The First World The First World Civilization: Rome, Civilization: Rome, China, and the China, and the Emergence of the Emergence of the Silk Road Silk Road 5 5

His 2001 5

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The First World Civilization: The First World Civilization: Rome, China, and the Rome, China, and the

Emergence of the Silk RoadEmergence of the Silk Road


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Ancient Italy and RomeAncient Italy and Rome

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Early Rome and the RepublicEarly Rome and the Republic Importance of geography on the development of Rome

Productive agricultural land City built on 7 hills; 18 miles inland on Tiber River Access to sea; centrally located in the Mediterranean

Early Rome, 753-509 B.C.E. Romulus and Remus, 753 B.C.E. Etruscan Kings

• Built roads, temples, markets, shops, streets, and houses• Etruscan monarchy overthrown, 509 B.C.E.

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Roman RepublicRoman Republic The Roman Conquest of Italy

By 340 B.C.E. Rome had defeated the Latin states of Latium

Greeks had colonized southern Italy between 750 and 550 B.C.E.

The Roman Confederation Roman State

The Roman State Struggle between patricians and plebeians Assembly of Plebeians

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Roman Conquest in the MediterraneanRoman Conquest in the Mediterranean

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Roman Conquest of the Roman Conquest of the Mediterranean (264-133 Mediterranean (264-133 B.C.E.)B.C.E.) Punic Wars

First Punic War, 264-241 B.C.E.• Carthage has to surrender Sicily• Sicily becomes Roman province

Second Punic War, 218-201 B.C.E.• Hannibal attacked Rome• Carthage loses Spain• Rome becomes the dominant power in the western Mediterranean Sea

Third Punic War, 149-146 B.C.E.• Carthage completely defeated• Carthage becomes the Roman province of Africa

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Decline and Fall of the Roman Decline and Fall of the Roman Republic (133-31 Republic (133-31 B.C.E.)B.C.E.) Growing Unrest and a New Role for the Roman Army

Latifundias contribute to the decline of small farms Reforms

Collapse of the Republic First Century B.C.E. had two characteristics:

• Jostling for power by powerful individuals• Civil wars that were caused by the desire for power

Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar• First Triumvirate• Basic Aims

Competition for power after the death of Crassus in 53 B.C.E. Civil war between Antony and Octavian (grandnephew of Julius

Caesar)• Battle of Actium, 31 B.C.E., Antony defeated and Octavian rules the

Roman world

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The Roman Empire at Its HeightThe Roman Empire at Its HeightAge of Augustus (31 B.C.E.-14 C.E.) Augustus given title of imperator (commander-in-chief) by the senate Army

Standing army of 28 legions; 150,000 men Auxiliaries, 130,000 men who were non-citizens Praetorian Guard of elite troops; 9,000 men

Governing the provinces Senate governed some provinces and some were given to the emperor Augustus could overrule the senatorial governors and establish his own

policies Stabilization of the frontiers

Augustus conquered the central and maritime Alps and then expanded control of the Balkan peninsula up to the Danube

Failure in Germany where three legions were massacred in 9 C.E.

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The Early Empire (14-180)The Early Empire (14-180) Five Good Emperors (96-180)

Pax Romana Capable men adopted as successors Public work projects

Frontiers and Provinces Rome withdrew from some areas Built defensive fortifications along frontier lines Finally all free inhabitants became a citizens Greco-Roman world: Latin in the west, Greek in the east Cities and towns spread culture and law

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Prosperity in the Early EmpireProsperity in the Early Empire

Internal peace and stability Unprecedented levels of foreign trade Silk Road trade route Agriculture still the underlying basis of prosperity Small peasant farms flourished/large estates collected rent

from free tenant farmers Gulf between rich and poor Upper classes were supported by agricultural surpluses

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Culture and Society in the Roman Culture and Society in the Roman WorldWorld Roman Literature

Catullus (c. 87-54 B.C.E.)• Poetry to express emotions

Virgil (70-19 B.C.E.), Aeneid• Virtues of duty, piety, and faithfulness

Roman Art Copy Greek statues Architecture: Arch, vault, and dome Construction: Baths, roads aqueducts, and bridges

Roman Law Twelve Tables, 450 B.C.E. Civil law – applied to all Roman Citizens Law of nations – applied to both Romans and foreigners Law of nature – universal law based on reason

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Roman familyRoman family

Paterfamilias Arranged marriages for daughters Some educated their daughters Paterfamilias no longer dominant by 2nd century

C.E. Upper-class women had much freedom and

independence in the Early Empire

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Slaves and Their MastersSlaves and Their Masters

Residential slaves: household help, tutors Farm slaves: many times worked to death Construction: used to build roads, aqueducts, other public

structures Slave Revolts in Sicily end of the 2nd century B.C.E. Spartacus, 73 B.C.E.

70,000 slave followers Crushed in 71 B.C.E., 6,000 crucified

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Crisis and the Late EmpireCrisis and the Late EmpireCrises in the Third Century Military monarchy of Severan rulers followed by military

anarchy Next 49 years, Roman throne had 22 emperors Beset by foreign invasions and civil wars Labor shortage because of plague and war Near economic collapse

Decline in trade and small industry Fields ravaged by Roman armies and invaders Collapse of monetary system and inflation

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The Late Roman EmpireThe Late Roman Empire Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine

New governmental structure and a rigid economic and social system

New state religion - Christianity Political and military reforms with enlarged

civil service and army Expanded and ensured tax base New Capital – Byzantium (Constantinople)

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End of the Western Roman EmpireEnd of the Western Roman Empire Empire divided into western and eastern parts and

became two independent states by 395 Collapse of Empire in the west by invasions of

Germanic tribes (including Visigoths and Vandals) and Huns

Odoacer, of German origin, deposed Romulus, the Roman emperor

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Transformation of the Roman World: Transformation of the Roman World: The Development of ChristianityThe Development of Christianity

Religious Environment of the Roman World Polytheistic Emperors were made gods Tolerant of other religions Mystery religions from the east Contact with Jews when Romans ruled Judaea

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The Rise of ChristianityThe Rise of Christianity Jesus of Nazareth (c. 6 B.C.E.-29 C.E.)

Jesus’ message Romans saw Jesus as a potential revolutionary Crucified Resurrected – “the anointed one”, the Messiah

Paul of Tarsus (c. 5-c. 67) Preach Jesus’ message to Jews and Gentiles

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Spread and Triumph of ChristianitySpread and Triumph of Christianity Preaching by Christian followers Written materials: epistles and New Testament Christian churches became more independent Romans ignored Christians Promise of Salvation Another mystery religion Jesus was a human figure and easy to relate to Church became organized and hierarchical Constantine, First Christian Emperor – Edict of Milan Theodosius the Great made it an official religion

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The Glorious Han EmpiresThe Glorious Han Empires(202 B.C.E.-221 C.E.)(202 B.C.E.-221 C.E.)

Founder, Han Gaozu (Han Kao Tsu) Confucianism – official ideology

Confucianism and the Sate Confucian doctrine integrated with Legalistic institutions Officials were selected on the basis of merit rather than birth Civil service examination Academy to train officials Population grew from 20 million to 60 million

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The EconomyThe Economy

Unparalleled productivity and prosperity Expansion of domestic and foreign trade by sea

and overland “Silk Road” State directed manufacturing: weapons Operated shipyards, granaries, and mines Technological innovations: textile manufacturing,

water mills, iron casting, production of steel, paper, rudder and fore-and-aft rigging

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Imperial Expansion and the Origins Imperial Expansion and the Origins of the Silk Roadof the Silk Road

Han continued territorial expansion and consolidation South to Red River delta (northern Vietnam) West as far as Caspian Sea North west into Central Asia

Commercial trade between China and Rome China wanted horses for military purposes Romans wanted silk

Bulk of trade was overland on the Silk Road

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Social ChangesSocial Changes

Social institutions became more complex Strengthening of nuclear family Majority lived in rural areas Cities along rivers and trade routes increasing Chang’an, imperial capital

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Religion and CultureReligion and Culture

Popular religion: local deities and spirits of nature Introduction of Buddhism Historical writing Painting Iron replaced bronze

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Discussion QuestionsDiscussion Questions How did the geography of Italy affect Roman

development? Give a brief description of the Punic Wars and list some of

the reasons why Rome went to war with the Carthaginians. How did the conquest of the Mediterranean in the Punic

wars begin the decline of the Republic? Although we might think of the Romans as transmitters of

Greek culture, what were some very distinctive things about Roman culture that made it more Roman than Greek?