Find the right audience for your free web conferencing event

Find the right audience for your free web conferencing event

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Find the right audience for your free web conferencing event

Webinars are presently the most effective means of connecting with one’s clientele. Free webinars and web-based video

conferences are becoming very common modes of communication in the business sector.

However, companies sometimes find it difficult to attract a sizeable audience. Even if a company prepares an excellent webinar presentation with very effective content to convert market

prospects, these efforts might not bear fruit if the audience turn out is low.

Several companies have been suffering from this under-attendance. Various techniques are being applied to overturn the situation and

to attracting and incite people to attend webinars. From among those techniques, here are five simple and effective ones to attract

an audience for a webinar

1. E-mail invites

E-mail, the most formal medium of personal communication is indeed, the best way to inform an audience about a free webinar or a free video conferencing event and to encourage them to subscribe

to it.

However, the email sent for invitation needs to be precise and creative enough to grab the attention of the receiver.

2. Social media marketing

Today, social media is a platform that people spending considerable amount of time on. The company or webinar host first needs to

identify the social media platforms most popular among its target audience and broadcast invitations to the free webinars on these


3. Attractive subscription page

The technicalities related to the subscription process must be simple enough for the audience to understand. The subscription page managed by the free webinar service should also be well-designed and visually appealing to wide range of demographics.

Subscription plans need to be interestingly laid out on the page so that the audience notices them and gives them careful


4. Reminders

Forgetfulness is a flaw almost everyone suffers from. But, a company with a well-prepared webinar cannot afford to this flaw and lose out

on potential attendees. As a countermeasure reminders must be sent to potential attendees as regular intervals on the days leading up to

the webinar.

However, the reminder mails must not be irritatingly repetitive; rather must be creative reminders customized each time so at to

effectively convince someone to attend the free web conferencing event.

5. Thank you note

Last but not the least, everyone who has attended the webinar, or at least had subscribed to it, should be sent a ‘thank you’ mail.

The language of the mail should be warm and personal to cement your connection with the audience. The mail might also contain

subtle information on the next seminar you will be hosting.