Final reflection

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Seung Hee Shin 9R

I have 3 strengths. One of my strengths is the movements. I was very good at the movements. I practiced and researched what movements are effective and new. The second one is eye Contact. I practiced eye contact in front of the mirror. It was very hard to eye contact other people because it is very uncomfortable to me. However, I tried to eye contact other people during my speech. The third one is the tempo and pace of my speech. I worried about whether people can't understand what I say or not. I practiced to speak very slowly. As a result, most of kids understood what I say and asked some questions.

I have 2 weaknesses. One of my weaknesses is getting feel nervous. I was very nervous during the speech. Especially when Mrs.Rankin came and heard my speech. I said wrong words because I was so nervous. I tried not to get feel nervous. However, it is too hard to me. The second one is the volume. I think the volume was little bit small because of the beard. Also, I was not confident so the volume was small. I worried about whether people can't hear my voice or not.

Mrs. Rankin and Ah Young Cho gave me some feedbacks to develop and improve my performance. Mrs.Rankin said that my speech should be stronger and slower. So I tried to say the words slowly and strong. It helped me to develop the performance. Ah Young Cho said that I should mimic Leonardo Da Vinci's voice. Actually, I haven't heard Da Vinci's voice. However, I know that Da Vinci's voice should be similar with my grandfather's voice. This is because they are both old. So I tried to mimic my grandfather's voice. It was successful. Some kids who have a pure and imple heart believed that I am real Leonardo Da Vinci.

I did some extra researches. They helped me to improve and develop my performance. One of them is some key points of mime. I got the idea of the gestures and movements by doing the extra research. For example, in mime, they draw something in the air to show that they are an artist, painter, or they are painting something. Therefore, I used that movements to emphasis the word 'artist' and 'drawings'. The second one is the research about the costume and make up of Leonardo Da Vinci statue. They helped me to improve the statue. I was very similar with Leonardo Da Vinci in the picture(see figure 1).