Indigenous 3D printer Project created by College of Engineering Guindy Students

Indigenous 3D Printing project -College of Engineering Guindy

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Indigenous 3D printerProject created by College of Engineering Guindy Students

• Do you think 3d printing can change the world?

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Presenting an Innovation in 3d printing technology byCollege of engineering Guindys students

Lekshmanan,Mahesh,Rohit and rizwan


The field of manufacturing is wide and varied and poses many problems such as lead time, cost effectiveness, transportation, space and finishing. Many subtractive processes such as drilling, turning, shaving used for machining, creates wastage. This project reports on the design and fabrication of a Fused Deposition modelling machine working under the principle of additive manufacturing


A family of fabrication processes developed to make engineering prototypes in minimum lead time based on a CAD model of the item. Traditional method is machining require significant lead-times – several weeks, depending on part complexity and difficulty in ordering materials .Rapid Prototyping allows a part to be made in hours or days, given that a computer model of the part has been generated on a CAD system.

STEP-1Solid Modelling and TessellationSurfaces of the CAD model are tessellated and the STL file is exported. Tessellation is the piecewise approximation of the surfaces of CAD model using series of triangles. STEP-2SlicingAfter selecting part deposition orientation, tessellated model is sliced. This information is saved in standard formats like SLC or CLI.•  

STEP -3Deposition of LayersVarious technologies for layer deposition are used:Liquid Based : StereolithographyPowder Based : Selective Laser SinteringSolid Based : Fused Deposition Modelling STEP-4Post ProcessingPost curingRemoval of support structureFinishing by sanding, polishing or painting 


Product Definition A product definition is a layout of what the purpose of the product is, whom it is targeted toward, and how it will be built and manufactured. By reaching a definition for a product, not only has there been considerable customer interaction regarding the product, but many prototypes have already been completed to get the best possible design.

Impact on Cost, Quality and Time The direct impact of a shorter product development time includes the opportunity to sell the product at premium prices early in the life cycle, and enjoy longer market life cycle. In addition the benefits include faster breakeven on development investment and lower financial risk, which leads to greater overall profits and higher return on investment (ROI).

Working PrincipleIt works on the principle of layering down materials in layers, a plastic filament or metal wire is unwound from a coil and supplies material to produce a part.

To know more about the project and it’s working visit:3dprinterceg.wordpress.com