Customer of the 21st century Customers, today, have gone through a complete metamorphosis. While in the past, these customers used to juggle between limited choices; an exploded market place, in the 21st century, has meant stifling competition and unprecedented choices are a regular phenomenon. With such broad segment of choices, the phrase ‘Customer is the King’ has received an all new fillip. Companies’ decision making departments are horded with a large number of questions: Read full article at: http://goo.gl/TIOew0

Customer of the 21st century

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Customer of the 21st century

Customers, today, have gone through a complete metamorphosis. While in the past, these customers used to juggle between limited choices; an exploded market place, in the 21st century, has meant stifling competition and unprecedented choices are a regular phenomenon. With such broad segment of choices, the phrase ‘Customer is the King’ has received an all new fillip. Companies’ decision making departments are horded with a large number of questions:

Read full article at: http://goo.gl/TIOew0