TURKCELL DAHİLİ Hadoop Kıvanç Urgancıoğlu

Hadoop Technology

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Kıvanç Urgancıoğlu

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Velocity:Often time sensitive , big data must be used as it is streaming in to the enterprise it order

to maximize its value to the business.Batch ,Near time , Real-time ,streams

Volume:Big data comes in one size : large . Enterprises are awash with data ,easy amassing terabytes

and even petabytes of information.TB , Records , Transactions ,Tables , Files.

Variety:Big data extends beyond structured data ,

including semi-structured and unstructured data to all varieties :text , audio , video ,click

streams ,log files and more Structured , Unstructured , Semi-structured

Verification:With all the big data there will be bad data and with diverse data there will be more

diverse quality and security levels of users. Good , Undefined , bad , Inconsistency ,

Incompleteness , Ambiguity


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TURKCELL DAHİLİBig Data – Data Sources

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TURKCELL DAHİLİBig Data – Data Growth

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHadoop Characteristics

• Open Source• Distributed data replication• Commodity hardware• Data and analysis co-location• Scalability• Reliable error handling

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2003 2006 2008 2009 2011 2012

Google published GFS & MapReduce Paper

Apache Hadoop Project started for Yahoo requirements

Cloudera founded First

commercial Hadoop Distribution released. Enterprise support is available

Hortonworks founded Ecosystem

reaches 300 companies

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHadoop for Enterprise

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Data Size Terabytes Petabytes

Schema Required on Write Required on ReadSpeed Reads are fast Writes are fastAccess Interactive and Batch BatchUpdates Write and Read Many Times Write once Read many timesScaling Scale up Scale out

Data Types Structured Multi and unstructuredIntegrity High LowBest Use Interactive OLAP Analytics

Complex ACID transactionsOperational Data Store

Data DiscoveryProcessing unstructured dataMassive storage/processing

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TURKCELL DAHİLİBenefits of Analysing with Hadoop

• Previously impossible or impractical to do analysis

• Analysis conducted at lower cost• Greater flexibility

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TURKCELL DAHİLİBigData &Hadoop in Turkcell• Processing «Big Data» since 2009 with Cirrus• Hadoop is on production since December’12• ~4.5B records/~3.5TB data is processed with

Cirrus• Data not stored for future analysis• Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (non-

supported)• 5 x 24 core machines with SAN storage (not

reference arch)

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TURKCELL DAHİLİCommon Hadoop-able Problems• Modeling True Risk• Customer Churn Analysis• Recommendation Engine• Ad Targeting• Pos Transaction Analysis

• Analyze Network Data to Predict failure

• Threat Analysis• Search Quality• Data ‘sandbox’

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TURKCELL DAHİLİModeling True Risk• Source, parse and aggregate disparate data

sources to build comprehensive data picture• E.g. Credit card records, call recordings, chat

sessions,emails, banking activity

• Structure and analyze• Sentiment analysis, graph creation, pattern


• Typical industry• Financial Services(Banks, Insurance)

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TURKCELL DAHİLİCustomer Churn Analysis

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TURKCELL DAHİLİCustomer Churn Analysis• Rapidly test and build behavioral model of

customer from disparate sources• Structure and analyse with Hadoop

• Traversing• Graph creation• Pattern recognition

• Typical Industry• Telecommunications, Financial Services

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TURKCELL DAHİLİRecommendation Engine

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TURKCELL DAHİLİRecommendation Engine• Batch processing framework

• Allow execution in parallel over large datasets

• Collaborative filtering• Collecting ‘taste’ information from many users• Utilizing information to predict what similar

users like

• Typical industry• Ecommerce, Manufacturing, Retail

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TURKCELL DAHİLİAd Targeting• Data analysis can be conducted in parallel,

reducing processing times from days to hours

• With hadoop, as data volumes grow the only expansion cost is hardware

• Add more nodes without degradation in performance

• Typical Industry• Advertising

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TURKCELL DAHİLİPoint of Sale Transaction Analysis

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TURKCELL DAHİLİPoint of Sale Transaction Analysis• Batch processing framework

• Allow execution in parallel over large datasets

• Pattern Recognition• Optimizing over multiple data sources• Utilizing information to predict demand

• Typical Industry• Retail

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TURKCELL DAHİLİAnalyzing Network Data to Predict Failure

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TURKCELL DAHİLİAnalyzing Network Data to Predict Failure

• Take the computation to the data• Extending the range of indexing techniques from

simple scans to more complex data mining

• Better understand how network reacts to fluctuations• How previously thought discrete anomalies may,

in fact, be interconnected

• Identify leading indicators of components• Typical Industry

• Utilities, Telecommunications, Datacenters

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TURKCELL DAHİLİThreat Analysis• Parallel processing over huge datasets• Pattern recognition to identify anomalies

i.e. Threats• Typical Industry

• Security, Financial Services, click fraud..

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TURKCELL DAHİLİSearch Quality• Analysing search attempts in conjunction

with structured data• Pattern recognition

• Browsing pattern of users performing searches in different categories

• Typical Industry• Web• Ecommerce

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TURKCELL DAHİLİData ‘Sandbox’• With Hadoop an organization can dump all

this data into HDFS cluster• Then use Hadoop to start trying out

different analysis on data• See patterns or relationships that allow the

organization to derive additional value from data

• Typical Industry• Common across all industries

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Hadoop Core

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• Hadoop is a distributed storage and processing technology for large scale applications

• HDFS: Self healing, distributed file system for multi-structured data; breaks files into blocks & stores redundantly across cluster.

• Map Reduce: Framework for running large data processing jobs in parallel across many nodes & combining results.

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHadoop Distributed File System• The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) stores

files across all of the nodes in a Hadoop cluster. • It handles breaking the files into large blocks and

distributing them across different machines. • It also makes multiple copies of each block so that

if any one machine fails, no data is lost or unavailable.

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHDFS- Features• Highly fault-tolerant• High throughput• Suitable for applications with large data sets• Streaming access to file system data• Can be built out of commodity hardware

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHadoop Distributed File System• The brain of HDFS is the NameNode.

• Maintains the master list of files in HDFS• Handles mapping of filenames to blocks• Knows where each block is stored• Ensure each block is replicated the appropriate number

of times.

• DataNodes are machines that store HDFS data. • Each DataNode is colocated with a TaskTracker to

allow moving of the computation to data.

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHDFS-Design• Very Large files• Streaming data access

• Time to read the whole file is more important than the reading the first record

• Commodity hardware

• Optimized for high throughput• Not fit for

• Low latency data access• Lots of small files• Multiple writers, arbitrary file modifications

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TURKCELL DAHİLİMapReduce• MapReduce is the framework for running jobs

in Hadoop. It provides a simple and powerful paradigm for parallelizing data processing.

• The JobTracker is the central coordinator of jobs in MapReduce. It controls which jobs are being run, which resources they are assigned, etc.

• On each node in the cluster there is a TaskTracker that is responsible for running the map or reduce tasks assigned to it by the JobTracker.

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Hadoop Ecosystem

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TURKCELL DAHİLİYARN• The YARN resource manager, which coordinates the

allocation of compute resources on the cluster.• The YARN node managers, which launch and monitor

the compute containers on machines in the cluster.• The MapReduce application master, which

coordinates the tasks running the MapReduce job. The application master and the MapReduce tasks run in containers that are scheduled by the resource manager and managed by the node managers.

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TURKCELL DAHİLİPig• Pig provides an engine for executing data flows in

parallel on Hadoop.• PigLatin is a simple-to-understand data flow

language used in the analysis of large data sets.• Pig scripts are automatically converted into

MapReduce jobs by the Pig interpreter • Pig has an optimizer that rearranges some

operations in Pig Latin scripts to give better performance, combines MapReduce jobs together

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHive• Is a datawarehouse system layer built on Hadoop• Allows you to define a structure for your unstructured

Big Data• Simplifies analysis and queries with an SQL like

scripting language called HiveQL• Produces MapReduce jobs in background• Extensible (UDFs,UDAFs,UDTFs)• Support uses such as:

• Adhoc queries• Summarization• Data Analysis

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHive is not• … a relational database• … designed for online transaction processing• … suited for realtime queries and row-level


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• Ambari for Hadoop Clusters

• Provision• Manage• Monitor

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• Provides step-by-step wizard for installing Hadoop services across any number of hosts

• Handles configuration of Hadoop services for the cluster.

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TURKCELL DAHİLİSqoop and Flume• Apache Sqoop(TM) is a tool designed for

efficiently transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores such as relational databases.

• Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large quantities of streaming data(ex:logs) into HDFS. It has a simple and flexible architecture based on streaming data flows.

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TURKCELL DAHİLİSchemas - HCatalog• A table and storage management service for data

created using Apache Hadoop• Providing a shared schema and data type mechanism.• Providing a table abstraction so that users need not

be concerned with where or how their data is stored.• Providing interoperability across data processing tools

such as Pig, Map Reduce, and Hive.• Example• stocks_daily= load ‘nyse_daily' using HCatLoader();• cleansed = filter stocks_daily by symbol is not null;

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TURKCELL DAHİLİMahout• The Apache Mahout™ machine learning library's

goal is to build scalable machine learning libraries.• Core algorithms for clustering, classification and

batch based collaborative filtering are implemented on top of Apache Hadoop using the map/reduce paradigm.

• The core libraries are highly optimized to allow for good performance also for non-distributed algorithms

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Hadoop Core in Detail

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TURKCELL DAHİLİMap Phase• In the map phase, MapReduce gives the user an

opportunity to operate on every record in the data set individually. This phase is commonly used to project out unwanted fields, transform fields, or apply filters.

• Certain types of joins and grouping can also be done in the map (e.g., joins where the data is already sorted or hash-based aggregation).

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TURKCELL DAHİLİCombiner Phase• Minimize the data transferred between map and

reduce tasks.• The combiner gives applications a chance to apply

their reducer logic early on.

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TURKCELL DAHİLİShuffle Phase• Data arriving on the reducer has been partitioned

and sorted by the map, combine, and shuffle phases.

• By default, the data is sorted by the partition key. For example, if a user has a data set partitioned on user ID, in the reducer it will be sorted by user ID as well. Thus, MapReduce uses sorting to group like keys together.

• It is possible to specify additional sort keys beyond the partition key

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TURKCELL DAHİLİReduce Phase• The input to the reduce phase is each key from

the shuffle plus all of the records associated with that key.

• Because all records with the same value for the key are now collected together, it is possible to do joins and aggregation operations such as counting.

• The MapReduce user explicitly controls parallelism in the reduce.

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TURKCELL DAHİLİOutput Phase• The reducer (or map in a map-only job) writes its

output via an OutputFormat. • OutputFormat is responsible for providing a

RecordWriter, which takes the key-value pairs produced by the task and stores them.

• This includes serializing, possibly compressing, and writing them to HDFS, HBase, etc

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TURKCELL DAHİLİMap Reduce Logical Flow

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TURKCELL DAHİLİMap Reduce Logical Flow

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TURKCELL DAHİLİMapReduce Processing Model

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TURKCELL DAHİLİSpeculative Execution• If a Mapper runs slower than the others, a new

instance of the Mapper will be started on another machine operating on the same data.

• The result of the first Mapper to finish will be used.

• Hadoop will kill of the Mapper which is still running.

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TURKCELL DAHİLİDistributed Cache• Sometimes all or many of the tasks in a MapReduce job will

need to access a single file or a set of files.• When thousands of map or reduce tasks attempt to open the

same HDFS file simultaneously, this puts a large strain on the NameNode and the DataNodes storing that file.

• To avoid this situation, MapReduce provides the distributed cache.

• The distributed cache allows users to specify—as part of their MapReduce job—any HDFS files they want every task to have access to.

• These files are then copied onto the local disk of the task nodes as part of the task initiation. Map or reduce tasks can then read these as local files.

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TURKCELL DAHİLİSetting up Environment• Hortonworks Sandbox:


• VMware: http://www.vmware.com/products/player/overview.html

• Setup Guide:http://hortonworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/InstallingHortonworksSandboxonWindowsUsingVMwarePlayerv2.pdf

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHortonworks Sandbox

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHortonworks Sandbox

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TURKCELL DAHİLİMapReduce Demo• Eclipse Plugin:

• HDFS Operations• Running WordCount, TopK• Generating jars for HDP Sandbox

• Sandbox: • HDFS Operations• Loading and Running jar files• Oozie and Ambari

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TURKCELL DAHİLİHive Demo• Create Table with HCatalog• Load Data in to Hive• Query Data• OUTPUT to Table/HDFS/Local• JOIN

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TURKCELL DAHİLİPig Demo• Load Data • Transform• Grouping• JOIN

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