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How Thermo Fisher Is Reducing Mass Spectrometry Experiment Times from Days to Minutes w/ MongoDB Atlas on AWS

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© 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.


How Thermo Fisher Is Reducing Mass Spectrometry Experiment Times from Days to

Minutes with MongoDB & AWS

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World leader in serving scienceRevenues of $17 billion50,000 employees 50 countries

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A Mass Spectrometer tells you…

What’s in there and how much

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Making the world cleaner and safer

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Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) will take a modified Thermo Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer to Mars in 2020

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What beer looks like in a mass spec

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MS Instrument Connect

Demo: instrument connect

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Demo: remote monitoring a mass spectrometer

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Why does Thermo use MongoDB?

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ThermoFisher apps using MongoDB


Starting on MongoDBOracle MongoDB

SQL Lite MongoDB

Postgres MongoDB

Amazon DynamoDB MongoDB Atlas

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Scientific apps = humongous data

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Big molecules = big data

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instrument { UserId : "[email protected]", MachineName : "TRACEFINDER8", Location : "Austin", AcquisitionStationName : "TSQ 8000", LastErrorEventDate : "2016-09-05", LastErrorEventValue : null, RuntimeEstimate : { MeasuredElaspedDuration : 0.21966, Confidence : HighConfidence }, RunManagerStatus : { Status : "Acquire", Sequence : "Testosterone", SampleName : "Drugx", VialPosition : "1", Rawfile : "2pg_161029205505", Instmethod : "1x.meth", Instrument : "TSQ 8000", IsPaused : false, Operator : "Fred", }}

Why MongoDB was chosen

• Performance• Developer productivity• Cost effective• Runs anywhere• Rich feature set• Achieved legal and regulatory approval

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MongoDB is a Swiss army knife

• Hierarchical data• Relational data • Queues• File storage• Device state

Amazon SQSAmazon S3Amazon IoT

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Join example

• Version 3.2 introduced the $lookup operator

• SQL query

• MongoDB C# driver query

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MongoDB has caught up to relational DBs

Notably, we show that the MUPG (match, unwind, project, group) fragment is already at least as expressive as full relational algebra over (the relational view of) a single collection, and in particular able to express arbitrary joins.

– Bolzano University in Italy


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Hash-Based ShardingRolesKerberosOn-Prem Monitoring

2.4GA 2013

2.6GA 2014

3.0GA 2015

3.2GA 2015

Headline Features by Release

$outIndex IntersectionText SearchField-Level RedactionLDAP & x509Auditing

Document Validation$lookupFast FailoverSimpler ScalabilityAggregation ++Encryption At RestIn-Memory Storage EngineBI ConnectorMongoDB CompassAPM IntegrationProfiler VisualizationAuto Index BuildsBackups to File System

Doc-Level ConcurrencyCompressionStorage Engine API≤50 replicasAuditing ++Ops Manager

Linearizable readsIntra-cluster compressionViewsLog RedactionGraph ProcessingDecimalCollations Faceted NavigationSpark Connector ++Zones ++Aggregation ++Auto-balancing ++ARM, Power, zSeriesBI Connector ++Compass ++Hardware MonitoringServer PoolLDAP AuthorizationEncrypted BackupsCloud Foundry Integration

3.4GA 2016Atlas

The evolution of MongoDB


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MySQL vs. MongoDB

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Database schema

MySQL schema

MongoDB schema

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Inserting data: MongoDB vs. MySQL

• Inserting 1,615 chemical compound records into two parent-child tables.• To optimize the MySQL query, we turned off foreign keys during insert and

used a string builder to create a bulk insert SQL statement. This improved insert performance by a factor of 360.

• Compare to MongoDB.

Database Milliseconds Lines of codeMySQL not optimized 147,600 (2.5 minutes) 21MySQL optimized 410 40MongoDB 68 1

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Inserting data: MongoDB vs. MySQL

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Selecting data: MongoDB vs. MySQL

• Query 600,000 rows of SampleCompound result data• To optimize the MySQL select query, we created a dictionary to lookup child

records for each parent, this improved performance by a factor of 300, optimization effort: 2 engineers and 2 weeks.

Database Seconds Lines of codeMySQL not optimized 2,400 (4.1 minutes) 20MySQL optimized 8.2 29MongoDB 17.5 7

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Update: MongoDB vs. MySQL

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Migrating to MongoDB reduced code by 3.5x

SQLite MongoDBData Layer Lines of Code 4271 1260

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MongoDB compared to DynamoDB

MongoDB DynamoDBAnywhere AWSRich Ad-hoc Query Language + IDE No Ad-hoc query languageMany operators (Joins, Aggregation, etc.) Fewer operatorsExcellent Performance Excellent PerformanceEasy to deploy (with Atlas) Easy to Deploy each tableAdding tables requires no configuration changes

Adding tables requires additional configuration and cost

Easy to use from AWS services but not natively integrated

Native integration with AWS Services: IAM, VPC, Lambda, Kinesis

Released in 2009 Released in 2012

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MongoDB vs. S3 performance

Download 220 KB object from MongoDB was 7x faster cold, and 3x faster when warm

MongoDB Amazon S3Retrieve document first time 68 ms 468 ms

Retrieve document second time 13 ms 38 ms

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MongoDB vs. S3 performance

MongoDB 11x faster than S3 in the use case of partial document loading

MongoDB S3

Data size 400 Bytes 2.1 MB

Performance 19 ms 214 ms

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Reducing processing from days to minutes

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Frameworks used to parallelize algorithms

• AWS Lambda• Docker and Amazon ECS• Spark and Elastic Map Reduce

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Parallel data processing

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Why Atlas?

• Easy• Performant • Seamless Migration• Robust• No downtime, even when scaling up

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Building MongoDB Atlas on Amazon Web Services

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Operations burden






99.999% UPTIME











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Automated Available On-Demand

Secure Highly Available Automated Backups

Elastically Scalable

Database as a service for MongoDB

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Fully managed MongoDB clusters

Customer only needs to choose the shape and size of the cluster

● Instance size (CPU and RAM)

● Replication factor

● Number of shards

● Disk space

● Disk speed

Screenshot of create dialog

Cluster features

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VPC peering

IP address whitelist

SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication




Using well-known CATrust system CAs by default

Security features

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Backup AutomationMonitoring

Key components

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AWS Account X—Region Y

VPC (Customer N)

Availability Zone A

Availability Zone B

Availability Zone C

Subnet A Subnet B Subnet C




Customer container with replica set

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AWS Account X—Region Y

VPC (Customer N)

Availability Zone A

Availability Zone B

Availability Zone C

Subnet A Subnet B Subnet C

Customer container with sharded cluster





shard2 config





shard2 config





shard2 config

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One security group per VPC applied to all Amazon EC2 instances

Three classes of security rules:

● MongoDB traffic between cluster members

● MongoDB traffic between application and clusters

● SSH traffic between production support jump box and EC2 instance

App Server Jump Box

IP firewall using security groups

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VPC peering

Your VPC

Elastic LB

CIDR Block:

Atlas VPC

AZ 1 AZ 2 AZ 3

CIDR Block:

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We want prime to be such a good value, you’d be irresponsible not to be a member.—Jeff Bezos


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