Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017

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Page 2: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017


AdetectivestoryEvelinaGaba ová


Page 3: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
Page 4: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
Page 5: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
Page 6: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
Page 7: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
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Page 11: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
Page 12: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
Page 13: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
Page 14: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
Page 15: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
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Page 21: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
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Model Coefficientofdetermination Adjusted

Fullmodel 0.4008 0.3892

Reducedmodel 0.3938 0.3892

R2 R2adj

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TheimportanceofversioncontrolHighersalary Lowersalary

Git 168 660

Iusesomeothersystem 17 30

Subversion 4 47

TeamFoundationServer 6 92

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## ## Pearson's Chi-squared test## ## data: .## X-squared = 258.48, df = 18, p-value < 2.2e-16

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Page 61: Evelian Gabasova - The mysterious correlation: a detective story - Codemotion Milan 2017
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