Digital Questions The eight most common questions we’ve gotten from CMOs this year (and how we answered them). 8

Eight Digital Questions

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The eight most common digital questions we've gotten from CMOs this year (and how we answered them)

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Page 1: Eight Digital Questions

DigitalQuestionsThe eight most common questions we’ve gotten from CMOs this year (and how we answered them). 8

Page 2: Eight Digital Questions

8 Digital QuestionsHow should I navigate digital as part of my overall mix?

How do we ensure we’re connecting in the right digital places?

What role should digital play in my consumer’s journey?

How do I get my content working on smartphones and tablets?

How should we approach mobile?

What’s the value of online video?

Are there tools that can manage and measure my social media?

How do you measure “engagement”?

A good partner listens. A great partner listens, finds the answer, then shares that learning throughout the organization.

Page 3: Eight Digital Questions

A: A guiding principle is to keep the consumer at the center of everything you do. What you spend in digital is less important than how it helps to strengthen the consumer connection. It might play a very specific role, or it might lead communications across paid, owned, earned and shared media.

Q: How should I navigate digital as part of my overall mix?

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How do we make sure we’re connecting in the right digital places?

In a highly fragmented landscape, what you choose not to do is as important as where you choose to invest. The first step in any successful digital marketing program is audience research. Focus on people over platforms and devices. Then select channels that offer scale and trust. Set aside some budget to test and learn from new opportunities.

A:FACEBOOKTrust: 13Scale: 17

NEWSPAPERTrust: 74Scale: 19

ONLINE SEARCHTrust: 26Scale: 50

TWITTERTrust: 13Scale: 0

YOUTUBETrust: 13Scale: 10

SITETrust: 100

MAGAZINESTrust: 61Scale: 15

MAGAZINESTrust: 61Scale: 15

NEWSPAPERTrust: 74Scale: 19

FACEBOOKTrust: 13Trust: 13Scale: 17Scale: 17

SITETrust: 100

YOUTUBETrust: 13Scale: 10Scale: 10

ONLINE SEARCHTrust: 26Scale: 50

TWITTERTrust: 13Scale: 0

TVTrust: 57Scale: 100

ONLINEDISPLAYTrust: 0Scale: 70

RADIOTrust: 43Scale: 52

Source: Forrester

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What role should digital play in myconsumer’s journey?

The digital landscape is chaotic. Take time to understand and chart your consumer’s persona and their expectations along the entire journey.

Understand which media connections are most relevant (and why) during each phase of the journey. Create or curate content experiences that capture their attention and keep them engaged.








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How do I get my content working on tabletsand smartphones?

By next year, half of all internet traffic will be mobile. But focus on people, not devices.

Create content in ways that can be easily distributed across platforms. Identify and prioritize content that is consistent across all contexts. Supplement that with content that harnesses specific contexts and technologies.

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How should we approach mobile?

Like any other channel inyour mix:

• Identify business goals

• Determine your audience needs and what value your brand can create in mobile

• Evaluate relevant platforms ?

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What’s the value of online video?

comScore reports that Americans watched a record-breaking 10 billion online video ads in May 2012.

Digital can extend the reach of TV, but it isn’t necessarily a substitute for TV (though that’s how many brands are using it).

TV provides unmatched scale. But digital video provides context. And context allows brands to engage in more relevant ways.

Source: Adap.tv and DIGIDAY, “Video state of the Industry Report, Q1 2012,” April 16 2012

% of total

Attitude of Brand Advertisers and Agencies in North America Toward Online Video Ads vs TV Ads, 2011 & 2012



11% 33%



10% 28%

Online video is a direct complement to TVOnline video is a replacement for TVNeither

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Are there tools that can help me manage and measure social media?

Most tools monitor conversations, and allow you to measure specific campaigns. Some tools include the ability to tap into the community in real time to gain insights in minutes, so you can move beyond monitoring and capitalize on them.

Here are a few we’ve evaluated for clients (some offer free trials). http://simplymeasured.comhttp://www.sysomos.com http://www.conversition.comhttp://www.eloqua.com

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How do you measure engagement?

“Engagement” is a fuzzy term that gets tossed around a lot in agency circles. Here are a few examples that make “engagement” more concrete:

Satisfaction – Were they pleased? Efficacy – Did they accomplish their goal? Recency – When did they visit last? Frequency – How often do they come back?Duration – How long do they stay? Interaction – Did they do what you asked? Virality – Have they told anyone about you?Rating/Review – What do they say about you?

Engagement is an estimate of the degree and depth of visitor interaction against a clearly defined set of goals.

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Jeff Maggs, Chief Client [email protected]

Rich Fabritius, Managing [email protected]

Rick Gardinier, Chief Digital [email protected]

© 2012 Brunner.