How we cut the song

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Page 1: How we cut the song


Page 2: How we cut the song

First of all, we opened the start menu. Then we opened the program ‘Audacity’, located at the foot of the

programs list.

Page 3: How we cut the song

Once Audacity had opened we had to import the song. We did this by selecting the file and open button. We

then located the file from our designated area.

Page 4: How we cut the song

Once the song was opened in audacity, the screen looked like this. This is the track of the song and shows

the different frequencies it has. To listen through the song you click the green play button. This allowed us

to locate the verse we wanted to remove.

Page 5: How we cut the song

Once we had a note of what part we wanted to cut we clicked at the correct time and dragged along the bar

to the corresponding end point. We then hit the delete button on the keyboard and it was removed from the


Page 6: How we cut the song

As the picture below shows, the bar is considerably shorter and therefore much less music needs to be

accounted for in our final video. We played the track through to ensure that the cut wasn’t noticeable and

were happy with the result.

Page 7: How we cut the song

Once we were happy with the track we had to export it as a ‘wav’ file in order for it to remain in the correct

form. We did this and saved it under a reformed name in the correct area. The track was now ready to

replace the initial audio in Premier.