Flaying the Blockchain Ledger for Fun, Profit, and Hip Hop Andrew Morris BSides Las Vegas, 2016

Flaying the Blockchain Ledger for Fun, Profit, and Hip Hop

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Page 1: Flaying the Blockchain Ledger for Fun, Profit, and Hip Hop

Flaying the Blockchain Ledger for Fun, Profit,

and Hip HopAndrew Morris

BSides Las Vegas, 2016

Page 2: Flaying the Blockchain Ledger for Fun, Profit, and Hip Hop

Acknowledgements• Colin Morrell• Chris Donaher• Dr Richard Seymour Esquire Jr M.D.• Bobby (guessing you probably don’t want your last name on this)• Andrew Askins• Eduard Iskandarov – Author of PyBlockchain• Sentdex on YouTube• Tom Gebhar• Curt Barnard• Satoshi Nakamoto (whoever the hell you are)• Authors of Bitcoin developer documentation• The two guys that got in a fight at Shmoocon two years ago• Shout out to Endgame for being an incredible company to work at

Page 3: Flaying the Blockchain Ledger for Fun, Profit, and Hip Hop

Outline• Intro• Pre Background• Bitcoin Primer• Blockchain Primer• Pulling apart the ledger• Observations• Future work• Conclusion


Page 4: Flaying the Blockchain Ledger for Fun, Profit, and Hip Hop

About Me• Andrew Morris• Twitter - @Andrew___Morris• Work at Endgame R&D team• Background is in offensive cyber stuff (private sector, gov stuff, etc)• Been doing computer stuff for the majority of my life, somehow still

pretty bad at it• Dropped out of high school a couple years ago and don’t really feel

like going back• Enjoy computers, playing music, tweeting dumb jokes

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Disclaimers• Today I’m speaking on behalf of myself, not on behalf of my employer• I’ll be discussing strictly technical observations• My employer doesn’t do work involving the blockchain or bitcoin• This is my own personal recreational research• I’m not a bitcoin or blockchain expert• Don’t expect to walk away from this talk with a solid understand of

blockchain. It’s really really complicated• Please correct me if you see any inaccuracies

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Outline• Intro• Pre Background• Bitcoin Primer• Blockchain Primer• Pulling apart the ledger• Observations• Future work• Conclusion

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August 26, 2015 - Guy buys Wu-Tang Clan Album for $2 Million

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February 11, 2016 - Guy tries to buy Kanye West album T.L.O.P exclusively for $10 Million on Twitter

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February 14, 2015 – Guy claims to have money stolen

Source: https://twitter.com/MartinShkreli/status/698748496153866240

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Source: https://twitter.com/MartinShkreli/status/698749973769363456

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Source: https://twitter.com/martinshkreli/status/698750951889506305

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Source: https://twitter.com/martinshkreli/status/698750951889506305

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Source: https://twitter.com/martinshkreli/status/698750951889506305

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Is it possible to find this Bitcoin transaction?• $15 million is a lot of money• Bitcoin records all transactions on a distributed ledger• The ledger is publicly available and not encrypted• Lets replicate the ledger, search through it, and see if we can find a

transaction that matches ~$15 million around that time• Given a date range, find transactions that fall in a USD value range

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My Approach• Replicate entire blockchain ledger• Parse raw bitcoin transactions• Get transactions into consumable format

• “Payer | Payee | Amount (BTC) | Amount (USD) | Time”• Shove data into a database of some kind• Write interesting queries• Review results• ???• Profit!

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Pseudo QuerySELECT * FROM all_bitcoin_transactions_ever WHERE

Date < Feb 14, 2016 AND Date > Feb 10, 2016

AND USD(BTC_Amount) > $14,000,000 AND USD(BTC_Amount) < $16,000,000;

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Outline• Intro• Pre Background• Bitcoin Primer• Blockchain Primer• Pulling apart the ledger• Observations• Future work• Conclusion

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Bitcoin Primer• Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency• Peer-to-Peer• No central authority (no trusted third party)• Think of it as the “cash” of the Internet• Uses cryptographic protocols to ensure integrity• Distributed blockchain ledger to record transactions• Uses proof of work to prevent double-spending• Everything is auditable back to the first block (“genesis block”)• Coins are ”mined” with CPU and ”traded” for <whatever>• Uses a non-turing complete bitcoin specific script language to validate transactions called

Bitcoin Script• Takes ~15 minutes to completely validate a bitcoin transaction• More here: https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

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Bitcoin Primer (cont’d)• When you send someone a bitcoin, you are signing a ”coin” value in a

way that the amount can now only be spent by the intended recipient• This transaction is broadcast to the entire world• Only the recipient can spend that bitcoin• All transactions are known by everyone• Network self-regulates with ”difficulty”• Dollar value fluctuates (as with any currency)

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Is Bitcoin anonymous?• Sort of• Everyone knows about every transaction• But you don’t always know who the wallet belongs to IRL • One person can use lots of wallets• Bitcoin can be “mixed” or “tumbled” to make it harder to trace• Wallets can be created offline without Internet access

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Is Bitcoin secure?• Yes• The implementation is brilliant• There are attacks, but they are unlikely (not impossible)• As long as the majority of members of the network do not collude

against the network, it works• 51% attack

• Most existing attacks affect shitty opsec

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Outline• Intro• Pre Background• Bitcoin Primer• Blockchain Primer• Pulling apart the ledger• Observations• Future work• Conclusion

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Blockchain 101• List of every bitcoin transaction ever• Basically a giant series of linked lists in the form of serialized data• Eternally growing chain of transactions• Computers are incentivized to host the full ledger and keeping the

party going by getting rewarded for mining a coin• Nothing that has happened in the past can ever be changed• Everything is hashed, is hashed, is hashed• No state, necessarily, just a log of activity

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Blockchain 101 (cont’d)• The blockchain is made up of blocks (surprise)• Blocks are made up transactions• Transactions are made up of inputs and outputs• An output is one wallet ”sending” coins to another wallet (kind of)• An input is someone claiming the coins sent to them previously• Every input corresponds to an output using a “Previous Hash” field• An output without a corresponding input means the coins have not yet been


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Accessing the Blockchain like a plebian• Blockchain.info• Webbtc.com• Blockexplorer.com• Blockr.io• ABE (offline)• There are tons

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This is so 2015• There’s no way to query “Show me all transactions above a certain

dollar value in this time range” • They have the data but there is not API exposed for that• You just have to go around and click stuff• We need to query based on dollar value and date/time• Also maybe you don’t want some random website having logs of your

queriesSELECT * FROM all_bitcoin_transactions WHERE DATE < Feb 14, 2016 AND DATE > Feb 10, 2016AND USD(BTC_Amount) > 14,000,000 and USD < 16,000,000;

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Potential Cheat Codes• Can download a dump of webbtc.com’s Postgres database (~80 GB

compressed)• http://dumps.webbtc.com/bitcoin/

• Generate the db your self with ”ABE”• https://github.com/bitcoin-abe/bitcoin-abe

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Cheat Codes (cont’d)• Parse out the blockchain into a SQLite database with Docker + Bitcoin

ABE in ONE COMMAND• https://github.com/c0achmcguirk/docker-bitcoin-abe

docker run -d --name abe -P -p 49001:80 \ -v <PATH_TO_YOUR_BITCOIN_DIR>:/datadir poliver/bitcoin-abe

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Outline• Intro• Pre Background• Bitcoin Primer• Blockchain Primer• Pulling apart the ledger• Observations• Future work• Conclusion

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Blockchain Ledger• Lots of “.dat” files• Currently about 600 128 MB .dat files

• blk000000.dat• blk000001.dat• …

• Each .dat file is a serialized binary blob• Each file contains blocks• Each block contains a header and transactions• Each transaction contains inputs and outputs• Data structure is complex (if you’ve never done anything with data structures


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Block Header




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Getting the Ledger (Good Way)• Install Bitcoin Core• Ensure you have ~100GB

of disk space• Replicate the ledger over

the network for a few days• Done!• ~80 GB in size (as of July


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Getting the Ledger (Lazy but Faster Way)• Download a torrent of the ledger .dat files• I’ve seen a few hovering around the Internet• I’ll provide a torrent for my copy of the ledger (as of July 2016)

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Parsing out the Blockchain (or, Andrew learns 2 use structs)

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Parsing the blockchain sucks• Started writing my own parser a la this guide:

• http://blog.gebhartom.com/posts/Parsing%20the%20Bitcoin%20Blockchain• Shout out Tom Gebhar

• Remembered that I’m a terrible programmer• Found a bunch of libraries that *almost* did what I need• Found THIS

• https://github.com/toidi/pyblockchain• (committed two months ago, great timing)

• Shout out to this guy tho• https://github.com/tenthirtyone/blocktools

• And this guy• https://github.com/znort987/blockparser

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Parsing the stuff that I need• Transaction ID• Payer Wallet• Receiver Wallet• Time of transaction• BTC amount• USD amount

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Problems• Inputs + Outputs• Change• Payer (in general)• Exchange Rate• Big Data?• Transaction Patterns

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Transaction ID• Unique transaction ID. Think UUID of a transaction.• This is easy to get. It’s a SHA256 of the entire transaction itself.

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Block Header


SHA256( )

Transaction ID

Output 0

Input 0

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Time• Easy. An epoch time stamp is always included in the block header• Convert that to datetime with my code

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Block Header





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Receiver Wallet• This was kind of hard• Wallets/addresses are actually shorthand for a public key• Wallets are included as part of the “Script” payload of a transaction

output• Bitcoin script pushes the public key data onto it’s stack and does some

magic to verify the key

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Block Header





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Receiver Wallet (cont’d)• There are multiple different “Script” address opcode patterns• The majority of transactions fall under ~six patterns• The library I’m using the parse the blockchain (pyblockchain) had only

implemented one pattern (it’s still being actively developed)• I forked it and implemented the two other most common patterns• Missing data? Yes. • My data set is missing <00.5% transactions• Deal with it• Multi Signature Transactions???? Nah

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The “change” problem• I have a Bitcoin wallet with 20 BTC in it and I want to send 5 to Kanye

West• I cryptographically sign a 5.00 BTC output to Kanye West’s address (public key)• I cryptographically sign a 15.00 BTC output to my own address (public key)

• Looking only at outputs, change transactions and non-change transactions are indistinguishable• Need the whole chain to solve this• A wallet containing $100M worth of Bitcoin sending $5 to a coffee

shop and giving itself $99.9999M in change may appear like a straight up $99.99999M transaction to our analytics if we aren’t smart

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Sender Wallet• The public key that signed the coin before you got it• This is the worst thing in the universe to parse• It technically doesn’t exist, at least in the ledger• You can derive it from the previous transaction

• Previous Transaction + Input Index <- Transaction ID + Output Index <- Receiver Wallet

• Everything is a chain• Chris Donaher wrote a long ass query that makes these connections• Come back to this…

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Sender Wallet (cont’d)• Straight up didn’t have enough RAM to build the correlated ”VIEW” in

Clickhouse• Overnighted 32 GB of RAM to myself a few days before the talk• …….still didn’t have nearly enough RAM to make the query• WELP

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Sender Wallet (cont’d)(cont’d)• Sitting on 100GB of input/outputs (total of 700 million records) a

week before this talk• Shitty South Carolina residential Internet connection• Not enough RAM to make final query

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Andrew (Askins) and Curt to the rescue• Drive to Andrew’s office downtown which has gigabit fiber• Compress 100GB dataset, upload to S3• Spin up a AWS instance with ~200 GB of RAM ($5 per hour, dear god)• Install Clickhouse• Load the database• Make the giant frankenquery• Export data• Download data• Terminate instance• I’ll come back to this

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Amount• Amount of BTC in the transaction• This comes from the transaction outputs• In “Satoshis”• 1 BTC == 100,000,000 Satoshis

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Block Header





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Historical USD Exchange Rate• I built a BTC -> USD lookup table• Given an epoch timestamp, give me the BTC -> USD value at that time• Downloaded historical BTC pricing data from blockchain.info• https://blockchain.info/charts/market-price?timespan=all#

• (Satoshi * 100,000,000) * USD exchange that day

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That’s everything!

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Parser source code• Get my fork of the PyBlockchain library here-• https://github.com/andrew-morris/pyblockchain

• My parser source code here-• https://github.com/andrew-morris/blockchain_research

• Note:• Requires Python 3.5 (will not work with < Python 3.4)• Definitely won’t work with Python 2.7• Slow, not multi threaded yet• I’m a generally shitty developer, sorry bout it

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Load into a DBMS• Decided to use Yandex Clickhouse• Why?• Because my coworker is a lot smarter than me and recommended it• He was right!

• https://clickhouse.yandex• Allows “views” or pseudo tables made out of other queries• Very, very, very fast• Only downside is that it can only make queries that fit into RAM• Indexes to disk

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Getting the data into the DB• ~98GB plaintext CSV• Took ~13 hours to parse• Took ~15 minutes to load into the DB

cat outputs.csv | clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO blockchain_outputs FORMAT CSV"

cat inputs.csv | clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO blockchain_inputs FORMAT CSV"

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Linking outputs to inputs• Need to create a database “view” with Clickhouse to link inputs to

outputs, getting us the “Payer” field• The RAM problem…

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Page 70: Flaying the Blockchain Ledger for Fun, Profit, and Hip Hop

create table transactions

ENGINE = MergeTree(Date, (TXID, Receiver, Payer),8192)


select TXID, Payer, Receiver, Satoshis, USD, Epoch, Date from


    select TXID,Receiver from output




    select Receiver as Payer, TXID, Satoshis, USD, Epoch, Date from


      select previousHash as hash , inputIndex as num ,TXID from input




      select TXID as hash, outputIndex as num, Receiver, Satoshis, USD, Epoch,

Date from output


    USING hash,num



I love you Chris Donaher

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Outline• Intro• Pre Background• Bitcoin Primer• Blockchain Primer• Pulling apart the ledger• Observations• Future work• Conclusion

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Inputs parsed

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Stats• ~1.4 billion records in “transactions” VIEW table

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How many transfers worth OVER $1M


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How many transfers worth OVER $10M


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How many transfers worth OVER $100M


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Biggest USD transfers of all time

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Biggest USD transfers of all time (cont’d)• $127 Million Dollars• November 22, 2013• Someone wrote an article about it apparently• https://blockchain.info/tx/1c12443203a48f42cdf7b1acee5b4b1c1fedc14


SELECT *, bar(USD, 10000000, 149000000, 40) FROM outputs ORDER BY USD DESC LIMIT 50;

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How many transactions, ever?


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Largest Unredeemed BTC Transaction• TXID -2a29fdb4e188f827da3c3175856b3ed95819b323bb303a46b8036534e78c76db• $34M USD, unspent for two years, still unspent

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Days where most USD was traded

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How much money was donated to…• Wikileaks - $125k• The Pirate Bay - $3k• etc

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Other• Average number of transactions per month• Average USD moved in a day• Most USD lost, ever• Find automated trades (timestamp/block height difference)• Find tumblers

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Contenders• I found an $8M transaction four days before the tweet• Looks like it may be exiting a tumbler the day of the tweet, which

would make sense if they were stolen• Or not?

• https://blockchain.info/tx/c9b93760b545f17cad6e7308692419c3b75db21d200a0d139d61b0b559ec29b6• …coming from here• https://blockchain.info/tx/0f99c7b37dd88ef202a3f8025589c72c20b1

6dcd900fba46ec149bc1a9f58b04• Obviously I can’t confirm this

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Contenders (con’t)• What if the transaction was split into multiple smaller transactions• What if dude bro was tricked into sending the BTC in 10 different

transactions?• This would avoid triggering my analytic

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Show me top 50 wallets that received the most money in February 2016SELECT Receiver, sum(USD) AS total_usd_received FROM output WHERE (Epoch > (Feb 1 2016)) AND (Epoch < (Feb 29 2016))GROUP BY Receiver ORDER BY total_usd_received DESC LIMIT 50;

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│ 1D12giTaEK9zVePUX9d5R5boQJpGZeLet  │ 21554740.961761475 │ │ 1FAv42GaDuQixSzEzSbx6aP1Kf4WVWpQUY │ 19422711.717998274 │ │ 1FCBQRfEVrPnHcLLpuChesYTRyJQ8YwNeu │  18656293.95471573 │ │ 1MrQKQ7ZGrkEVtzVjQ6M8obRKqXsseEEeK │  18528720.99706912 │ │ 1MLchJtjmcugGbv7pmKdGnpqJnfNvVYNFo │           15983460 │ │ 13WLPHwqc81itvJxjq3ijAbotMDR3B6Qfz │  15305706.36877884 │ │ 1ATChjYwUkiT1FXPDMwER3Gbzq3aQmvqJX │ 15180784.070986748 │ │ 1Bzcrtsy3FjrTmTbB8dsvBmGGCsadnXPFW │ 15118540.048821181 │ │ 1GyDFwbK8AKks5jvouaSwp12Q4LEwSM4BK │ 13009113.512695312 │ │ 17irB8xLxhVRerCoUyypnmpoak3QBpVp2z │        12868709.04 │ │ 1M5sKoqV3cLmmvV2MM7os8rEqmR3t9Pisk │ 12803530.500000006 │ │ 15EhvB17N8z2jRRrFczfkomNFcvgcTiZCg │ 11690543.555664062 │ │ 1CLCYgXddMwFDVJsVMiWtqrQxJbGAEE9bQ │ 11662185.460601807 │ │ 18cVXEkRyWU8Z4VT7TvzgWZhqKJLdC2w3M │ 11649447.772470951 │ │ 1PXNPo29gbZV7h9Htd2NGvP4bXeLaPJ837 │           11488992 │

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Interesting transaction - https://blockchain.info/address/1PXNPo29gbZV7h9Htd2NGvP4bXeLaPJ837 https://blockchain.info/tx/e99efe3d33fb93bc95d90eca3bc1106c808b878103b121a416083022adc64fda

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Outline• Intro• Pre Background• Bitcoin Primer• Blockchain Primer• Pulling apart the ledger• Observations• Future work• Conclusion

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Things for me to do• Open up a public website to allow anyone to make these queries

without needing serious $$$, disk, and cycles• Maybe build a front end for it?• Change architecture• Steam straight from the blockchain network instead of periodic ETL

• Explore opportunities with graph databases to find fun relationships• Make my parser code less shitty• Multithread it• More address patterns

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Things for me to do (cont’d)• Watch everyone spend bitcoin earned from donation links• Build analytic signatures for known tumblers, gambling sites• Can some simple analytics• Build an API• Harvest bitcoin wallets from search engines, watch those• Build an alerting engine

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Use Cases• Law enforcement? Intelligence community?• Investigation purposes

• FinTech use cases• Investment use cases (hedge funds, currency exchanges)• AML (Anti Money Laundering)

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Use Cases (evil)• Correlate addresses + prices + timing with Darknet, find people

buying…• Drugs• Guns• Porn• Whatever

• Use as a targeting platform to find high-value wallets• Violate people’s privacy???• Idk

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Outline• Intro• Pre Background• Bitcoin Primer• Blockchain Primer• Pulling apart the ledger• Observations• Future work• Conclusion

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What did we do?• Blockchain is cool, but it’s not formatted to allow queries• We ripped the data apart and shoved it into a new, flexible data

structure• Basically built a lightweight blockchain search engine• Made queries based on social media posts• Identified possible transactions of interest

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Did anyone move $15 million around the time of the Tweet?• Not that I observed• Found a couple close ones, but nothing at $15M• Maybe my time range is off? idk

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Am I deanonymizing the Blockchain?• Nah• Only if Google “deanonymized” the Internet by creating a search

engine• The data is already there• Someone else is probably doing this a lot better than I am

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What can this database do?• Ask any questions of the blockchain, fast• Literally anything• Show me who has the most unspent bitcoin• Show me how much money someone donated to Wikileaks• View a given bitcoin wallet’s coin / USD balance at any point in history• Correlate the price of bitcoin with:• Events• Stock Market• Other (crypto)currencies

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Thank You!• Twitter – @andrew___morris• Email – [email protected]• Website – https://morris.guru• GitHub – https://github.com/andrew-morris