Gulp- The Streaming Build System Sunniya Maini

Gulp - The Streaming Build System

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Gulp- The Streaming Build System

Sunniya Maini

Gulp- The Streaming Build System

Sunniya Maini


Build System

Input Executive Task Output

• Reforming and optimising the assets of a website is not a part of any design


• This consists of repetitive tasks that can be automated with a build tool to

improve web efficiency. This whole process makes a build system.

Example of build tools: Gulp, Grunt, Broccoli and Brunch etc.


Explore Gulp

What is Gulp?

• A front-end development tool

• A streaming build system, basically, it's a way of doing automatically the tasks that you would have

to do yourself again and again.

• Or It’s streaming nature is what allows it to pipe and pass around the data being manipulated or

used by it’s plugins. The plugins are intended to only do one job each, so it’s not uncommon to pass

a singular file through multiple plugins.

• A JavaScript task runner, designed to automate (run) common tasks

Aditya Kohli
Sticky Note


What Gulp Does?

When it comes to web development, it perform several tasks:

• Unit testing

• JS Linting

• Concatenating/minifying

• Image optimization

• Replace scripts in HTML files


• And more..


Build System for GULP

Input Read Files Modify Files

Modify Files

Modify FilesWrite FilesOutput


Why Gulp ?

Easy to use:

Gulp keeps things simple and helps easy management of complex tasks by preferring code

over configuration.

Efficient:Gulp uses the power of Node streams to give fast builds that don't write intermediary files to


High Quality:With strict guidelines enforced, it is ensured that plugins work simple as expected.

Easy to Learn:Your build works exactly as you expect, as a minimal API surface is maintained and the best practices of Node are followed.


Getting Started


Install Gulp on your workstation and learn CLI

Install node.js


Install Gulp

$ npm install gulp –g

Where,• $ represent command prompt, not a part of code.

• npm install, command that uses node package manager to install Gulp in your machine.

• -g, intstruct npm to install Gulp globally, so that you can access Gulp from anywhere on your machine.

Aditya Kohli
Sticky Note


Create a Gulp project

Run npm init: Creates a package.json file in project which stores information about the project, like

the dependencies used in the project

This command prompts like:


Dev dependencies

Once package.json is created, we can install Gulp for project only.

$ npm install gulp --save-dev

“--save-dev” tells machine to add Gulp as a dev dependency in package.json

Gulp environment is setup.


API: 4 level of functioning

Gulp is a streaming build system. It’s streaming nature is what allows it to pipe and pass around the

data being manipulated or used by it’s plugins. The plugins are intended to only do one job each, so

it’s not uncommon to pass a singular file through multiple plugins.

• task

• src

• pipe

• dest

• watch


General directory structure for gulp project


Install Plugins

Go to cmd:

npm install <plugin-name> --save-dev

Go to gulpfile.js:

require/add plugin in this file

Again in gulpfile.js:

add task

Go to cmd:

run task: $ gulp task-name


Task: defining a task

In a gulp task, it read some files using gulp.src,

pass them through various transformations using the pipe function,

and finally write them back to disk by piping to gulp.dest

gulp.task('task-name', function() {

// Stuff here


task-name refers to name of task


gulp.task('hello', function() {

console.log('Hello World');


Run: $ gulp hello


gulp-uglify: minify files


$ npm install gulp-uglify --save-dev



var uglify = require(‘gulp-uglify’);


gulp.task(‘default’, function() {





Run on command prompt:

$ gulp

If you want to specify a name to a task write:



If you want to specify a name to a task write:


gulp.task(‘scripts’, function() {





Run on command prompt:

$ gulp scripts

Concept of streams based on above example:

As we know, streams enable you to pass some data through a number of usually small functions, which will modify

the data and then pass the modified data to the next function.

In the example above, the gulp.src() function takes a string, which matches a file or number of files (known as a

“glob”), and creates a stream of objects representing those files. They are then passed (or piped) to

the uglify()function, which takes the file objects and returns new file objects along with a minified source. The

output is then piped to the gulp.dest() function, which saves the changed files.





