Drupal 7 field API

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Drupal 7: What's new

Karoly Negyesi

Clarity Digital (examiner.com)

What's new in Drupal 7

See http://blip.tv/file/2772239

Tons of new APIs

Most of them are well documented and easy

Field API: many new concepts and gotchas

Field API

Extremely powerful

API and not browser driven

Our work now is precision surgery

Key concepts


Field storage

Field types






Anatomy of a node

Organization: node type

Primary identifier: nid

Version identifier: vid

Anatomy of a term

Organization: vocabulary

Primary identifier: tid

Version identifier: tid (same)

Anatomy of an entity

Entity type: node

Bundle: node type

Primary id: nid

Version id: vid

Type: taxonomy term

Bundle: vocabulary

Primary id: tid

Version id: tid

list($id, $vid, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($obj_type, $object);

Field storage

Storage primitives

Cornerstone of scalability


Field type

Business logic of a field

Text, file, image...

Gotcha: extremely badly named hooks.
for eg. hook_field_load
node-like one only hook
should be field_type not field.


A bunch of settings

Field type


Storage engine

All the things that are hard to upgrade

Core does not upgrade



(a) Field

(to a) Bundle

(is an) Instance


Again a bunch of settings

Widget settings

Formatter settings

Trivial to update

Gotcha: formatter settings are stored in 'display'


Fields describe data structure and behaviour

Hard to update

Instances are trivial to update

Instances are mostly just widget / formatter


Data entry mechanism

Generic: textfield, textarea, options_select...

Specific: Image (but there is always an alter)


Displays a field


Specific (yes, we have an alter here too)

Field attach API

field_attach_* called explicitly by entity modules:field_attach_presave('node', $node);

These call same named hooksmodule_invoke_all('field_attach_presave', $obj_type, $object);

hook arguments are entity type and the entity

Gotcha: does not deal with attaching a field

But at least it's a real hook.

Field attach API continued

Entity information can be extracted:

list($id, $vid, $bundle, $cacheable) = entity_extract_ids($obj_type, $object);

Instances can be found:

field_info_instances($obj_type, $bundle)

So all the gotchas

hook_field_X is really field_type X callback

Entity type variables are typically $obj_type

Similarly, entities are $object

Formatter settings are in $instance['display']

The field attach API deals with fields already attached aka. Instances and not the attach itself

Taxonomy specific gotchas

Vocabularies themselves are entities too


Hiearchy is not a field

Hook cornucopia

field_attach_update('user', $object);

user_module_invoke('update', $edit,
$user, $category);

entity_invoke('update', 'user', $user);

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