Dreamscape introduction for barcampman3

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myDreamscape.org is the flickr of dreamsYou can share your dreams with anyone

You can learn and understand more about your and other peoples dreams

You can track yours and other peoples dreams

But why?

Everyone has dreams

Everyone has dreamsYou may not remember them always

Writing them down helps you remember them

Keeping a dream diary helps you improve your dream ability

People share aspects of dreams

But not the whole thingBecause its embarrassing

Because it might offend that person

Because its too weird to explain

Because its not always that interesting

Because they can't remember it

But there are advantages to sharingWe all enjoy a good tale, idea, dream

Social capital or good whuffie

Some things are too good not to share

It might involve the other person or a place

Advantages of sharingWere social animals

Your friends and family know you better that you know yourself

Strangers can shed new light on your dreams

The ability to track trends/memes such as if someone else is having the exact dream as you

TrendspottingTogether we will generate a massive amount of lovely rich data to learn from

We will be able to finally categorise dreams

We will get a better understanding of what dreams are and where they come from together

There has never been a massive social experiment like this for the study of dreams

So how will it work?

So how will it work?

The editor

The levels

The viewer

The trend analyser

The blog

The editor

The editor will be like SubEtherEdit or Etherpad. You can specify which bits people can see

You can write your dream then add metadata via tags, links and other metadata

Going to use the W3C's annotation spec

The levels

This is where you specify groups or individual permissions for what people can see

As default everything in black is public with everything in red being private to you

You can set up to 8 different levels in between, easy to administrate

We will only harvest the metadata if the dream is set to all private

The viewer

The aim is to be as open as flickr, so as default every dream will be public (levels dependant)

If the person logins in, they maybe able to view a lot more that the public

The trend analyser

Like wefeelfine.org you can get a 1000 meters view of all the public data

There will be a live dream dictionary which is updated with everyone's contributions

You will be able to dive into the trends using the gapminder.org analyser

The trend analyser

Search and compare...

Tags within the dream, geolocation of dream, places, mood, objects, people, vividness...

Sex of the dreamer, age of the dreamer, location of dreamer, day of the dream...

The blog

Like oktrends we will use the blog to publicise the best parts of data collected in the trendier

We will contribute as much data freely for people to use and learn from

We will always guard and protect private user data

Into the business model

Sell access to the live dream dictionary (PRO users), it will change based on what people say about there dreams

There may also be a limit on how many dreams we hold unless your a pro user which means its endless

Only Pro users can tag/annotate other people dreams

Into the business model

If your not a pro user, you will get adverts next to the dream your reading.

We can also add advertising to the aggregated and tagged pages

Into the business model

Different resolutions on the dream data

Payment means you can get much richer data (obviously depending on the users preferences and privicy)

It would be possible to work out how many UK citizens are dreaming about a certain delegate just before an election. Not only that but if those dreams or positive or negative!

Into the business model

People dream about a certain location or a certain product. If you own that location or product you may want to own the aggregator page and make it more yours

http://www.mydreamscape.org/items/iphone4/ - links to a page about the iphone4 in dreams and have images and links to the item its self

Into the business model


Would obviously link to the Northern quarter in Manchester with information taken from Wikipedia.org, google maps and other open sources

You may be interested in advertising on such a page?

Into the dream...

Into the dream...

Every night Paul has the same frightening dream. He's standing at the edge of a vast empty field, trying to move towards a large, glowing sphere. A small boy is in terrible trouble... and paul must save him. Paul's convinced he's losing his mind

Into the dream...

...until he learns that his classmate Francine is having the same harrowing dream! The two of them are determined to solve the mystery and save the little boy before there nightmare becomes terrifying reality

Into the dream by William Sleator

Deep into the dream

Deep into the dream

Are dreams just your mind working out the previous days or is there something more to them?

Can you have an original thought, or is everything connected in some way?

What makes a nightmare so scary?

We will discover through the data collected

Deep into the dream

Are people having a similar dream to you?

Who else is having the same dream and why?

What/who influences your dreams?

Can you influence your future dreams?

Can you share a dream?

How much control can you have over a dream?

Thank you, any questions?

Ian Forrester | Cubicgarden.com | mydreamscape.org

Presentation : CC BY-NC-SA