Continuous integration with Git & CI Joe

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Simple Continuous Integration using Git andCI Joe

Shawn langworthytwitter: @sprice

Continuous Integration Defined

"Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently..."

"Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly" - Martin Fowler

Continuous Integration Defined

Continuous Integration is a fancy term for run your projects tests after someone pushes to the repository and notify interested parties if they fail -Chris Wanstrath

Components of Continuous Integration

Use a code repository

Test your code

Automate the testing

Use a code repository

Use a code repository

In the beginning there was FTP.

Use a code repository

In the beginning there was FTP.

And things were good.

Use a code repository

5 minutes later....

Use a code repository

5 minutes later....

Things were bad.

Use a code repository

5 minutes later....

Things were bad.

"Who made that change?"

"There's a bug, lets put the previous version of the file back"


Use a code repository

Greetings Git!

Use a code repository

Greetings Git!

A free & open source distributed version control system.

Use a code repository

Using a code repository allows teams to:

track the history of changes

use branches to manage feature integration

efficiently deploy to production

efficiently roll-back changes

Use a code repository

Meet the Amazing Module!

Use a code repository

DEMO time:

Create a new git repository

Include Drupal and the Amazing module

Test your code

Test your code

Drupal 6:

Simpletest is in Drupal 7 core.

Test your code
