The Carlton Files ETS2 Destination Resource & Itinerary Enhancement Adding Value To Your Client’s Itinerary, Delivering Innovation & Cost Savings

ETS2 / GSA Content Resource Application For Mobile Technologies

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We are a travel content resource for business and federal travelers. Our destination files are targeted to provide GSA/ETS2 rollout detailed city information to enhanced their client's travel experience and itinerary. We provide XML/ XLST. iframe, Web Service and customized GUI in the form of iframe, Mobile Web App, Tablet App and desktop service.

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The Carlton FilesETS2 Destination Resource & Itinerary Enhancement

Adding Value To Your Client’s Itinerary, Delivering Innovation & Cost Savings

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• We affordably deliver a resource that improves the travel experience on the ground beyond standard itinerary;• A research resource that improves productivity and delivers a fast ROI to departments; • Flexibility in content and delivery to meet the needs of e-Gov Travel and its customers;• Provide an improved experience to your travelers.

How You Will Benefit From Your e-Gov TravelDestination Resource

The Carlton Files

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• We are focused on utilizing technology to provide customer-of-one service to improve your traveler’s experience and improve your product delivery;• Deliverables to meet your needs via XML, Web Service,iFrame, customized GUI;• Unique product targeted to business travelers needs;• Affordably priced to meet GSA needs for the new economy and future fed and state budget constraints;• Service oriented, flexible and adaptive to your needs utilizing white label platform & GSA branding.

Why Partner With Us

The Carlton Files

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Here are some highlights of our product and the benefits your customers will enjoy.

The Carlton Files

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Through our mobile app, multi-functional website and customized deliverables we help GSA / ETS improve service and productivity simultaneously. Our client deliverables enhance your traveler’s traditional itinerary with essential and deep city information - fast and on the go. Here’s an example. The client will overnight in Washington and has a traditional itinerary of flight, hotel and transfer/car.

- In a few clicks or taps the traveler has access via desktop or mobile to over 90 categories of reviewed Washington resources including business, background, emergency, transportation, safety and many more categories.- A custom “travel manager to client” mobile app can be delivered by admin or manager to the client via PDF or mobile.

1) Utilizing new technology to improve your customer’s experience and productivity;

The Carlton Files

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Adhering to the mission and goals of GSA/ETS, we deliver the following GSA policy led benefits:

• Utilizing innovation and new technologies;• A white label, branded mobile app for client's on demand use;• Adhere to IT sustainability goals;• Cost savings & operational efficiency;• Delivering improved product and service to travelers;• Registered small business.

2) Affordably advancing GSA/ETS goals

The Carlton Files

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Built to meet the needs of GSA and these economic times, we provide a fast ROI on low cost while simultaneously increasing productivity:

Quantifying ROI On Travel Productivity & Time Management*• It can take as much as 20 hours for a person to fully research, review and edit a single destination. • For 5 different itineraries a year, 100 hours would be spent to provide our detailed destination information.• The man hour cost to research these 5 trips would be $3243.43.

ROI per traveler / manager is $3144.43 per year based on 5 itineraries.ROI per traveler / manager is $6387.86 per year based on10 itineraries.

*Based On Federal Government Supplied Statistics: Average travel and management salaries range from $15,000 to over $100,000: average salary being $67,691. Average cost per hour of work $32.43.Single user annual membership is $99 before agency wide enterprise discounts.

3) Delivering cost savings and fast ROI

The Carlton Files

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Perhaps our most unique feature is our top-line database delivered by our cross- platform mobile web application.

Although our multi-functional website is very powerful in utility, The Carlton Files mobile web app is designed to deliver quickly across all current smartphone models including iPhone, Android and BlackBerry.

Because we provide a non-native app, updates and new destinations added weekly are seamless in use and do not require downloading by the user.

4) Innovative and unique product for mobile client

The Carlton Files

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We recognize that GSA and ETS have specific and evolving needs to better serve their client base and agencies.

It is our goal to deliver a game-changing product with flexibility, adaptability and service excellence in order to obtain full client satisfaction.

Previous slides have illustrated our white label approach.

5) Service oriented, flexible and adaptive to your needs utilizing white label platform & GSA branding

The Carlton Files

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1) Place the mobile app in the Fed apps section under travel. 2) Place a link on GSA travel pages that delivers a white label GSA destination database.3) Create a single source mobile and web interface. Customize the database and mobile delivery to include FedRooms, Alerts, FTR, Embassy locations, and per diems.4) Place a link on current itinerary deliverables or utilize xml and web service to deliver the information via e-ticket and mobile.

Ideas For Moving Forward

The Carlton Files

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Call Rick London at 203 984 3499The Carlton Fileshttp://[email protected]

DUNS 965526481 NAISC 599

How Can We Help You Get Started?

The Carlton Files