Docker Networking Kingston Smiler. S ([email protected])

Docker Networking

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Page 1: Docker Networking

Docker Networking

Kingston Smiler. S ([email protected])

Page 2: Docker Networking


Introduction and Key Concepts

Docker Communication requirement

Different methods of Docker networking

Sample Setup

Limitation of current Docker Networking

Page 3: Docker Networking

Docker Networking - Introduction

Concept Description

Network Namespace Provide a way of having separate network stack for each instance of a container.

Docker0 Bridge Default bridge created by docker to provide communication across docker containers and external world including the host.

Port Mapping Mechanism to map a port in the host machine with the Docker container’s networking stack.

Veth Pair Veth is a special, logical, virtual interface which is similar to a link / pipe. It has two ends which are logical interfaces and provide connectivity across two different network elements.

Page 4: Docker Networking

Different Communication Requirement

Container – Container


Container to Host Communication

Container to External world


Container - Container

communication across containers

running in different host.

Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3

Docker0/OVS Port Map


Page 5: Docker Networking

Different Methods of Docker Networking

Docker Bridging

Host Port Binding to Docker

Docker network using host network stack (--net=host)

Docker communication using –net=container

Docker Container linking using –link option

Docker Networking Using OVS (Advanced)

Page 6: Docker Networking

Docker Bridging

Docker0 bridge

Virtual bridge similar to linux


Created in the host machine

during the creation of Docker


Veth Pair

Will be created during the

creation of Docker container.

One end of the veth pair is

attached to the eth0 interface

of Docker container

Another end is attached to the

docker0 bridge with interface

name starts with vethc3cd.

Page 7: Docker Networking

Host Port Binding To Docker Container

In this method, a port in the host machine will be bound to a port

in Docker.

Simple way of running a service in Docker container and exposing

the service to external world.

Example case is, running a webserver in the docker container and

forwarding all the web traffic which is coming to the HTTP port in

host machine to Docker container.

-p IP:host_port:container_port option does it.

/usr/bin/docker run -d --name port_forward -p 80:80 ubuntu_apache

/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND

This operation is similar to NAT.

Two or more container won’t be able to provide the same service

on same host port.

Page 8: Docker Networking

Docker Network Using Host Network Stack

Docker container can use the host machines networking stack

instead of having a separate network stack.

One way of making containers talk to external world.

--net=host option does it

/usr/bin/docker run -d --name h1 --net=host ubuntu_ftp vsftpd

If two containers in the host system prefers to use this

mechanism then, port collision across the container happens.

Page 9: Docker Networking

Docker Communication Using Other Docker’s Network Stack

Simple way of making containers talk to each other.

Uses other Docker’s networking stack instead of having a

separate network stack.

Similar to –net=host option. But here instead of using the host

machines network stack, it uses some other Docker’s network


The two containers can talk to each other by using loopback


--net=host option does it

/usr/bin/docker run -d --name cont_net1 --net=container:b1 ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while

true; do echo Hello World; sleep 1; done"

Page 10: Docker Networking

Docker Communication Using Link

Provides a mechanism for Docker container to transfer

information from one container to another securely.

No ports are explicitly exposed to the destination container by


Unidirectional Conduit / Pipe between source and destination


Information about the service which is running in the source

container will be exposed to the destination.

Simple way of providing service chaining in docker environment.

making containers talk to each other.

docker run -d -P --name link_dest --link port_forward:link1 ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true;

do echo Hello World; sleep 1; done"

Page 11: Docker Networking

Requirement Vs Communication Methods Container – Container Communication

Docker0 bridge (Cont1 – Cont2 via Docker0)

Container networking using –net=container option

(Cont4 – Cont5)

UDS / pipe (Cont1 – Cont2)

Container linking using –link option

OVS (Cont1 – Cont2 via OVS)

Container to Host Communication

Host networking using –net=host option (Cont6)

Docker0 bridge (Cont1, Cont2, Cont4)

Container to External world communication.

Port Mapping (Cont 3)

Host networking using –net=host option (Cont 6)

Container - Container communication across

containers running in different host.


Cont 4 Cont 5

Cont 6

Docker0/OVS Host Network

Host 2

Cont 1 Cont 2 Cont 3

Docker0/OVS Port Map


Veth Pair

UDS / Pipe

GRE / VXLAN Tunnel

Port Map

--net=host option

--net = container option

Eth 1

Eth 1

Page 12: Docker Networking

Sample Setup


Host Network Stack

Host VM Machine





enp0s3 enp0s8


Page 13: Docker Networking

Thank [email protected]