Homo Habilis Dylan Clark & Eric Klutz & Marcus Smith

Homo Habilis

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Page 1: Homo Habilis

Homo HabilisDylan Clark & Eric Klutz & Marcus Smith

Page 2: Homo Habilis

First Sightings

Homo Habilis were first sighted about 2.5 million years ago in the Olduvai Gorge, Tanznania. Their brain size was believed to be around 510 cc.

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Their shelters were mainly composed of large fallen trees, and cliffs. Homo Habilis were known not to ever go in to caves because of their extreme fear of animals.

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Their tools.

The tools that these people used were basic even for their time. They had axes that were just a pointed rock tied to a stick. They had some measures of rope or something that was used to tie things together.

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What they ate.

Homo Habilis ate just about everything that they could find. Berries, eggs, meat, leaves, fish, and fruits and vegetables.

They were scroungers who even ate dead animals that they found, even if they had no clue how long they had been dead. They were even known to go Cannibalistic.

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Their Culture

Their culture was about as basic as it gets. They had no music, entertainment, religion, etc. They usually ate everything in sight and held dances by fire.

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How they Survived

They always stayed in groups with at least one awake at all times to keep guard. Even in their time they were the most proficient species. They were always using tactics when they were hunting. Example- they would gang up on their pray to make sure that as few as possible would die.

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Their Physical Features.

Homo Habilis looked like an ape. Instead of having hair just on their heads they had everywhere and they were almost always hunched over like apes.

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