How we build features at Serv.sg in a Pandan Leaf... November 25th 2015 Nicolas Mas [email protected] [email protected] https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolasmas https://github.com/nicolasmas

DevOps: Building by feature with immutable infrastructure at Serv.sg

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“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”

Sandeep Isac Marco Yang Alex Hayden

Alexander Bulat Andrei Ping Yang

What this talk won’t do

⬗ Entertain you with funny

pictures (sorry). This will be

the only one.

⬗ Describe the tools being

used, unless there is a

specific request (let’s keep

the focus).

⬗ Guarantee that Murphy’s law

won’t impact the demo.

So what is it going to be?

⬗ What do we do at Serv.sg?

⬗ Our (current) technology stack

⬗ Feature build (+ DEMO)

⬗ What is the problem we solved?

⬗ Limits

⬗ Enhancements

⬗ B Tracks: if we really have time

Disclaimer: I am a DevOps padawan, what is described tonight is probably not the best solution ever. Any suggestion is welcome~

What we do at Serv.sg

✓ Real time Mobile workforce location tracking✓ Automated scheduling of service appointments✓ Automated email / SMS reminders of upcoming appointments and contracts.✓ Manage customer data and all history of service appointments✓ Manage Services offered, including recurring contracts and packages, etc.✓ Advanced reports on employee utilization as well as business

Technologies (Stack… for now)

Key backend technology

Data storage

Key frontend technology

Technologies (DevOps)

For now… (bis)





Branch JIRA-456


On “New Branch”

JOB Monitor Branches


On “Branch Deleted”




Branch JIRA-456


JOB Monitor Branches

It all starts in Jira

⬗ The developer takes ownership of, let’s say the item “JIRA-456” during a


⬘ Actually, he does not do it in JIRA, but from github by branching out the


⬘ The Branch HAS TO BE named after the jira item, e.g. JIRA-456

It continues on Slack

⬗ The moment the branch is created, we can actually build the

infrastructure:⬘ In slack: “/serv-branch-build”

⬗ Slack is asking a Jenkins job to monitor the github repository for

new/deleted branches

What happens in the jenkins monitoring job

⬗ The Jenkins job will do a few things:⬘ 1. It will connect to github and get all the branches

⬘ 2. It will detect our new branch

⬘ 3. A custom jenkins job will be created for that branch

⬘ Terraform will be invocated

⬗ It will also keep you updated of the progress in Slack

The Infra is built...

...But not yet provisioned !!

Note: we use a pre-baked OS image for the instances

Building the branch

⬗ In Jenkins

Provisioning the branch

⬗ Ansible playbook⬘ Site.yml dynamically set

⬗ Roles⬘ Hostname set

⬘ Supervisord

⬘ Yum additional packages

⬘ Web conf

⬘ DB conf

⬘ DB Load

⬘ (...)

End Result

Destroying the build

⬗ The features has been validated or ditched, the branch is either merged

or destroyed on github

Note: If we need a few back and forth between the product and the dev for the feature, it’s just a matter of running the jenkins branch job to deploy again

Back in Slack

⬗ “/serv-branch-build”

⬗ AWS quick check.. the instances are terminated

BTW, What problem are we solving?

⬗ Deploying by feature is not new. Immutable infra seems to be less

common. The two combined? Anyone doing it?

⬗ From a business/product perspective⬘ More responsive to bug fixing, features deliveries

⬘ No confusion on what has been deployed

⬘ The branch can be hotfixed => one step closer to CD

⬗ From a technical perspective⬘ Leveraging the cloud infrastructure, programmatically

⬘ No environment recycling or reconfiguring with the related uncertainty

⬘ As close to production as we can

⬘ A good way to craft baked OS with the latest update and test it


⬗ Hard to keep track of the full cycle, from the OS baking to the feature


⬘ Packer: need to manually describe the target provisioned OS. Hard to test,

need to manage the produced artifacts

⬘ Ansible: need to manually write the roles, hard to test and a pain to


⬘ Terraform: need to manually describe the infra, hard to test, painful to

maintain and evolve. Some bugs with route 53

⬘ Dependency on Jenkins

⬘ A fair amount of templating (jinja2 style) with a risk induced by the dynamic

aspect of the build (hostnames, EIP...)

⬗ Many pieces in movement, dependency

⬗ Need to be in sync with the product team to check and act upon the

feature as soon as it is available. We don’t want a stack running for ages..


⬗ Use a tool to orchestrate the branch + infra build aspect (Spinnaker.io?

StackStorm.io?) or build a simple micro service to do it

⬗ Choose the branch to build in slack instead of all the branches with the

pattern “JIRA-XYZ”

⬗ Improve the provisioning and better manage the ansible playbook


⬗ How is this compatible with our next architecture steps? (micro services)

Bonus Track - Did you know ?

“The mother of all demos” http://en.wikipedia.


⬗ Douglas Engelbart's December 9, 1968

⬗ 90-minute live public demonstration of the online system, NLS, they had

been working on since 1962

⬗ 1000 attendees and a demo of almost all features we use today⬘ Mouse

⬘ hypertext, object addressing and dynamic file linking

⬘ shared-screen collaboration involving two persons at different sites

communicating over a network with audio and video interface.



Bye Bye !