How to win with tag management: strategies for achieving business and marketing agility Ian McCaig [email protected] Harry Hurst [email protected] Monday, 15 April 13

How to win with tag management

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Strategies for achieving business and marketing agility.

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Page 1: How to win with tag management

How to win with tag management: strategies for achieving business and marketing agility

Ian [email protected]

Harry [email protected]

Monday, 15 April 13

Page 2: How to win with tag management

Our mission:To empower the 21st century marketer with a connected insight and personalisation platform that helps ecommerce businesses turn more visitors into customers

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Page 3: How to win with tag management

-Wrap up and re-cap

-Why does tag management exist?

-How has tag management evolved?

-What is a tag management system and what to look for?

-How businesses succeed with tag management


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Why does tag management exist?

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Every second it takes for your website to load:

Pageviews decrease by 2%Conversions decrease by 7%

Source: Krug Digital 2011

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Data will grow 800% over the next five years.

More data will be created in the next four years than in the history of the planet

Source: Forrester 2011

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30+ tags running on an average eCommerce site

Source: Krug Digital 2011

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How has tag management has evolved?

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How tag management evolved: ad serving


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Evolving TMS landscape: three types of vendor


Entry into the market from Adobe and Google has validated the space. However, they have focused on deploying their own complex tags and keeping control.

Pure TMS such as Tealium, TagMan and Ensighten have built businesses around core tag management and some offer additional services such as attribution.

Providers offering data management and optimisation services. Opentag and BrightTag are examples of TMS in this category.

Strategic TMS

Pure TMSData


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Tag management vs. data management



Tag managementTag management & data management

Creates a more powerful solution

Data layer Data layer

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Rapid rise of tag management400% growth over the past 12 months


400% rise

Source: Builtwith

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Tag management adoption is growing faster than web analytics did in its early days...

But it’s still only used by less than 5% of leading websites.

Source: Qubit/Techcrunch 2013

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Poll: How many of you use tag management?

- Yes- No

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What is a tag management system and what to look for?

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Basic tag management components


Containers How we group tags and scripts into a single JavaScript code. It is the container that groups and stores all of your scripts/tags.

ScriptsSections of JavaScript that each contain a tag.

Filters The logic that decides whether a tag should be served on a page or not. The logic is based on the URL of the page the container tag is implemented on.

Page variablesHow you define user, page, and product information for every page of your website.

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Scalability, performance and security


Low latency CDN- Take advantage of one of the leading Content Delivery Networks in

the market e.g. Amazon CloudFront

- Ensure flexible set up so other CDNs can be deployed for further performance gains if required by a client.

24/7 Server side availability- Ensure server side components are available 24/7

Security- Network, application, operation level, and data protection

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Tagging Functionality


Domain based profiles - Managing domains/sub-domains from the same place.

Compatible with all different technologies - Ensuring it fulfills your needs.

Asynchronous tag loading- Finding a system which handles asynchronous loading.

Mobile support - Assessing the level of mobile support you need.

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Privacy ConsentAbility to gain consent from users for 1st and 3rd party tracking

Key benefits: Customisable interface

-Notification flexibility; three different notification options

-Creative flexibility; apply your own look and feel

- Location flexibility; position the tool anywhere on your site

Key benefits: Behind the scenes

-Notification options; choose from three options

-Customise your text; write your own message

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Tag libraryPre configured technologies for rapid set up and deployment


-Marketers can add tags easily (no need for coding knowledge)

-Tags can be pre-configured and require minimal set-up

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Deployment of tag managementRequired steps for deploying a TMS


Step 1:Identify all 3rd party JavaScript technologies running on your website.

Step 2:Develop a unified data model to manage all technologies and data exchange.

Step 3:Migrate technologies one by one into a Tag Management Solution. Use library tags where possible.

Step 4:Full test plan (both performance and data exchange).

Step 5:Full deployment.

Step 6:Monitor through tag management system UI.

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How businesses succeed with tag management

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Poll: What is the main reason for businesses using tag management?

- Improve site performance- Better manage your data- Faster deployment of technologies- Privacy concerns- Reduce marketing costs

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"Qubit’s tag management will make a significant difference to Staples websites across Europe by reducing our development time and enabling the quick roll-out of a range of technologies. This will enable us to continue making shopping online with Staples easy for our customers, providing them with a more relevant shopping experience."

Willem Vos

Head of eCommerce,Staples Europe

13.5% improvement in site speedAverage performance improvement Opentag customers

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Performance: Opentag customers enjoy page load speeds that are 3.5x faster than EU top 400 eCommerce brands


Within top 400, the median web page load time is 7.04 seconds, which is double the time it would take for a majority of consumers to abandon their purchase.

Independent speed tests conducted by Research company Radware and Level 3 found that Qubit Opentag customers Shop Direct and Staples achieved load times of 1.80 and 1.69 secs.

Source: eConsultancy 19th March 2013

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Control your data: Client side data model gives you control of your data and reduces lock in


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Control your data: We do this via our Universal Variable data model


Source: eConsultancy 19th March 2013

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"The dedication and support shown by the team at Qubit during our Opentag implementation was exceptional. I’m looking see what their other products can do”

Gareth Naser iDevelopment Manager,Shop Direct Group

200 tags migrated, 1 data modelfor Shop Direct Group

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"Having a robust data model across our website is vital for understanding our customers and tailoring the website to their specific needs. Qubit’s Magento extension has meant we’ve been able to deploy this rapidly and cost effectively.”

Ian Sutherland, Finance Director

Universal Variable implemented in 90 minsfor Stylistpick

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Fast deployment: Opentag helps you work harmoniously with your development team


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"Opentag’s flexibility has meant that we can easily support Pandora with all their tagging requirements and it reduces time to deploy new technologies dramatically. Qubit provide us with an intelligent solution.”

Neil Cunningham, Head of Digital, Cream

10x faster technology deploymentfor Pandora

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Conditional firing of tags


-Have the ability to decide where and when a tag should fire

-Filter not just by URL or page category but also by user behaviour

-The biggest use case is to deduplicate CPA channels

-By having a fine control over where and whena tag fires businesses are able to reduce non-profitable spend, and reinvest in the most profitable channels

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"Qubit has given us valuable insights through which we’ve been able to really tailor and optimise a personalised experience for our diverse customer base - with great results. Qubit has given us valuable insights through which we’ve been able to really tailor and optimise a personalised experience for our

diverse customer base - with great results.”

Sorcha Harriman-Smith, Digital Experience Director

13% increase in conversionsfor Childrensalon

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Plug in your analytics to a data layer for faster implementation and a more accurate data set.

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Deploying marketing for improving ROI from advertising


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"We are proud to be the first major agency using this technology. Having accurate and scalable control of tag management is crucial in today’s data dominated display market. The beauty of Opentag is that we now have visibility of all of our tags from a single and easy to use console. Crucially, it also lets us do this at a cost effective price."

Robert WebsterHead of Technology at MediaCom

Gaining visibility into tag managementFor MediaCom 

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Flexible management: Fitting the product and service around a businesses specific business requirements




Businesses who want to own management

with the reliability of a global CDN

Most sophisticated businesses have

full control

Full managed service where resources

and expertise is limited internally

Businesses with limited resources but keen to

maximize performance by using own CDN

Hosted CDN Own CDN






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“We've been excited to use Opentag as our tag management system for its simplicity in setting up (literally seconds to sign up for an account and minutes to deploy the first tag), ability to rapidly deploy tags, especially custom JavaScript and Opentag's ever increasing feature-set.”

Chris WareClient Side Technology Lead, FT

A self service, own hosted customerfor The FT.com

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Poll: What type of solution do you require?

- Managed service, fully hosted- Self-service, fully hosted- Managed service, own-hosted- Self-service, own-hosted

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Wrap-up and re-cap

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Increased site performance


-Consolidate all 3rd party technologiesinto a unified system with rapid asynchronous loading

-Can provide a 10%-20% improvement in page load time

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Data accuracy and control


-Making all necessary data available on the page before loading tags

-Exchange data from the page directly into the collecting tags

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Implementing new technology solutions quickly


-De-couple tagging from core development cycles driving

-73% of businesses speed up internal processes through tag management systems

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-Self service, managed, hosted or non-hosted

-Tag management costs should not outweigh the direct benefits of having a technology in place

-Provide the ability to de-duplicate CPA tags to define where budget is allocated

Flexible and cost effective

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What next?


Tag management resources

Tag management solution infographic:http://econsultancy.com/uk/blog/9557-the-tag-revolution-infographic

Universal Variable demo: http://demo.qubitproducts.com/demo/guide.html

Next webinar linkhttp://www.qubitproducts.com/resources?type_1=webinar

Sign up for a free account (it takes 30 seconds):https://opentag.qubitproducts.com/QDashboard/register.html

Monday, 15 April 13