF, Pb. 124 Blindern, 0314 Oslo, Norway • [email protected]

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