Global Thought Leadership: Opportunities To Create Content To Share Across Social Channels Jon Burkhart, Head of Copy & Social Media Evangelist

Global Thought Leadership

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Why should our company launch our global thought leadership program at SXSW? 500 + solo presentations and panels give non-famous, passionate people a chance to engage people and increase their own personal profile as well as the profile of our global network. You won’t find another conference with the quality of innovative, creative big thinkers. 16,000 attendees last year. The best networking event for insanely curious, entrepreneurial thinkers. Plus great barbecue and Tex-Mex. What more do you need?

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Global Thought Leadership: Opportunities To Create Content To Share Across Social Channels

Jon Burkhart, Head of Copy & Social Media Evangelist

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First Thought Leadership Event: South By Southwest Interactive

Deadline for SXSW 2011 topics: next Friday 9 July

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SXSW Interactive – What is it?

The South By Southwest Interactive Festival brings together the world’s most creative web developers, designers, bloggers, wireless innovators, content producers, programmers, widget inventors and new media entrepreneurs. Five days of captivating keynote presentations and provocative panel sessions provide hands-on training as well as big-picture analysis of the future of this industry.

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Why we need to attend/speak at SXSW

>> 500 + solo presentations and panels gives non-famous, passionate people a chance to engage people and increase their own personal profile as well as the profile of our global network.

>> You won’t find another conference with the quality of innovative, creative big thinkers. 16,000 attendees last year. The best networking event for insanely curious, entrepreneurial thinkers.

>> We’re a global agency. Austin, TX is the centre of the universe. We should use this as a chance to get all 20 of our offices together.

>> Austin, TX has amazing food. I gained about 10 pounds on a steady diet of barbecue (pulled pork) and Tex-Mex 3 meals a day.

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Panel topic? What’s your passion*?

*This was me BEFORE my team USA lost to Ghana

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Make them fun. Top-rated talks from 2010:

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Top-rated talks continued:

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Ask yourself. Would Wired write about it?

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Who do you know? Any game-changers?

Develop a panel around them or their achievement.

Photo courtesy of www.flickr.com/photos/ inju/3739765921

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Don’t Feel Like An Expert?

Fine. Propose a social experiment.

And do It anyway.

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RoadTwip – The Accepted Proposal

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David On Demand – At Cannes This Year

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David On Demand: Strategic Partnerships

Leo Burnett made the experiment seem like just an idea that their creative recruiter had. The reality was that it was a strategic move to use live-streaming video technology and partner with several companies. It was the most talked about topic at Cannes this year. What experiments can we take on? What strategic partnerships can we forge?

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Google Job Experiment – cost: $6

A guy called Alec realised that top creative directors probably Google themselves a lot. He paid $6 for a Google ad campaign for top NYC creative directors. He got a job. Simple. Brilliant. What type of experiments can we do like this? What tools can we use in innovative ways? Propose the idea to SXSW and do it anyway. We’ll PR the hell of it.

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Other tips about topics for SXSW

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Diversity-Related Proposals Needed

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Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Topic?

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Panel or Solo Presentation?

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Next Step: Come Up With Your Topic and Submit It.

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Other Uses For Your Brilliant Thought Leadership Ideas

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Content for your personal blog…

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…content for your personal Twitter…

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…with links to iris Twitter & blog

Clients are asking us for extraordinary ideas that people will want to share on social networks. We are hypocrites if we’re not actively sharing content, both personally and professionally. We can build our network with key influencers globally by producing content that lives on BOTH your Twitter pages/blog and the company’s ones.

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Everyone should share

I’ve taken our Aloha contacts page and put the “Who We Are” page from a top London social media agency underneath. Our vision of the future. We need links to everyone’s Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. We must show clients that everyone in the company is using social media.

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Zappos - a company built on sharing

If we model sharing for our clients, we will win them over. However, it’s all about having brilliant content that people would want to pass along. Like Zappos which put customer service and sharing on Twitter at the heart of it’s company. Result: Bought by Amazon for $1.2 billion.

Read the whole thing here: http://www.slideshare.net/chaturvedibraj/zappos-a-social-media-culture

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First, you must create great content

Step 1: Create content for ourselves and for SXSW.

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Then share it across multiple platforms

Step 2: Become a company known for sharing.

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Task: make @irisworldwide like @bbhlabs

Like BBH Labs, we can establish ourselves as curators of all things interesting and innovative.

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Task: make @irisworldwide like @bbhlabs

We will engage key influencers globally with all the extraordinary ideas we’re coming up with for our clients and ourselves.

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Responding to industry white papers


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W+K’s response to PSFK

Read it here: http://www.slideshare.net/PSFK/w-4425150

Our thought leadership pieces must find homes on our company blog. We only have a curation blog at the moment: the Under The Influence one we link to on our @irisworldwide Twitter page. Our content must be on Slideshare where we should be responding to other thought leadership pieces as well.

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Appendix: Other Conferences (to inspire you in your research,

to attend next year?)

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Wall Street Journal’s D: All Things Digital

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PSFK Conference New York

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O’Reilly Web 2.0 Summit

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Idea City