Fun with QML and JavaScript Mobile Apps for MeeGo Rajesh Lal MeeGo Team, Nokia Silicon Valley

Fun with QML and JavaScript: Embedded Linux Conference 11th April 2011, Hotel Kabuki, San Francisco @iRajLal

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Learn to develop News, Social, Tools and Fun & Game Apps using QML and JavaScript on MeeGo devices. Know how to apply some advanced graphics and animations with simple QML and see how JavaScript allows you to create a feature rich application. No C++ required. A tutorial with live demos targeted to beginner to intermediate Mobile developers interested in developing mobile applications on Linux based Mobile Devices.

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Page 1: Fun with QML and JavaScript: Embedded Linux Conference 11th April 2011, Hotel Kabuki, San Francisco @iRajLal

Fun with QML and JavaScript

Mobile Apps for MeeGo

Rajesh LalMeeGo Team, Nokia Silicon Valley

Page 2: Fun with QML and JavaScript: Embedded Linux Conference 11th April 2011, Hotel Kabuki, San Francisco @iRajLal

Fast Development on

QML JavaScript Mobile Apps

+ =

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Mobile Apps Download

http://distimo.com By 2013



$29 billion+

Paid Free

Source: Gartner

Page 4: Fun with QML and JavaScript: Embedded Linux Conference 11th April 2011, Hotel Kabuki, San Francisco @iRajLal

What is MeeGo

is a Linux-based open source

mobile operating system

Targeted to mobile devices & consumer electronics

Page 5: Fun with QML and JavaScript: Embedded Linux Conference 11th April 2011, Hotel Kabuki, San Francisco @iRajLal

What makes Exciting ?

Fully Open Source

Linux Foundation

Target Multiple devices Available Today

MeeGo V1.1 - Handsets

MeeGo V1.1 - Net books

MeeGo V1.1 - In-Vehicle Infotainment

… and SmartTV, IPTV-boxes, Tablets

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MeeGo Development Environment

• Qt Application Framework

• IDE – Qt Creator

• Qt Quick & QML

• Qt UI Designer

• Qemu Emulator

• Smartphone Simulator

… and we have a device to testAvailable Today

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3 Steps to Develop FAST on MeeGo

Cutting-edge UI Rich Features Mobile Apps

Qt Quick & QML JavaScript Fast

+ =

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4 Mobile Apps for MeeGo



Effort on MeeGo

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1/4 News Apps on MeeGo

CNN News

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1/4 News Apps on MeeGo





Display UI


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1/4 News Apps on MeeGo

XML Reader


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1/4 News Apps on MeeGo

XML Reader

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1/4 News Apps on MeeGo

Display UI (Delegate)

Delegate is a component that creates an instance for each item in the model

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1/4 News Apps on MeeGo


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1/4 News Apps on MeeGo


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1/4 News Apps on MeeGo

ListView Grid View

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1/4 News Apps on MeeGo


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2/4 Social Apps on MeeGo








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2/4 Social Apps on MeeGo


Worker Script


Login thread


API Call

From QML



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2/4 Social Apps on MeeGo

1. API Call

2. Login thread instance

3. Worker Script

4. Login.js with AJAX

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2/4 Social Apps on MeeGo

API Call

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2/4 Social Apps on MeeGo

Login Thread Instance

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2/4 Social Apps on MeeGo

ScriptLogin.QML (Actual Thread)

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2/4 Social Apps on MeeGo

Login.js with AJAX

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3/4 Tools on MeeGo

N900 Access Device Data

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3/4 Tools on MeeGo



Qt Mobility




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JavaScript Expressions

Import JavaScript Files

Qt Mobility API


3/4 Tools on MeeGo

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3/4 Tools on MeeGo: Clock.js

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3/4 Tools on MeeGo: QML Binding

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QML Plug-ins Qt Mobility API

Gallery Document Gallery API

Location Location API

Multimedia API includes audio and video

Service Framework

Discovering and connecting to services

Messaging Messaging , email ,sms etc

3/4 Tools on MeeGo: Qt Mobility

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import Qt 4.7

import QtMultimediaKit 1.1


Audio {

id: myMedia

source: “beethoven.wav"


MouseArea {

id: playArea

anchors.fill: parent

onPressed: { myMedia.play() }


3/4 Tools on MeeGo: Multimedia

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import Qt 4.7

import QtMobility.location 1.1

Rectangle {

width: 500

height: 500

Map {

id: myMap

size.width: parent.width

size.height: parent.height

zoomLevel: 5

center: Coordinate {

latitude: 101

longitude: 202




3/4 Tools on MeeGo: Location

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3/4 Tools on MeeGo: Location

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4/4 Fun and Games on MeeGo

Angry Developer

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4/4 Fun and Games on MeeGo


BindingGraphics State


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4/4 Fun and Games on MeeGo













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Playing Moving

4/4 Fun and Games on MeeGo

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4/4 Fun and Games on MeeGo

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4/4 Fun and Games on MeeGo

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4/4 Fun and Games: QML Elements

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Playing Angry Happy Pig Moving Pig Destroyed

4/4 Fun and Games: State Change

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4/4 Fun and Games: State Change

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Bouncing Ball Animation Throw Transition

4/4 Fun and Games: Ball Animation

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4/4 Fun and Games: Bouncing Ball

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4/4 Fun and Games: Throw Transition

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Pig’s Random


Hit or Miss

4/4 Fun and Games: Logic Timers

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4/4 Fun and Games: Pig Movement

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4/4 Fun and Games: Hit or Miss

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4/4 Fun and Games on MeeGo

Angry DeveloperDemo

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3 Steps for FAST development on

Download Qt SDK

Create UI QML

Develop Logic


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Thank You

Download MeeGohttp://meego.com/downloads

Get Qt SDK with Qt Quickhttp://get.qt.nokia.com

Know MADDEhttp://wiki.maemo.org/MADDE

Questions [email protected] @rajeshlalnokia