Taming Asynchronous Workflows with Functional Reactive Programming EuroClojure - Kraków, 2014 Leonardo Borges @leonardo_borges www.leonardoborges.com www.thoughtworks.com

Functional Reactive Programming / Compositional Event Systems

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Page 1: Functional Reactive Programming / Compositional Event Systems

Taming Asynchronous Workflows with Functional Reactive Programming

EuroClojure - Kraków, 2014

Leonardo Borges @leonardo_borges www.leonardoborges.com www.thoughtworks.com

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About‣ ThoughtWorker ‣ Functional Programming & Clojure advocate ‣ Founder of the Sydney Clojure User Group

‣ Currently writing “Clojure Reactive Programming”

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Taming Asynchronous Workflows with Functional Reactive Programming

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Taming Asynchronous Workflows with Functional Reactive Programming

Compositional Event Systems

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There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation

and naming things. - Phil Karlton


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Ok, so what’s the difference?

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‣ Created in 1997 by Conal Elliott for the reactive animations framework Fran, in Haskell ‣ Since then other implementations have appeared: reactive-banana, NetWire, Sodium (all in Haskell) ‣ And then FRP-inspired ones: Rx[.NET | Java | JS], Baconjs, reagi (Clojurescript) ‣ Main abstractions: Behaviors e Events

More about FRP

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‣ Created in 1997 by Conal Elliott for the reactive animations framework Fran, in Haskell ‣ Since then other implementations have appeared: reactive-banana, NetWire, Sodium (all in Haskell) ‣ And then FRP-inspired ones: Rx[.NET | Java | JS], Baconjs, reagi (Clojure[script]) ‣ Main abstractions: Behaviors e Events ‣ Traditionally defined as:

type Behavior a = [Time] -> [a]!type Event a = [Time] -> [Maybe a]

More about FRP

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We’ll be focusing on Compositional Event Systems

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Imperative programming describes computations as a series of actions which modify program state

var result = 1;!numbers.forEach(function(n){! if(n % 2 === 0) {! result *= n;! }!});!console.log( result );!// 8!

var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]; Requires a variable to store state

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var result = 1;!numbers.forEach(function(n){! if(n % 2 === 0) {! result *= n;! }!});!console.log( result );!// 8!

var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];

We iterate over the array

Imperative programming describes computations as a series of actions which modify program state

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var result = 1;!numbers.forEach(function(n){! if(n % 2 === 0) {! result *= n;! }!});!console.log( result );!// 8!

var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];

And then we filter the items…

Imperative programming describes computations as a series of actions which modify program state

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var result = 1;!numbers.forEach(function(n){! if(n % 2 === 0) {! result *= n;! }!});!console.log( result );!// 8!

var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];

…and perform the multiplication in the

same function

Imperative programming describes computations as a series of actions which modify program state

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(def numbers [1 2 3 4 5])!!

(def result! (->> numbers! (filter even?)! (reduce *)))!!

(prn result)!!

;; 8

In functional programming, we describe what we want to do but not how we want it done

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That is, there are no variables with local state and we get better re-use

from single purpose functions

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Compositional Event Systems brings the same principle to values we work with daily: DOM

events (clicks, key presses, mouse movement), Ajax calls…

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Let’s look at an example

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Game movements in Javascript

var JUMP = 38, CROUCH = 40,! LEFT = 37, RIGHT = 39,! FIRE = 32;!!function goRight (){! $(‘h1').html("Going right...");!}!!function goLeft (){! $(‘h1').html("Going left...");!}!!function jump (){! $('h1').html("Jumping...");!}!!function crouch (){! $('h1').html("Crouching...");!}!!function fire (){! $('h1').html("Firing...");!}

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Game movements in Javascript

$(window.document).keyup(function(event){! switch(event.keyCode){! case JUMP :! jump();! break;! case CROUCH:! crouch();! break;! case LEFT :! goLeft();! break;! case RIGHT :! goRight();! break;! case FIRE :! fire();! break;! };!});

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We now have limitations similar to the multiplication example

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Let us think key presses as a list of keys over a period of time

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This leads to the following solution

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Reactive game movements

(def UP 38) (def RIGHT 39)!(def DOWN 40) (def LEFT 37)!(def FIRE 32) (def PAUSE 80)!!


(def source (.fromEvent js/Rx.Observable js/window "keyup"));!!

(-> source (.filter #(= UP %)) (.subscribe jump))!(-> source (.filter #(= DOWN %)) (.subscribe crouch))!(-> source (.filter #(= RIGHT %)) (.subscribe go-right))!(-> source (.filter #(= LEFT %)) (.subscribe go-left))!(-> source (.filter #(= FIRE %)) (.subscribe fire))!


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Reactive game movements

(def UP 38) (def RIGHT 39)!(def DOWN 40) (def LEFT 37)!(def FIRE 32) (def PAUSE 80)!!


(def source (.fromEvent js/Rx.Observable js/window "keyup"));!!

(-> source (.filter #(= UP %)) (.subscribe jump))!(-> source (.filter #(= DOWN %)) (.subscribe crouch))!(-> source (.filter #(= RIGHT %)) (.subscribe go-right))!(-> source (.filter #(= LEFT %)) (.subscribe go-left))!(-> source (.filter #(= FIRE %)) (.subscribe fire))!


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;; behavior examples!(def time-b (r/behavior (System/currentTimeMillis)))!@time-b!;; 1403691712988!@time-b!;; 1403691714156!


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Behaviours to Event Streams


(def time-e (r/sample 1000 time-b))!!

(->> time-e (r/map println))!;; t + 1 sec!;; 1403692132586!;; t + 2 sec:!;; 1403692133587!

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Combinators(-> (Observable/return 42)! (.map #(* % 2))! (.subscribe println))!!

;; 84!!

(-> (Observable/from [10 20 30])! (.map #(* % 2))! (.reduce +)! (.subscribe println))!!

;; 120!

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Combinators: flatMap / selectMany

(defn project-range [n]! (Rx.Observable/return (range n)))!!

(-> (Observable/from [1 2 3])! (.selectMany project-range)! (.subscribe (rx/fn* println)))!!

;; 0!;; 0!;; 1!;; 0!;; 1!;; 2!

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(Observable/from [1 2 3])

1 2 3

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(-> (Observable/from [1 2 3])! (.selectMany project-range)! …)

(project-range 2)

0 1

(project-range 1)


(project-range 3)

0 1 2

0 0 1 0 1 2

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What about network IO?

‣ Callback hell :( ‣ Clojure promises don’t compose ‣ Promises in JS are slightly better but have limitations ‣ They work well for a single level of values ‣ However are a poor composition mechanism ‣ What if we have a series of values that changes over time?

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Demo: Simple polling app

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This is what the server gives us

{:id 7! :question "Which is the best music style?"! :results {:a 10! :b 47! :c 17}}!

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And this is what we want

‣ Render results‣ Continuously poll server every 2 secs‣ If current question is the same as the previous one update results; Otherwise:

‣ Stop polling;‣ Display countdown message;‣ Render new question and results;‣ Restart polling;

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The core idea

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First, we need to turn the results into a stream

4 3 3 2 1 1

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So we duplicate the stream, skipping one element

4 3 3 2 1 1

5 4 3 3 2 1

(skip 1)

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Finally, we zip the streams4 3 3 2 1 1

5 4 3 3 2 1


[5,4] [4,3] [3,3] [3,2] [2,1] [1,1]

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The core idea, in code

(defn results-observable! "Returns an Observable that yields server-side questions/results"! []! (.create js/Rx.Observable! (fn [observer]! (srm/rpc! (poll-results) [resp]! (.onNext observer resp))! (fn [] (.log js/console "Disposed")))))

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The core idea, in code(def results-connectable! "Zips results-observable with itself, but shifted by 1.! This simulates a 'buffer' or 'window' of results"! (let [obs (-> js/Rx.Observable! (.interval 2000)! (.selectMany results-observable)! (.publish)! (.refCount))! obs-1 (.skip obs 1)]! (.zip obs obs-1 (fn [prev curr]! {:prev prev! :curr curr}))))!

Turn results into a stream

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The core idea, in code(def results-connectable! "Zips results-observable with itself, but shifted by 1.! This simulates a 'buffer' or 'window' of results"! (let [obs (-> js/Rx.Observable! (.interval 2000)! (.selectMany results-observable)! (.publish)! (.refCount))! obs-1 (.skip obs 1)]! (.zip obs obs-1 (fn [prev curr]! {:prev prev! :curr curr}))))!

Clone stream, skip one

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The core idea, in code

(def results-connectable! "Zips results-observable with itself, but shifted by 1.! This simulates a 'buffer' or 'window' of results"! (let [obs (-> js/Rx.Observable! (.interval 2000)! (.selectMany results-observable))! obs-1 (.skip obs 1)]! (.zip obs obs-1 (fn [prev curr]! {:prev prev! :curr curr}))))!

Zip them together

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Can we do better?

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(def results-buffer! "Returns an Observable with results buffered into a 2-element vector"! (-> js/Rx.Observable! (.interval 2000)! (.selectMany results-observable)! (.bufferWithCount 2)))!

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Live Demo

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"FRP is about handling time-varying values like they were regular values" -

Haskell Wiki

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"FRP is about handling time-varying values like they were regular values" -

Haskell Wiki

It also applies to FRP-inspired systems

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Why not use core.async?

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Previously, with CES

(-> (Observable/from [10 20 30])! (.map (rx/fn [v] (* v 2)))! (.reduce (rx/fn* +)! (.subscribe (rx/fn* println)))))

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With core.async(defn from-array [coll]! (let [stream-c (chan)]! (go (doseq [n coll]! (>! stream-c n))! (close! stream-c))! stream-c))!!

(def c (->> (async-from [10 20 30])! (a/map< #(* % 2))! (a/reduce + 0)))!!

(go-loop []! (when-let [v (<! c)]! (println v)! (recur)))!

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Multiple subscribers with CES

(def sum-of-squares (-> (Observable/from [10 20 30])! (.map (rx/fn [v] (* v 2)))! (.reduce (rx/fn* +))))!!



(.subscribe sum-of-squares (rx/action* println)) ;; 120!(.subscribe sum-of-squares (rx/action* println)) ;; 120

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Multiple subscribers with core.async [1/3]

(def in (chan))!(def sum-of-squares (->> in! (a/map< #(* % 2))! (a/reduce + 0)))!

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Multiple subscribers with core.async [2/3]

(def publication (pub sum-of-squares (fn [_] :n)))!!

(def sub-1 (chan))!(def sub-2 (chan))!!

(sub publication :n sub-1)!(sub publication :n sub-2)

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Multiple subscribers with core.async [3/3]

(go (doseq [n [10 20 30]]! (>! in n))! (close! in))!!

(go-loop []! (when-let [v (<! sub-1)]! (prn v)! (recur))) ;; 120!!

(go-loop []! (when-let [v (<! sub-2)]! (prn v)! (recur))) ;; 120

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core.async operates at a lower level of abstraction

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it is however a great foundation for a FRP-inspired framework

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Reagi - shown earlier - is built on top of core.async


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Bonus example: a reactive API to AWS

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Bonus example: a reactive API to AWS

‣ Retrieve list of resources from a stack (CloudFormation.describeStackResources) ‣ For each EC2 Instance, call EC2.describeInstances to retrieve status ‣ For each RDS Instance, call RDS.describeDBInstances to retrieve status ‣ Merge results and display

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Step 1: turn api calls into streams

(defn resources-stream [stack-name]! (.create js/Rx.Observable! (fn [observer]! (.describeStackResources js/cloudFormation #js {"StackName" : stackName}! (fn [err data]! (if err! (.onError observer err)! (doseq [resource data]! (.onNext observer resource))! (.onCompleted observer)))! (fn [] (.log js/console "Disposed")))))

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Step 1: turn api calls into streams(defn ec2-instance-stream [resource-ids]! (.create js/Rx.Observable! (fn [observer]! (.describeInstaces js/ec2 #js {"InstanceIds" resource-ids}! (fn [err data]! (if err! (.onError observer err)! (doseq [instance data]! (.onNext observer instance)))! (.onCompleted observer)))! (fn [] (.log js/console "Disposed")))))!

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Step 1: turn api calls into streams

(defn rds-instance-stream [resource-id]! (.create js/Rx.Observable! (fn [observer]! (.describeDBInstances js/rds #js {"DBInstanceIdentifier" resource-id}! (fn [err data]! (if err! (.onError observer err)! (.onNext observer data))! (.onCompleted observer)))! (fn [] (.log js/console "Disposed")))))

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Step 2: transform the different API responses into a common output

(def resources (resourcesStream "my-stack"))!!(def ec2-data (-> resources! (.filter ec2?)! (.map :resource-id)! (.flatMap ec2-instance-stream)! (.map (fn [data] {:instance-id ...! :status ...}))))!!(def rds-data (-> resources! (.filter rds?)! (.map :resource-id)! (.flatMap rds-instance-stream)! (.map (fn [data] {:instance-id ...! :status ...}))))!

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Step 3: merge results and update UI

(-> ec2-data! (.merge rds-data)! (.reduce conj [])! (.subscribe (fn [data] (update-interface ...))))

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Easy to reason about, maintain and test

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‣ Conal Elliott “Functional Reactive Animation” paper: http://bit.ly/conal-frp !

FRP-inspired frameworks: ‣ Reagi: http://bit.ly/reagi ‣ RxJS: http://bit.ly/rxjs-github ‣ RxJava: http://bit.ly/rxjava-github ‣ Bacon.js: https://github.com/baconjs/bacon.js !

FRP implementations: ‣ Reactive Banana: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Reactive-banana ‣ Elm: http://elm-lang.org/ ‣ NetWire: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Netwire

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Thanks! Questions?

Leonardo Borges @leonardo_borges

www.leonardoborges.com www.thoughtworks.com