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AERODINAMICS: is the science that deals with the study of air movement and the actions that it exerts on the immersed moving bodies on it.

* ANTHROPOMRTRY: Anthropometry is a systematized series of technical measures that express, quantitatively, the dimensions of the human body.

* ANTHROPOLOGIST: general is a comprehensive science that studies the man in the past and present of any culture.

* WEAPONS: A gun is a device that expands both the direction and magnitude of a force. could be defined as simple devices that use mechanical advantage to multiply a force.


* AUTO: The controller is an analog computer, logic is the simplified name that receives a "Control System Based on Programmable Logic Controllers.

* BIOENGINEERING: The Bioengineering is one of the youngest disciplines of engineering in which the principles and tools of engineering, science and technology are applied to the problems presented by biology and medicine.

* BIOMECHANICS: Biomechanics is a scientific discipline that aims to study the mechanical structure of nature that exist in living beings, primarily the human body. * BIOMECHATRONICS: Mechatronics arises from the synergistic combination of various branches of engineering among which are: the mechanical pressure, electronics computing and control systems.


BIONICA: es the application de Soluciones uno Biológica La Técnica de los Sistemas de Arquitectura, Ingeniería y Tecnología moderna.

* Biotecnología: Simplemente consiste en la utilización de microorganismo en ASI COMO de Células Vegetales y animales párrafo Materiales Producir Alimentos cuentos de Como, Medicamentos y Productos Químicos Útiles uno la Humanidad.

* CELDA: Una Celda en Excel es la intersección de Una Fila Columna y Una. Una PUEDE Celda Texto Contener, Números, date, INSTRUCCIONES, funciones u Otros Datos.

La Telefonía Móvil, Telefonía celular also Llamada, basicamente està formada Por dos Grandes contradictorio:: CELULAR Una roja de Comunicaciones (o rojo de Telefonía Móvil) y los Terminales (o Teléfonos Móviles) Que El Acceso permiten un rojo dicha


CYBER: Cybernetics is a discipline closely related to general systems theory, to the extent that many consider inseparable from, and deals with the study of: command, control, regulation and government systems.

* TAPE: storage device based on a reel of magnetic tape that requires a reader special player. This technology tends to disappear by the force of magnetic storage devices more reliable, robust and inexpensive, requiring no human intervention to use.

CPU: On large computers, CPUs require one or more printed circuit boards. On personal computers and small workstations, the CPU is contained on a single chip microprocessor llamadazo.


Fingerprint: Person specializing in the study and classification of fingerprint recognition and fingerprints.

 Device: Mechanism or device arranged to produce an intended action. Organization to undertake an action.

 DESIGN: is defined as the process leading mental configuration, "foreshadowing" in the search for a solution in any field.

DEFLATION: in a down economy is the general price level of goods and services. It is the movement against inflation.It is the economic situation in which prices are falling a drop in product demand, and may be a more evil than inflation


DOMOTICA: Science that studies the application of computing and communications to the home, to get a "smart home.

 ISSUE: Printing a book, publishing a book, magazine or other form. Set of copies of a work printed at one time on the same mold. Prince, the first when it has been a lot. diamond, editing small and fine print.

E-MAIL: Email. Widely used Internet service that allows free exchange of messages between users. Along with the message you can attach files. To send an e-mail address must be our target

Smiley emotion (emotion) + icon. Sequence of characters that usually represent a state of mind of the person writing. For example :-), :-(, etc.


ELECTRONICS: is the branch of physics and engineering expertise to study and use systems whose operation is based on the conduct and control the microscopic flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles.

Ergonomics: Ergonomics is the study of human body with respect to the artificial environment that surrounds it. Has a set of principles for the design of devices for comfort, safety and user efficiency.

 FACEBOOK: Web site is a network type. Initially it was exclusively for college students, but in September 2006 has been applied to anyone with email.


FLASH: multimedia editing program originally developed by Macro media (now part of Adobe) that mainly uses vector graphics, but also raster images, sound, program code, streaming video and audio directional vi to create multimedia projects.

FORMULA: Set of terms representing a quantity or used to obtain a value or solve a problem. or established to express, carry out or work out something: a logical formula, math, chemistry. Representation of a physical law or mathematical or chemical combination.

FORMAT: Action format a disk. A new album should be given particular format for use. Formatting a disk already used, usually involves erasing all data on it.


PHOTOGRAPHY: art is the process and allows the setting and play through chemical reactions on surfaces prepared for it, the images are collected at the bottom of a dark chamber.

GB: It is a measure of one trillion bytes for the storage capacity of a computer.

 GigaPOP: pop Giga (Gigabit Point Of. Presence) is an Internet access point that supports at least one gigabit per second.

 GML: a practical application to transfer map data through the Web.

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GMT: Greenwich Mean Time or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time / /) is the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory Greenwich in Greenwich, near London, England, which by common convention is at 0 degrees longitude.

GOOGLE is the company that owns the trademark Google, whose main product is the search engine of the same name.

 TOOL: A tool is an object designed to facilitate the realization of a mechanical task that requires proper application of energy.

 Hyperlink: A hyperlink is a link, usually between two Web pages from the same site but a link can also point to a page on another Web site, a file, an image, etc.

HIPERELANCE: A hyperlink (also called link, link, or hyperlink) is an element of an electronic document that refers to another resource.


Oven oven is a device that generates heat and keeps it within a closed chamber.

HTML: HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language (Hypertext Markup Language) is the predominant markup language for developing Web pages.

INDEX: The index of a database is a data structure that improves the speed of operations, allowing quick access to records of a table in a simple database.

INFORMATICA: is the applied science that includes the study and application of automatic processing of information using computer systems.


Insert: the 8 parenthetical references within the text on page 2 of his report, as shown below. (The title page is not numbered.) All you have to type is the brackets and what is inside them.

IMAGE: An optical image is a figure formed by the set of points where the rays converge from point sources of the object after its interaction with the optical system.

INTERNET: a decentralized set of interconnected communications networks that use the family of TCP / IP, ensuring that heterogeneous physical networks that make up work as a single logical network, worldwide.

JAVA language object-oriented programming developed by Sun Microsystems for the development of export applications to the network and can operate on any platform through normally from WWW browsers.


JITTER: The CD data are stored in the form of microscopic indentations called Pits. The differences in length of the Pits is called jitter and can have a maximum of 35 nanoseconds to avoid errors.

Jukebox storage system which includes a large number of optical or magnetic disks to which the computer accesses according to their needs.

JUMP: This term is often applied especially in programming, which tends to distinguish between unconditional and conditional jump jump.

JUMPERS: They are tiny switches that are in the printed circuit boards and cards and disks and CD-ROMs. Thanks to them, you can configure certain aspects of these peripheral


KB: Kilobyte. Unit of measure used in computing to 1,024 bytes.

KBPS: Kilo bits per second. Unit of measurement of the speed of transmission over a telecommunication line.

KERNEL: A fundamental part of a program, usually an operating system that resides in memory at all times and providing basic services.

KEYBOARD BUFFER: Buffer keyboard. Memory bank or reserved memory area that stores keystrokes until the program can accept.

KHz (kilohertz) kilohertz. Thousand cycles per second.

MACRO: Their use eliminates repetitive tasks, automating.


Mainframe: mainframe or mainframe: The mainframe is also known as mainframes.

MAN: Metropolitan Area Network: A network of computers with intermediate size between the LAN and WAN.

Mbps: Megabits per second Mbps. Unit of measurement of the speed of transmission over a telecommunication line.

MICROSOFT: Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA) software company in the world. Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Paul Allen and Bill Gates, two college students who wrote the first BASIC interpreter for the Intel 8080 microprocessor.


Nanosecond: This is a billionth of a second. That is, in a second is 1,000,000,000 nanoseconds.

BROWSER: Browsers are computer programs designed to make viewing Web pages in Internet

NETWORK: Joint Network Management hardware and software necessary to connect multiple computers to allow them to exchange information with each other and share resources.

Node: The point where two or more connections in a communications network.


TL: It's a very common name to refer to the New Technologies of Information, that is, all related to computer and communications and, obviously, not so "new." as such technologies.

OFFIS VISION: The name of the set of solutions and products for office systems architecture for IBM SAA.

OFFICE: The term of office applies to all those techniques, procedures, services, etc., which are supported by information technology (computing and communications) and whose implementation is done in the field of office work and similar environments.


ON LINE: Online. It refers to any document, file or network service.

OPERATOR: With the advent of commercial computers (second generation, 1952-1964), the figure of the system operator, among those who had a general operator and an operator of peripheral equipment.

AGENDA: These are signs or words which must be transferred to your computer using the input device for the operating system execute a statement.

DISPLAY: Called sometimes display. Peripheral usually built into the monitor. (See: Resolution, VGA, EGA and CGA).


PACKAGE: AT © Terms concerns some of Application software design ± ado to meet sector needs, a type of business, etc.

PASSWORD: password or ± a. Is called to handle all security mà © used to identify a user. Often their use in networks.

PC: Personal computer. ³ nico electronic device consisting basically ba processor, memory devices and input / output. Have Phasic part (hardware) and some logic (software), which are combined only to be able to interpret and execute instructions that were scheduled.

Peripheral: A device connected to the central processing unit. A keyboard, a modem, a mouse, are Peripheral © wealthy.


QUARKXPRESS: One of the most widely used desktop publishing packages.

QUATTRO: A spreadsheet application made by Borland.

QUERY: Consultation. Searching a database.

QUICKTIME: A program that allows the network to retrieve video images. Mov format, one of the most common.

QWERTY: This is a keyboard layout that the keys start of the form referenced by the concept that we are seeing, ie QWERTY. This is a keyboard layout that the keys start of the form referenced by the concept that we are seeing, QWERTY


RAM: The RAM stands for Random Access Memory or means Random Access Memory.

RED: It has been said many times that the future of computing is in communications. It's a fairly obvious statement that today is already full sense.

REGISTRATION: It is a small storage unit designed to contain certain types of data.

ROBOT: The discipline which deals with concerns regarding the design and construction of robots.

RUM: Instruction to run or run a program.


SECURITY: Security is the quality of insurance, that is, to be free and free from harm, danger or risk.

SERVER: Generically, a device that meets the requests of other elements of the system, called clients. (See: Client / Server).

SIMD: An acronym for Single In line Memory Module, one package consisting of a small circuit board that holds memory chips, which is inserted into a SIMM socket on the motherboard or memory board.

SYSTEM: In computing, the term used without another word adjectives it denotes a set of hardware and software.


SOCKET: ID number consists of two numbers: The IP address and TCP port number.

CARD: This is a plate the size of a credit card or something larger, which are printed circuits that allow operation with different peripherals.

KEYBOARD: data input device to your computer. In general, is quite similar to a conventional typewriter, should be, however, default (not the same in Spanish and English, for example, even using the same device).

TELECONFERENCE: A video teleconferencing or video teleconferencing, to maintain a TV conference with several people at once.


Telematics: A term that refers to the set of methods, techniques and services that result from the concurrent use of computers and telecommunications.

TOPOLOGY: natural ways to integrate and distribute a computer network.

UNDERNET: a set of servers that form a network.

UNIX: A family of operating systems for both personal computers to mainframes. Supports large number of users and allows the execution of different tasks simultaneously (multi-tasking).


UPS: UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY) (see UPS). N Power supply uninterruptible. Security energy of the energy used when the electrical © electric line is interrupted or drops to an unacceptable voltage level.

USB (Universal Serial Bus). Universal Serial Bus. The main feature of this bus is that the Peripheral © wealthy can connect and disconnect with the team in place, set up automatic way NDOS policy.UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) cabling type (network cabling system for internal communications) cable based on unshielded twisted pair.


WINDOW: Sector of the image on the monitor screen that displays various options to operate or options, the development of certain processes, etc.

VGA (Video Graphics Array). Matrix (Array) video graphics. Standard IBM video presentation, which originated with PS / 2 models. VGA has become the minimum standard of presentation for personal computers.

VIRTUAL: This word is often used to refer to something that does not really exist, but only inside the computer.

VIRUS: A virus is a computer program that runs on your computer without notice and may corrupt the rest of the programs, data files and even the same operating system.


VOLTAGE: The voltage, voltage or potential difference is the difference between two points in the electrical potential.

WEB: For this term is commonly referred to WWW (World Wide Web), created by the European Nuclear Research Centre as an information exchange system that has standardized Internet.

Weblog: A weblog (aka blog) is a personal writing space on the internet.

WECA (Windows Genuine Advantage). ActiveX is a program created by Microsoft to see if the Windows operating system that runs on that computer was purchased or is a pirated copy.


WINDOWS: The popular name of the environment (not an operating system and not an application) software created by Microsoft. Its novelty is the use of different screens that overlap, called windows to display different types of information.

WWW (World Wide Web). Or world-wide web. Information system for hypertext mechanisms created by researchers at CERN.

XHTML: English acronym of eXtensible Hyper Text Markup Language (Extensible Markup Language Hypertext) Markup Language is designed to replace HTML as the standard for Web pages.


XML: XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a meta-language for defining markup languages suitable for a particular purpose.

XMODEM: Transfer Protocol that allows you send files divided into blocks of 128 bytes.

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) language extensible stylesheet.

XT (eXtended Technology) Technology widespread. IBM's first

personal computer with hard drive, introduced in 1983.


Y2K: Year 2 K: 2000. Many computer systems use software that records the dates with the last two digits of the year, for example, 97 represents the year 1997

YAHOO: is a global media company based in the United States, whose mission is "to be the global Internet service more essential to consumers and businesses." It has an Internet portal, a Web directory and a range of services, including the popular e-mail Yahoo.

YMODEM: It is an error correction protocol for modems. The operation is based on the transmission of larger data packets for greater efficiency. Modems prepared to work with this protocol will send packets of 1024 bytes. 33


YOUTUBE: A Web site that allows users to share digital video through the Internet © s, and even allows musicians novice and experienced disclose your videos to the world.

z80: microprocessor manufactured by Zilog who was in machines like the Spectrum, Amstrad, etc. This processor had the particularity of having some 16-bit registers, with the processor 8 (bits).

28000: 16-bit microprocessor Zilog corporation that is the successor to the Z80.Zip: Compress a file with PKZIP.


BASE: Place the motherboard on which are placed the various electronic components. Example: The microprocessor socket.

ZOOM: Action that is to extend or reduce the view of one or more objects in order to visualize the entire document or a part thereof