Motivations in FLOSS communities (aka the Chocolate talk) Sébastien Heymann - Gephi Consortium http://sebastien.pro [email protected]

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Motivations in FLOSS communities

(aka the Chocolate talk)Sébastien Heymann - Gephi Consortium

http://sebastien.pro [email protected]

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Some words about me...

Community manager of the Gephi project.I democratize network thinking.

PhD candidate in complex networks @LIP6.I love chocolates too :)

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Motivations in studying motivations

Who would be likely to contribute to my project?

How to attract skilled developers?

Who is worth the time spent?

What win-win deals can we make?

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"In many ways, I actually think the real idea of open source is for it to allow everybody to be 'selfish', not about trying to get everybody to

contribute to some common good.[...]

Now, those selfish reasons by no means need to be about 'financial reward', though."

Interview of L. Torvalds for the BBC, June 2012

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"When I started making a living writing add-ons and other Mozilla software, I felt I needed

to give something back [...]. So there were altruistic and selfish reasons mixed together."

Interview of B. King (Mozilla volunteer) by Tristan Nitot, Dec 2012

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Plan: beyond altruism vs selfishness

1. Why motivation matters?2. Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation.3. Why care about intrinsic motivation?4. Open questions.

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3. Why motivation matters?image: The Big Lebowski

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Key issues in FLOSS communities

Fast evolution! need for creativity.

Contributors are not paid most of the time.

Contributions based on free will.

Willingness to cooperate.

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People who:

● develop● communicate● manage● use and spread the word● ...

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Why contribute for FREE?

What about you?

for glory?

for t3h lulz? :)

for White Russians?

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What about them?

R. Stallman L. Torvalds

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For personal values

R. Stallman

"I refuse to break solidarity with other users. [...] So that I can continue to use computers without dishonor, I have decided to put together a sufficient body of free software..."

The GNU Manifesto [online], 1985

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For social status

L. Torvalds

"I have enough recognition that I feel good about myself, that I know that what I'm doing is actually meaningful to people."

Linux Manifesto [online], 1998

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2. Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivationimage: AllTheRageFaces.com

dude, come on

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Motivation: what makes [a dude] engaged for something. (Deci & Ryan, 1985)

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Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation:Something is "valued for its own sake and appears to be self sustained".(Calder & Straw, 1975)

Extrinsic motivation:Something is perceived as an investment.(Deci & Ryan, 1985)

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Some intrinsic incentives

Feeling of being skilled and being proud of something.

Joy to give and be useful.

Aesthetic/creative pleasure.

To satisfy some personal values, like freedom.

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Some extrinsic (positive) incentives

Money, rewards.

Source code for personal needs.

Positive feedbacks.

Social status / reputation.

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3. Why care about intrinsic motivation?

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People with high intrinsic motivations are great


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"People for whom [the pure artistic satisfaction of designing beautiful software

and making it work] is not a significant motivation never become hackers in the first

place, just as people who don't love music never become composers."

- Homesteading the Noosphere, chap.7, 2000 E. Raymond

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Benefits of intrinsic motivations

Better creativity.

Faster learning.

Increased autonomy of contributors.

Better code.

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FLOSS communities: we may not have oil, but we have

intrinsic motivation.

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How to get intrinsic motivations high?

Take care of contributors':● autonomy,● emotional attachment (to the project),● skills evolution.

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How to get intrinsic motivations high?

Take care of contributors':● autonomy,● emotional attachment (to the project),● skills evolution.

Intrinsic motivation increases when one:● feels that he/she has the control,● and receives positive, detailed feedback.

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"Individuals join for various reasons, and no one reason tends to dominate

the community." (Lakhani & Wolf, 2003)

Why not increasing both types of motivation?

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"Hidden costs of rewards"

Increase of extrinsic motivations=>

Increase of the feeling of external control=>

decrease of intrinsic motivations

Lepper & Greene, 1978

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"Hidden costs of rewards"

Increase of extrinsic motivations=>

Increase of the feeling of external control=>

decrease of intrinsic motivations

Lepper & Greene, 1978

/!\ hybrid communitiesIf some people are paid to contribute, the motivation of the other people may decrease.

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Conclusion: good communities are motivation dealers.

Contributors come with various reasons.

Taking care of intrinsic incentives seems to be a key to improve contributions.

A good balance may be hard to reach: critical issue for open source business ecosystems.

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3 open questions

How to better understand the motivations of FLOSS contributors?

How motivations evolvealong the way?

Can we extract some advices for FLOSS community management?

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Some references

Communautés de Logiciel Libre : écosystème des motivations, S. Heymann, 2009 [PDF].The self perception of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, Calder B. & Straw B., in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, n°31, pp.599-605, 1975.Intrinsic motivation in a new light, Lindenberg S., in Kylos, n°54 pp.317-342, 2001.Le logiciel libre et la communauté autorégulée, Meyer M. & Montagne F., in Les carnets du centre de philosophie du Droit, n°113, 2005.Intrinsic motivation and self-determination of behavior, Deci E. & Ryan R., Plenum Press, New York, 1985.Linux Manifesto [online], 1998.Les motivations des développeurs dans l’Open Source Une revue de la littérature, Jean-Jacques Gauguier, 2005 [PDF].Lakhani K. & Wolf R., Why hackers do what they do : Understanding motivation effort in free/open source software projects, MIT Sloan School of Management (2003), no. 4425-03.

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Slide 1: Chocolates, by J. Paxon Reyes, under CC by-nc 2.0.Slide 2: Screenshot of Gephi 0.7.Slide 6: Image from The Big Lebowski, 1998.Slide 9: Dude Vinci, by Colin Cotterill, from https://dudeism.com/.Slide 10, 11: Richard Stallman gives a talk on Free Software and Copyright law at The University of Pittsburgh, by Victor Powell, under CC by-sa 3.0.Slide 10, 12: Linus Torvalds, Linuxmag.com, under CC by-sa 3.0.Slide 13: AllTheRageFaces.com.Slide 18: Focus Shift, 2008.Slide 28: Chocolate mocha, by Debbie R, under CC by-nc-nd 2.0.