You are doing it Harnessing Crowds, Niches & Professionals in the Digital Age http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo Lora Aroyo

Europeana GA 2016: Harnessing Crowds, Niches & Professionals in the Digital Age

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You are doing it

Harnessing Crowds, Niches & Professionals in the Digital Age

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

Lora Aroyo

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

Take home message

software is dead! long live data! know your data - know your crowds

adapt your core strategies

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo


http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

1998 2006

1 million dollar prize for best algorithm

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

Netflix switches to streaming

2007 1998 2006

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

Team BellKor wins Netflix Prize

2007 1998 2006 2009

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

Team BellKor wins Netflix Prize

2007 1998 2006 2009

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

from books to data science

2006 1994 2003 2016

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

software is dead! long live data!

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

data is at the centre of every process

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

data is essential to evolve with your users

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo Ceci n'est pas … la mona lisa

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

Ceci n'est pas … la mona lisa

Louvre’s Mona Lisa is only #14

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

the battle of two worlds

9,3 million Louvre

visitors 2014 14 million website visitors

2,3 million social media

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

in the (very near) future

most visitors will be digital-born not bound by time or location

native to new forms of co-makership native to new media

Siebe Weide, Max Meijer and Marieke Krabshuis (2012). Agenda 2026: Study on the Future of the Dutch Museum Sector

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

in the (very near) future

digital & virtual positioning is critical traceability & recognisability is key

Siebe Weide, Max Meijer and Marieke Krabshuis (2012). Agenda 2026: Study on the Future of the Dutch Museum Sector

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

data at the center of ALL your processes

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

know your data

variety of meanings multitude of perspectives

abundance of sources endless applications

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

crowdsourcing: solution at scale to know your data

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

know your crowds

volunteers enthusiasts

visitors on-site visitors online paid crowds

in-house experts

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

understand who are the different crowds what can they do for your collection

know your crowds

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

not every crowd is equal

https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/rijksstudio EngagewithCo-crea0ononyourWebsite

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

expertise of Rijksmuseum professionals is in annotating their collection

with art-historical information, e.g. when they were created, by whom, etc.

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detailed domain-specific information about depicted objects, e.g. which species the

animal or plant belongs to, is in most cases not available

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

use nichesourcing, i.e. niches of people with the right expertise, to add more specific information

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

use social media sources, e.g. Twitter, to find different types of experts in certain areas, e.g.

bird lovers or ornithologists

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo





http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo


training the general crowd to be a niche: game in which players can carry out an expert

annotation tasks with some assistance

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

combine the crowds in a workflow: assess the crowd’s annotation quality by allowing

another crowd to review/rate them

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo


http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

engage volunteer crowds through continuous gaming

@waisda http://waisda.nl

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

engage volunteer crowds through continuous gaming


http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo


http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo


http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo


http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo


measure & assess ensure impact

•  be aware of the channel, e.g. Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Facebook

88% of the tags useful for specific genres Riste Gligorov, Michiel Hildebrand, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Guus Schreiber, Lora Aroyo (2011). On the role of user-generated metadata in audio visual collections. International conference on Knowledge capture K-CAP '11, Pages 145-152

measure & assess monitor progress

6 months 2 years 340,551 tags 36,981 tags 137.421 matches 602 items 1.782 items 555 registered players 2,017 users (taggers) thousands of anonymous players 12,279 visits (3+ min online) 44,362 pageviews

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

user vocabulary 8% in professional vocabulary 23% in Dutch lexicon 89% found on Google

locations (7%)


persons (31%) objects (57%)

measure & assess evaluate content, compare crowds


http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

campaign campaign campaign

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

Challenge 1: Crowdsourcing initiatives are typically undertaken in isolation

Challenge 2: It is quite difficult to strictly control the time it takes to complete crowdsourcing initiatives (across different types)

Challenge 3: Crowdsourcing initiatives demand your continuous promotional effort

Challenge 4: It is challenging for CH Institutions to incorporate crowdsourcing results into their existing content infrastructure

Crowdsourcing Challenges

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

use any opportunity collect or verify data through crowdsourcing …

(S) with a global strategy

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

… through novel interactions

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

… by user-driven augmentations of your collection

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

… aligning the digital & physical

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

… achieving empowered users

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

… in

NextGen Cultural Heritage

driven by data & crowds

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

Take home message

software is dead! long live data! know your data - know your crowds

adapt your core strategies

http://lora-aroyo.org u http://slideshare.net/laroyo u @laroyo

Harnessing Crowds, Niches & Professionals in the Digital Age

Lora Aroyo