Fullstack JS Workshop Front End Session Mar 5th, 2017 @ Fak MIPA UGM

Fullstack JS Workshop

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Fullstack JS WorkshopFront End Session

Mar 5th, 2017 @ Fak MIPA UGM

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About Me

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Muhammad Rizki RijalJS dev @wonderlabs, JS Enthusiast

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React JS

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Why we use react?

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coz it’s cool right?ps: and hype

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What is React?

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It’s super cool UI library right?

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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

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Learn once, write anywhere

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Learn once, write anywhere

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I want a fancy button, when it get clicked its color and text will be changing back and


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Imperative Way

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Declarative Way

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Learn once, write anywhere

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Learn once, write anywhere

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Super Stupidly Simple React App

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Embedding Expression

Specifying Attributes

Specifying Children

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Embedding Expression

Specifying Attributes

Specifying Children

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Embedding Expression

Specifying Attributes

Specifying Children

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Embedding Expression

Specifying Attributes

Specifying Children

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All About Components

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Class Component

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Functional Component

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<CommentList />

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<Comment />

<Comment />

<CommentList />

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<User />

<User />

<Comment />

<Comment />

<CommentList />

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<User />

<User />

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<Comment />

<Comment />

<User />

<User />

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<CommentList />

<Comment />

<Comment />

<User />

<User />

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Props & State

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Basically react has two types of data, props and state

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Props is read-only dataAlso it can be used to pass an event/data change handler

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State is where to store data that is going to change

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later on we can update component’s state with


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Data Flow

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Component Life Cycle Hooks

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Think of it like your daily schedule

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- constructor(props)

- componentWillMount()

- componentDidMount()

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- componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, prevProps)

- shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)

- componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState)

- componentDidUpdate()

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- componentWillUnmount()

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What We Gonna Build

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Folder Structure

/chat-bot /node_modules /public index.html /src /components /pages /lib App.css App.js index.css index.js package.json

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<Navbar />

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<Navbar />

<ChatWindow />

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<Navbar />

<ChatWindow />

<MessageInput />

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<Navbar />

<ChatWindow />

<MessageInput />

<MessageList />

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<Navbar />

<ChatWindow />

<MessageInput />

<MessageList />

<Message />

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<Navbar />

<ChatWindow />

<MessageInput />

<MessageList />

<Message />

<App />

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Let’s get started!

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Clone UI Template


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- Create React App

$ npm i -g create-react-app

$ npm i -S moment axios

- Moment (for date creation and formatting)

- Axios(Perform request to backend)

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App Component State Schema


messages: [


“author”: “Me”, // “Me” or “Bot”

“text”: “Hello!”, // Message body

“createdAt”: “Sat Mar 04 2017 20:11:00 GMT+0700 (WIB)”,




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Things To Discover Next

- React Router

- Redux

- React Thunk / React Saga / React Observables

- Testing

- Webpack

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