Concept Framework (20121014) (Layers, Tiers and Barriers) Diego E. Malpica Chauvet et al. www.openkowledge.mx, [email protected] Abstract Simplified Framework for developing Object Oriented Rich Internet Applications 1 Introduction In these last two decades there has been a lot of advances in information technology, there is so much change that it is essential to continuously review the adequacy and effectiveness of our paradigms. Our current paradigms for example the ones related with multitier architectures can get in our way becoming effective barriers against software quality. In this paper we present part of our work dedicated to review our current paradigms: tools, techniques and architectures. There are lot of tools and techniques that may help to increase the quality by reducing the complexity and cost. They all share common goals that can be expressed as a set of factors [1][2] like: Flexibility: The ease with which a system or component can be modified for use in applications or environments other than those for which it was specifically designed. Maintainability: The ease with which a software system or component can be modified to correct faults, improve performance, or other attributes, or adapt to a changed environment. Reusability: The degree to which a software module or other work product can be used in more than one computing program or software system. Scalability: The ease with which a system or component can adjust to changing load. 2 Hypothesis A broader use of Object Oriented Techniques may substantially increase solution development quality reducing complexity and cost. Multitier architectures represented by mayor platforms .Net, and JEE have become barriers that difficult to use techniques like Object Oriented and Aspect Oriented. Tiers are mainly based in t functional decomposition TopDown techniques. Each tier may increases the complexity to establish contexts, and to coordinate events and actions. The communication between layers can have a severe negative impact in the complexity and performance of the solutions. 3 Strategy We try various promising object oriented tools and techniques isolating one time efforts in a framework from effort of developing specific solutions. So we made two efforts: One effort to develop a framework that we named "Concept Framework"[3], and other to develop a end user application using the framework that we called "Share Center"[4]. These are the main requirements for the "Share Center" application: Provide and Integral solution considering three mayor topics in the problem domain: Knowledge, Content and Commitment Management. Support for at least 1000 users with high concurrency. Define an updated architecture and tools considering the problem domain and the quality factors that affect the full life cycle of software solutions. 4 Execution We identified and selected several promising techniques and tools. The selection was done to using a "Paradigm Shifting Technique"[17] that is illustrated shown in Figure 1. The selection criteria favours object oriented technologies

Concept Java Framework

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Simplified Framework for developing Object Oriented Rich Internet Applications (Java+Vaadin+DB4O+AspectJ). It uses the "Paradigm Shifting Technique" to identify opportunities and obstacles.

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Page 1: Concept Java Framework

Concept Framework (2012­1014)(Layers, Tiers and Barriers)

Diego E. Malpica Chauvet et al.www.openkowledge.mx, diego­[email protected]

AbstractSimplified Framework for developing Object Oriented Rich Internet Applications1 IntroductionIn these last two decades there has been a lot of advances in information technology, there is so much change that it isessential to continuously review the adequacy and effectiveness of our paradigms.Our current paradigms for example the ones related with multi­tier architectures can get in our way becoming effectivebarriers against software quality. In this paper we present part of our work dedicated to review our current paradigms:tools, techniques and architectures.There are lot of tools and techniques that may help to increase the quality by reducing the complexity and cost. They allshare common goals that can be expressed as a set of factors [1][2] like:

Flexibility: The ease with which a system or component can be modified for use in applications orenvironments other than those for which it was specifically designed.Maintainability: The ease with which a software system or component can be modified to correct faults,improve performance, or other attributes, or adapt to a changed environment.Re­usability: The degree to which a software module or other work product can be used in more than onecomputing program or software system.Scalability: The ease with which a system or component can adjust to changing load.

2 HypothesisA broader use of Object Oriented Techniques may substantially increase solution development quality reducingcomplexity and cost.Multi­tier architectures represented by mayor platforms .Net, and JEE have become barriers that difficult to usetechniques like Object Oriented and Aspect Oriented. Tiers are mainly based in t functional decomposition Top­Downtechniques.Each tier may increases the complexity to establish contexts, and to coordinate events and actions.The communication between layers can have a severe negative impact in the complexity and performance of thesolutions.3 StrategyWe try various promising object oriented tools and techniques isolating one time efforts in a framework from effort ofdeveloping specific solutions. So we made two efforts: One effort to develop a framework that we named "ConceptFramework"[3], and other to develop a end user application using the framework that we called "Share Center"[4].These are the main requirements for the "Share Center" application:

Provide and Integral solution considering three mayor topics in the problem domain: Knowledge, Contentand Commitment Management.Support for at least 1000 users with high concurrency.Define an updated architecture and tools considering the problem domain and the quality factors thataffect the full life cycle of software solutions.

4 ExecutionWe identified and selected several promising techniques and tools. The selection was done to using a "ParadigmShifting Technique"[17] that is illustrated shown in Figure 1. The selection criteria favours object oriented technologies

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with common tools and knowledge base in order to increase re­utilization and reduce the number of specialities neededto develop a solution. As metrics we defined the specialities needed for development and the number of modelsneeded/used to document and implement the solution. The last criteria we used for the selection of technologies is theone that defines a promising technology for our work we define a promising technology as the one that has stated (evenin an informally brochure) that they may increase the return of investment , reduce the complexity and/or cost.4.1 Paradigm Shifting

Paradigm Shiftingfrom 1991 to 2013

2005 BUP & EPF













Social Technologies

1979 Unix1981 MS­DOS

1966 DOS

1985 Windows

1991 Linux

2007 Linux Android

1993 Newton

1988 Mac

2004 Linux­Ubuntu

1978 80861982 286

1993 Pentium

2006 Dual Core2007 Quad Core

2011 10 Core

1988 SUN softpc

1979 IBM VM

1997 MAC virtualpc

1998 VMWare

2003 XEN

2008 KVM

1993 Newton

2007 Kindle 2010 Ipad2011 Galaxy

2007 IPhone2007 Android

1991 HTML

1995 AWT

1999 JSP

2002 Vaadin

1992 OpenGL

2006 GWT 1.0

2004 JSF 1.0

1993 Mosaic

1994 Newton1994 Netscape

1996 Safari1998 Firefox

1995 IExplorer

2011 BBerry

2011 FFox M

2011 Chrome

2007 Safari M2008 Android M

2008 Chrome2009 Opera M

2001 Explorer M1996 Apache

1987 CMM

1989 ITIL

1991 SCRUM1993 MSF

1999 XP

2003 RUP

1998 ASP1996 Flash

2007 SilverLight

1999 GPU


1996 Palm

2000 PocketPC2001 Win XP

2009 Win 7

1996 Win NT

1987 OS/2

1984 GNU

2008 Atom

2002 CMMI

1990 WWW 2000 PocketPC






2011 Chrome M

2009 GWT 2.02007 Vaadin/GWT








1975 Tandem

1991 Tandem­Mips

2001 Tandem­Itanium

1975 Tandem T/TOS

1994 Tandem OSS (Unix)


2000 HTML 4

2008 HTML 5


2006 Linux 2.4

2011 Linux 3.0

2001 MAC OS 10

2012 MAC OS 10.8


2009 JSF 2.0

1997 WAP

2013 Vaadin 7

1970 DBMS1978 RDMS

1979 Oracle

1997 Oracle ORDBMS

1994 Mysql

2004 DB4O

2001 HSQL

2005 H2

1980 OODMS

1988 Oracle RDBMS

1979 MVC

1980 OSI

1998 XML

1981 RPC

1996 DCOM

1997 RMI

1998 SOAP

2000 REST

2007 Cloud

2000 Ajax

1997 MVP 1987 Sybase RDBMS

1989 Microsoft SQL

1967 Object Oriented

1983 Internet

1970 Chat1970 Enail

1991 WWW­3 Layer

2002 RIA

2002 Prevayler

1972 C1972 SQL

1983 C++

2001 AspectJ2001 C#2003 Scala 1999 J2EE

2000 .NET2001 Hibernate

2006 OpenJDK2005 Harmony

1967 Simula

1968 BI

1980 BPMS

1970 Ecommerce

1984 Staroffice1989 MS office1990 ERP

2000 OpenOffice

2006 Google Docs

2011 MS Off365

2000 RSA Public

1991 ISO­S. Engineering1993 ISO­S. Process

1960 RFC

1950 Freesoftware

1970 BBS

1958 Lisp1959 Cobol

2007 Clojure

2004 BPMN

2004 OODVS

2009 JSF 2.0

2002 Spring2000 Liferay

1991 MS Visual Basic

2004 Eclipse

1991 MS Power Builder

2012Win Phone 8

1985 MacApp

1995 Java1996 Cocoa

1991 MS Visual Basic

1995 Wikis1997 Google

1998 Opensource1999 Sourceforge

2001 Wikipedia2003 Linkedin

2004 Facebook

1990 WWW

1995 MS Visual Studio

1997 Netbeans

1995 Java

1995 PHP1995 JavaScript

1997 UML

2012 Win 8, WinServer2012 Linux U Unity

2012 Linux Android 4.1

2008 Hyper­V

Granted ObsoleteOld and ValidTargetNew Promissing

2009 Mongo DB

2007 Amazon EC2

2009 Windows Azure2009 Google Apps Engine

2010 OpenStack

2006 Twitter1999 RSS

2006 OpenUP

2001 OWASP & ISO­Security

1993 MSF

1993 EDI

2004 PCI

1990 Versant ObjecttDB

2007 Hadoop

2010 Maria DB

1980 DIS

1993 CORBA

2000 HLA

1998 Java 3D

1995 VRML

2004 Hypper Threading

1980 Small talk MVC

2004 Naked Objects

Figure 14.1.1 Multi Layer/Tier Architectures(Top­Down)Layers : "Logical layers are merely a way of organizing your code. Typical layers include Presentation, Business andPersistence ”the same as the traditional 3­tier model. But when we are talking about layers, we are only talking aboutlogical organization of code. In no way is it implied that these layers might run on different computers or in differentprocesses on a single computer or even in a single process on a single computer. All we are doing is discussing a wayof organizing a code into a set of layers defined by specific function"[5][6]. Typical layers are:

Presentation Layer : User Interface, the main function is to translate the tasks and results to something theuser can understand.Business Layer : Coordinates the application processes commands and make logical decisions andevaluations, and performs calculations. I moves and processes data between the two surrounding layers.Persistence Layer : Information store and retrieval from data base system.

Tiers: "Physical tiers however, are only about where the code runs. Specifically, tiers are places where layers aredeployed and where layers run. In other words, tiers are the physical deployment of layers".[5][6].

Page 3: Concept Java Framework


Persistency (DB4O)

Same Model and Same Paradigms(Tools)(Java,AspectJ)

Presentation (Vaadin)



PresentationDocument Oriented

LogicObject Oriented

PersistenceRelational Oriented

PresentationObject Oriented

LogicObject Oriented

PersistenceObject Oriented

Diferent Models and Same Paradigms(Tools)

PresentationObject Oriented

LogicObject Oriented

PersistenceObject Oriented

Diferent Models and Diferent Paradigms(Tools)

Same Model and Same Paradigms(Tools)

4.1.2 Object Oriented Architectures (OO)An object­oriented system[7] is composed of objects. The behavior of the system results from the collaboration of thoseobjects. Collaboration between objects involves them sending messages to each other. Sending a message differs fromcalling a function in that when a target object receives a message, it decides on its own what function to carry out toservice that message. The same message may be implemented by many different functions, the one selected dependingon the state of the target object. Object Oriented Systems[8] are constructed as structured collections of abstract datatypes implementations.4.1.3 Service Oriented Architecture s (SOA)In software engineering, a service­oriented architecture is a set of principles and methodologies for designing anddeveloping software in the form of inter­operable services. These services are well­defined business functionalities thatare built as software components (discrete pieces of code and/or data structures) that can be reused for differentpurposes. SOA design principles are used during the phases of systems development and integration. [9]4.1.4 Model View Controller (MVC) ArchitectureA model view controller[9] (design pattern), separates concerns in tree roles:

Model: A model notifies its associated views and controllers when there has been a change in its state.This notification allows the views to produce updated output, and the controllers to change the availableset of commands.View: A view requests from the model the information that it needs to generate an output representation.Controller: A controller can send commands to its associated view to change the view's presentation of themodel (e.g., by scrolling through a document). It can send commands to the model to update the model'sstate (e.g., editing a document).

4.1.5 Model View Presenter (MVP) ArchitectureModel­View­Presenter is a derivative of the Model­View­Controller (MVC) software pattern, also used mostly for buildinguser interfaces. In MVP the presenter assumes the functionality of the middle­man (played by the controller in MVC). InMVP, all presentation logic is pushed to the presenter. Eventually, the model becomes strictly a domain model.MVP is a user interface design pattern engineered to facilitate automated unit testing and improve the separation ofconcerns in presentation logic:

Model: is an interface defining the data to be displayed or otherwise acted upon in the user interface.View: is a passive interface that displays data (the model) and routes user commands (events) to the

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presenter to act upon that data.Presenter: The Presenter acts upon the model and the view. It retrieves data from repositories (the model),and formats it for display in the view.

4.1.6 Naked Objects ArchitectureNaked objects favors a Object Oriented Approach that is based in the following principles [18][19]:

All business logic should be encapsulated onto the domain objects. This principle is not unique to nakedobjects: it is just a strong commitment to encapsulation .The user interface should be a direct representation of the domain objects, with all user actions consisting,explicitly, of creating or retrieving domain objects and/or invoking methods on those objects. This principleis also not unique to naked objects: it is just a specific interpretation of an object­oriented userinterface(OOUI).The original idea in the naked objects pattern arises from the combination of these two, to form the thirdprinciple:The user interface should be created 100% automatically from the definition of the domain objects. Thismay be done using several different technologies, including source code generation; implementations ofthe naked objects pattern to date have favoured the technology of reflection.

4.2 ToolsThese are the tools that we found interesting in terms of improving productivity by promoting the use of object orientedapproaches.4.2.1 Business Layer (Code Quality)There are several quality metrics that can be measured and enforced in object oriented code that may increasedeveloper productivity and example may be: Increase In Developer Productivity When Using Jtest 90% . [11]4.2.2 Presentation Layer(GWT/Vaadin)"The server­side development model doubles productivity by automating everything related to browser and ajaxcommunication. Built­in themes make your application look great, data sources help you connect to the backend and theUI components make building a great user experience easy. You could say that Vaadin is a superset of GWT forbusiness oriented applications with focus on developer productivity. [12]4.2.3 Persistence Layer (DB4O)No time is spent on learning a separate data manipulation or query language. Unlike incumbent, string­based, non­native APIs (such as SQL, OQL, JDOQL and others) Native Queries and LINQ are 100% type­safe, 100% refactorableand 100% object­oriented, boosting developer productivity by up to 30%. [13]4.2.4 Cross­cutting (AspectJ)To integrate different tools may be difficult, object oriented tools may be complemented using aspect oriented tools totake care of cross­cutting concerns. [14]"In computing, aspect­oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity byallowing the separation of cross­cutting concerns. AOP forms a basis for aspect­oriented software development.AOP includes programming methods and tools that support the modularization of concerns at the level of the sourcecode, while aspect­oriented software development refers to a whole engineering discipline."[14]5 ResultsWe manage to isolated two objective and relevant metrics that are number of models and number of specialities used asa key indicators of the complexity and the effort needed to implement a solution.We measure our architecture against conventional architectures and we obtained the following numbers:

Architecture Granted­Paradigms Reviewed Frameworks Reviewed Architecture

Overall CharacterizationDifferent ModelsDifferent ToolsSeparation of Concerns

Different ModelsSame ToolsSeparation of Concerns

Same ModelSame ToolsSeparation of ConcernsCrosscut Concerns


DocumentsHTML(1)ObjectsJScript(2)Object Document MappersJSP(3)

ObjectsJava(1), Vaadin(2)

ObjectsJava(1),Vaadin(2),DBO(3),Application Objects Objects

Page 5: Concept Java Framework

Java(4), EJBs(5) Java(1), Vaadin(2), DB4O(3) AspectJ(4)

PersistenceRelational TablesSQL(5)Object Relational MappersJPA(6)


Models 3 3 1

Specialities 6 3 4

Complexity 18 9 4We generated a single model for the solution.

Concept Concept





Container BaseI







Person Group

ProjectPermision CommentCommitment








Figure 2: Object Model

Page 6: Concept Java Framework

Figure 3: "Share Center" Solution.6. Conclusions6.1 We manage to use one model instead of three and to avoid the principal physical and logical barriers whilemaintaining a good concern separation and modularization. The numbers of specialities (languages and tools) neededwas significantly reduced.The main requirements was cover with and must of the effort was for the framework(first timeeffort).6.2 Regarding or initial hypothesis we confirmed that a top­down approach is generalized in the multi tier architecturesbeen its main representatives .Net and J2EE.6.3 There are big opportunities for increase the productivity by the broad use object oriented techniques and tools.6.4 By promoting object/aspect oriented approaches we are in the way of diminishing barriers in order to reduce thecomplexity of the solutions.7. Future WorkWe will continue our work to validate and measure the productivity achievements as a constant effortAfter the fist internal release we will work on the open source release for the "Concept framework" and the "ShareCenter" Application.8. Licences

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9. References[1] "Object­oriented Software Construction" , Bertrand Meyer. Prentice Hall International Series in Computer Science,1988, Great Britain.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object­Oriented_Software_Construction[2] "Metrics in software quality assurance" , J. E. Gaffney Jr., ACM '81 Proceedings of the ACM '81 conference, Pages126­130. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=809854[3] "Concept Framework" ,https://sc.openknowledge.mx/Concept/file/byUUID/Concept:44728873887432704/ConceptFramework.html[4] "Share Center" , https://sc.openknowledge.mx/Concept/file/byUUID/Concept:44728987337293824/ShareCenter.html[5] "Multitier architecture" , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multitier_architecture[6] "The difference between layers and tiers" ,http://stackoverflow.com/questions/120438/whats­the­difference­between­layers­and­tiers[7] "Object Oriented Analysis and Design" ,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object­oriented_analysis_and_design[8] "Object Oriented Software Construction" ,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object­Oriented_Software_Construction[9] "Model View Controller",http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller[11] "Java Software Quality Assurance", http://www.parasoft.com/jsp/products/product_roi.jsp[12] "Object­Oriented Presentation Layer", https://vaadin.com/gwt[13] "Object­Oriented Persistence Layer", http://community.versant.com/documentation/reference/db4o­8.1/java/reference/[14] "Aspect­Oriented Cross­cutting Concerns",http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaspect­oriented_programming[15] "CMMI Level 5", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capability_Maturity_Model_Integration[16] "Model View Presenter", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model­view­presenter[17] "Paradigm Shifting",https://sc.openknowledge.mx/Concept/file/byUUID/Concept:44729127908573184/ParadigmShifting.html[18] "Naked Object Principles Wikipedia", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naked_objects[19] "Naked Object Principles Richard Pawson's PhD thesis ",

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