Crisis Management Foundation Crisis Management Foundation ds.co.za dealing with incidents that have a severe negative business consequence

DS Crisis Management Foundation Risk

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Crisis Management Foundationds.co.zadealing with incidents that have a severe negative business consequence

Crisis Management FoundationCM101 Crisis Management Foundations

Refer ITWeb article: https://lnkd.in/ehckK3T1

14. it risk landscape

Crisis Management Foundation2

The IT risk landscape

ObjectivesThe meerkats and riskThe Toyota logoDA matrix

Crisis Management FoundationRiskMeerkats have a sentinel or lookout role performed by non-breeding members of the community. They watch for possible predators and other potential threats to the community. This behaviour is also called the raised guarding position. This position rotates amongst different members of the group in no particular order or structure. Sentinels are usually around when the group is foraging away from the burrow. The meerkat on the lookout will sound an alarm by producing a distinct bark. This allows the offspring to escape inside the burrows and under protection of adults.Meerkats are aware that life is full of risks, like cobra's and eagles and thus plan to mitigate those risks. In the workplace a person cannot be ignorant about the risks associated with problems occurring. Evaluate what you have done to mitigate those risks!

Crisis Management FoundationMeerkats have a sentinel or lookout role performed by non-breeding members of the community. They watch for possible predators and other potential threats to the community. This behaviour is also called the raised guarding position. This position rotates amongst different members of the group in no particular order or structure. Sentinels are usually around when the group is foraging away from the burrow. The meerkat on the lookout will sound an alarm by producing a distinct bark. This allows the offspring to escape inside the burrows and under protection of adults.Meerkats are aware that life is full of risks, like cobra's and eagles and thus plan to mitigate those risks. In the workplace a person cannot be ignorant about the risks associated with problems occurring. Evaluate what you have done to mitigate those risks!4

Addressing the IT risk management landscapewww.deesmith.co.za

Crisis Management FoundationAddressing the IT risk management landscape5

RiskIt is crucial to be able mitigate the risk associated with problems and thus an established risk analysis methodology needs to be adopted and utilized. How will we know if the problem is required to be solved or not?How will we know which problems need to be worked on and prioritized over others?The risk assessment methodology needs to cover the landscape refer the TOYOTA logo

Crisis Management FoundationIt is crucial to be able mitigate the risk associated with problems and thus an established risk analysis methodology needs to be adopted and utilized. How will we know if the problem is required to be solved or not?How will we know which problems need to be worked on and prioritized over others?The risk assessment methodology needs to cover the landscape refer the TOYOTA logo6

The three ellipsesThere are three ellipses visible in the companys logo. Each ellipse represents the heart of the customer, the heart of the product and the heart of technological progress.

Crisis Management FoundationThere are three ellipses visible in the companys logo. Each ellipse represents the heart of the customer, the heart of the product and the heart of technological progress.


The IT landscape / DA matrix

A matrix of overlapping areas with the areas being people, process and technology.Many practitioners concentrate on a single block but then that only addresses a small area of risk that will be mitigated.Each block has a present and future:ThreatOpportunityThese are underpinned by perceived:StrengthsWeaknessesThese blocks can be viewed as there own SWOT (see example SWOT template)AreasDisciplines

Crisis Management FoundationA matrix of overlapping areas with the areas being people, process and technology.Many practitioners concentrate on a single block but then that only addresses a small area of risk that will be mitigated.Each block has a present and future:ThreatOpportunityThese are underpinned by perceived:StrengthsWeaknessesThese blocks can be viewed as there own SWOT (see example SWOT template)


Disciples of risk in the IT landscapeTo be able to highlight threats in each area of the IT landscape there are three attributes that can be used on focus on:Confidentiality. Information and services is accessible only to those authorized (unauthorized disclosure)(loss)Integrity. Safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and services (unauthorized modification or misuse)(error)Availability. Authorized customers have access to the information and services when require (destruction)(failure)

derived from CRAMM

Crisis Management FoundationTo be able to highlight threats in each area of the IT landscape there are three attributes that can be used on focus on:Confidentiality. Information and services is accessible only to those authorized (unauthorized disclosure)(loss)Integrity. Safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and services (unauthorized modification or misuse)(error)Availability. Authorized customers have access to the information and services when require (destruction)(failure)

derived from CRAMM9


Crisis Management FoundationReference: https://lnkd.in/e3Wu8hc10

An example SWOT template


Crisis Management FoundationSWOT11

Rapid risk assessmentRapid frameworkProvide a mechanism process threats using lights, camera and action methodologyderived from CRAMM and ITIL

Crisis Management FoundationDownload from www.deesmith.co.za Under Resources Tools, Rapid Risk Assessment Tool12

Process (lights, camera, action)

Crisis Management FoundationLights, camera, action13

Process (lights, camera, action)Lights. List all of the dangers or possible situations associated with the event activity that may expose services or information to threats. List these in the template. Use experts or experienced people to advise you on your risk assessment.Camera. Rate or assess what the vulnerability (likelihood) is of services and information being exposed to threats and what the impact (consequences) could be as a result of the threat occurring.Action. Identify what practical measures could be put in place to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of the threat occurring. This is where changes are made to the event to reduce the risks. Use the hierarchy of control system to minimise or eliminate threats by putting in place potential to manage the threats once you have assessed their risk level.

Crisis Management FoundationLights. List all of the dangers or possible situations associated with the event activity that may expose services or information to threats. List these in the template. Use experts or experienced people to advise you on your risk assessment.Camera. Rate or assess what the vulnerability (likelihood) is of services and information being exposed to threats and what the impact (consequences) could be as a result of the threat occurring.Action. Identify what practical measures could be put in place to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of the threat occurring. This is where changes are made to the event to reduce the risks. Use the hierarchy of control system to minimise or eliminate threats by putting in place potential to manage the threats once you have assessed their risk level.


Risk Lights

Crisis Management FoundationLights15

Risk Camera

Crisis Management FoundationCamera16

Risk Camera

Crisis Management FoundationCamera17

Risk Camera

Crisis Management FoundationCamera18

Impact (consequence of event)CatastrophicMultiple deaths, escalated and debilitating costs, adverse media coverageMajorSerious health impacts for people or permanent disability, severe costs incurred, widespread media coverageModerateRehabilitation required for injured persons, costs incurred, media and community concernedLow Injuries resulting in lost time and claims, some costs incurred, minor isolated concerns raised by stakeholders, customersNegligiblePersons requiring first aid, insignificant costs incurred, minimum impact to reputation

Crisis Management FoundationCatastrophicMultiple deaths, escalated and debilitating costs, adverse media coverageMajorSerious health impacts for people or permanent disability, severe costs incurred, widespread media coverageModerateRehabilitation required for injured persons, costs incurred, media and community concernedLow Injuries resulting in lost time and claims, some costs incurred, minor isolated concerns raised by stakeholders, customersNegligiblePersons requiring first aid, insignificant costs incurred, minimum impact to reputation


Vulnerability (likelihood of occurrence)HighIt is expected to occur in most circumstances, availability required (excluding scheduled maintenance), there is a strong likelihood or danger of reoccurrenceSignificantSimilar dangers have been recorded on a regular basis, availability recovered in minutes, considered that it is likely that the event could occurModerateAvailability recovered in hours, incidents or dangers have occurred infrequently in the pastLowVery few known incidents of occurrence, availability recovered in days, has not occurred yet, but it could occur sometimeNegligibleNo known or recorded incidents of occurrence, remote chance, may only occur in exceptional circumstance

Crisis Management FoundationHighIt is expected to occur in most circumstances, availability required (excluding scheduled maintenance), there is a strong likelihood or danger of reoccurrenceSignificantSimilar dangers have been recorded on a regular basis, availability recovered in minutes, considered that it is likely that the event could occurModerateAvailability recovered in hours, incidents or dangers have occurred infrequently in the pastLowVery few known incidents of occurrence, availability recovered in days, has not occurred yet, but it could occur sometimeNegligibleNo known or recorded incidents of occurrence, remote chance, may only occur in exceptional circumstance


Risk Action

Crisis Management FoundationAction21

ControlsEliminate (the threat)Remove or stop the threat if possible, remove the cause or source of the threat, by eliminating the machine, task or work process. If this is not practical, then substitute.Substitute (the process)Use a less problematic process. If this is not practical, then engineer.Engineer (change the technology)Introduce different technology. Improve maintenance procedures. If this is not practical, then:IsolateSeparate or isolate the threat from people by relocation or by changing the operation. If this is not practical, then administerAdministerDesign and communicate written or verbal procedures that prevent the threat from occurring. If this is not practical, then protectProtectProvide protect measures appropriate to the risk. Provide training information and supervision to ensure that the measures will be effective and efficient.

Crisis Management FoundationEliminate (the threat)Remove or stop the threat if possible, remove the cause or source of the threat, by eliminating the machine, task or work process. If this is not practical, then substitute.Substitute (the process)Use a less problematic process. If this is not practical, then engineer.Engineer (change the technology)Introduce different technology. Improve maintenance procedures. If this is not practical, then:IsolateSeparate or isolate the threat from people by relocation or by changing the operation. If this is not practical, then administerAdministerDesign and communicate written or verbal procedures that prevent the threat from occurring. If this is not practical, then protectProtectProvide protect measures appropriate to the risk. Provide training information and supervision to ensure that the measures will be effective and efficient.


DecisionControl & countermeasuresDetermine what controls are currently in place and which are appropriate to use in relation to mitigation of issues which are likely to occur.Risk transferenceTransferring the cost of the risk occurring to another party such as an insurerRisk acceptanceAccepting a risk without implementing any mitigating measuresRisk avoidanceDisabling or stopping the activity which contributes most to the risk potentially occurring.

Crisis Management FoundationControl & countermeasuresDetermine what controls are currently in place and which are appropriate to use in relation to mitigation of issues which are likely to occur.Risk transferenceTransferring the cost of the risk occurring to another party such as an insurerRisk acceptanceAccepting a risk without implementing any mitigating measuresRisk avoidanceDisabling or stopping the activity which contributes most to the risk potentially occurring.


Risk (special case) Information Security

Crisis Management FoundationInformation Security24

ReviewIT Risk involves all aspects of human behaviour as well as systematic structures and technology.

Crisis Management FoundationReview25